The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1622 Public Totems (for Subscription)

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The young man stepped forward and took out two gem-like golden eyes, and said, "This is the eagle eye of my eagle ancestor."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu took the pair of eyes with a smile, and then checked their strength. The other four also took out their own treasures. Two of them were ordinary race treasures, which were useless to Zhao Fu, but two were ancestors' treasures. .

One is a silver skull, not a human being, but a silver goblin skull, emitting a slight silver light, and the aura it carries is not weak.

The other is a corpse. This corpse is short in stature, with dry and wrinkled skin. It is the ancestor corpse of a goblin. It carries a powerful coercion. The power of the ancestor contained in it must not be too weak.

Zhao Fu took the two ancestral artifacts into his hands, checked them, smiled with satisfaction, and put them into the storage ring together.

Feeling the terrifying aura emanating from Zhao Fu, the young man said respectfully, "My lord! Can we take away our relatives now?"

Seeing the cold and serious look of their brother or father, the five women felt that they would be severely punished if they went back, and they couldn't help feeling a little scared in their hearts. The trouble they caused this time was not small at all.

Now they don't want to go back, don't want to be crippled, they just want to stay by Zhao Fu's side and serve Zhao Fu together.

At this time, Zhao Fu also opened his mouth and said, "Now they are my maids, so they stay with me, but you can rest assured that this secret will not be leaked out, and here are a few things for you."

After all, taking possession of their younger sister or daughter's body, and forcing them to give three kinds of ancestral items, Zhao Fu felt a little sorry, so he gave them a few more precious treasures as rewards.

This made them unexpectedly, but after checking the properties of the treasure, they couldn't help showing a smile. Since Zhao Fu didn't want to let the women leave, they could only take the treasure and return to the Eagle people together.

Afterwards, the five beautiful women also returned here, and Zhao Fu took them and the five Yingren women back to the team.

The sexy Ying woman is named Ying Mei Ni, the enchanting Ying woman is named Ying Can, the quiet Ying woman is named Ying Wenwen, the bold Ying woman is Ying Wu, and the delicate Ying woman is named Ying Shame.

The patriarch of the five beautiful women Yuren is named Yu Sisi, the pungent and beautiful woman is Yu Huhuo, the charming and charming woman is named Yu Yuyu, the gentle and beautiful woman is named Yurou, and the gloomy and beautiful woman is named Yu Yinyin.

Now they are divided into two rows and stand in front of Zhao Fu. One row is mature and attractive, and the other row is young and beautiful. Logically speaking, the relationship between them is mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but both sides seem to dislike each other, in order to promote harmony.

Zhao Fu raped them together, tasted their taste, and let them get along well in the future.

A few hours later, the girls lay powerless together, their faces flushed and panting, the two sides clinging to each other, there was no previous barrier, and both sides accepted each other.

Zhao Fu had already got up, came to an open space, and took out five ancestral objects. This was the first time Zhao Fu had obtained so many ancestral objects, and he was very happy, so he planned to take out the five ancestral objects Refining is going back.

The first was the pair of eagle eyes. Zhao Fu injected some power, and the two eyeballs emitted a strong golden light, like two golden light balls, and the golden light balls were not big, about the size of a lychee.

Zhao Fu opened his mouth and inhaled, swallowed two golden light balls into his stomach, and then began to lighten up. The golden eyeballs were separated by a little bit, and then merged into Zhao Fu's body, and many of them merged into Zhao Fu's eyes.

This made Zhao Fu's eyes sharper, and at the same time, Zhao Fu's back tingled, and a totem of a golden eagle appeared.

Next was the Featherman Spirit Crystal, and Zhao Fu also injected some power into it. The Featherman Spirit Crystal emitted intense white light and turned into a ball-sized white light ball, and a powerful force spread out.

Zhao Fu controlled the ball of light to melt into his chest, and a powerful force also spread out from Zhao Fu's body.

The huge white power poured into Zhao Fu's body, and continuously merged into Zhao Fu's body. The ball of light finally merged into Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu's body emitted white light, and a white feathered figure appeared on Zhao Fu's back.

Then there was the remnant soul of the dwarf ancestor, Zhao Fu injected powerful power into it, and that ball of light emitted a strong light, and a phantom of a dwarf appeared in front of Zhao Fu, and the phantom continuously absorbed the surrounding power, become solidified.


The moment the dwarf's figure solidified, the dwarf punched Zhao Fu fiercely with terrifying force, as if to smash Zhao Fu's head.

Zhao Fu was expressionless, and stretched out a hand to easily grab the fist that hit him, and then the palm of his hand emitted a strong black light, creating a suction force that sucked the dwarf's body into his own.

At the same time, Zhao Fu began to refine the dwarf's body. A powerful dwarf ancestor power spread in Zhao Fu's body, causing Zhao Fu's physique to gradually improve, and a gray dwarf totem emerged from Zhao Fu's back.

Then, it was the goblin skull, which Zhao Fu took out and injected its power into. The skull flew into the sky, emitting a strong silver light, and the power of heaven and earth gathered continuously, causing sudden changes in the situation.

The silvery silver skull absorbed the huge power of heaven and earth, and turned into a 100-meter-large goblin dressed in silver and with a terrifying aura.

Zhao Fu then released the iron chain, tied up the goblin ancestor, pulled it to him, stretched out a hand, sucked it into his body, and started refining.

ah ah ah...

The goblin kept screaming in Zhao Fu's body, his body separated little by little, and merged into Zhao Fu's body,

Countless silver lights emanated from Zhao Fu's body, and a silver goblin totem appeared on Zhao Fu's back.

Finally, there was the corpse of the goblin ancestor. Zhao Fu emitted countless black mist to cover the goblin corpse. The goblin corpse melted little by little, and finally turned into a ball of black liquid.

Zhao Fu opened his mouth and sucked the black liquid into his mouth. The black liquid quickly spread in Zhao Fu's body. Zhao Fu absorbed the liquid with all his strength, and his back started to tingle again. A black goblin totem emerged from Zhao Fu's back.

Refining the five ancestors, Zhao Fu showed a smile.

Now Zhao Fu has twenty-three totems on his body, namely the Jackal Totem, the Tauren Totem, the Werewolf Totem, the Lizard Totem, the Kobold Totem, the Pig Totem, the Orc Totem, the Leopard Totem, the Goat Totem, and the Fox Totem. Clan totem, snake man totem, centaur totem.

Tiger Totem, Rat Totem, Elephant Totem, Rhino Totem, Deer Totem, Bear Totem, Eagle Totem, Feather Totem, Goblin Totem, Dwarf Totem, Goblin Totem.

Speaking of twenty-three racial totems will definitely shock people, because it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to have two totems, let alone twenty-three, which can definitely be said to be a miracle.

He took the girls back to the team, and finally arrived at the Tenth Hospital of the Other World two days later.


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