The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1735 Holy Beast

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The power of alchemy is a kind of creation, life, and mechanical power. As long as you have the power of alchemy, you can create various items, turn stones into metals, create things from scratch, and even give life to cold metal.

The strong in the alchemy world are those who have the ability to create powerful mechanical life forms out of thin air, and the more powerful people, the more terrifying things they create.

To deal with this kind of power, you need a kind of destruction, death, and the power of fire, that is to say, the powerful power of destruction, and the power of death, and the power of fire can deal with the power of alchemy.

Zhao Fu thought that the power of chaos and chaos should be very effective for the power of alchemy, because the attributes of chaos and chaos are chaos and destruction.

It's time to give it a try and see if the chaotic energy can restrain the power of alchemy.

In fact, the Philosopher's Stone is also considered a very good treasure. Now almost everyone in the alchemy world has it, which makes their overall battle higher than Tianqi's side, and it is also more difficult for the opponent.

Zhao Fu wondered whether the Philosopher's Stone could be used by Da Qin, so he asked this question in detail, and got detailed results.

The answer is of course impossible, because the power of alchemy is an innate power and also a power of rules. Unless you have the blood of the alchemy world, it is impossible to have the power of alchemy.

Even if you swallow the Philosopher's Stone in your stomach, or integrate it into your body, the alchemy power will only erode your body, and will not allow you to have the alchemy power.

However, Zhao Fu also has a detailed understanding of the principles and methods of forming the Philosopher's Stone, and plans to try it later to see if he can create a Philosopher's Stone that is exclusive to Great Qin.

Zhao Fu felt that the creative power of the Eight Forbidden Blood Technique was somewhat similar to the creative power of the alchemy power, and maybe it could be used to create the Philosopher's Stone.

There is also all the information about the holy beast. In the alchemy world, every family or organization has a corresponding holy beast, and those holy beasts are related to the family's alchemy imprint.

For example, the woman in front of her and other people who were arrested belonged to the Mu Gui family, and they were named after Mu. The woman's name was Mu Minxian. Not very high either.

As for why it is called the Wooden Turtle Family, it is because they are bound together with something similar to a turtle nest, and that turtle nest will constantly refresh mechanical turtles. The family only needs to cultivate them with all their strength, and they will become holy beasts after transformation.

These refreshed mechanical turtles are firmly bound to the family, so they need the family's alchemy mark to use, and others have no ability at all.

The powerful mechanical ghost lair, to a certain extent, is also rooted in the blessing of some bloodline attributes of the family, making the family's alchemy imprint related to Gui Nei.

If it is bound to an ape's lair, then its family holy beast is an ape, and the imprint is also related to apes. If it is bound to a bird's nest, then its family holy beast is a bird, and the imprint is also related to birds.

If Zhao Fu wanted that kind of holy beast, unless there was a way to make the whole family surrender and take possession of the product of the fusion of the family's alchemy stone and the lair, otherwise there was no way to use that kind of holy beast.

However, Zhao Fu was quite pleasantly surprised, because this could at least annex these family forces, so that Daqin would also develop in the alchemy world. It would not be the same as the chaotic world. It could only rely on killing to obtain materials and points, and it did not have too much strength at all. increase.

The last is the geographical location. The alchemy world is the same as other worlds. It is divided into the inner domain, the middle domain, and the outer domain. In the previous place, the outer domain is next to the middle domain.

Zhao Fu thought it had something to do with strength, because Great Qin already had nine worlds and was about to become a kingdom. If it was an ordinary principality, it should be in the middle of the outer domains.

After figuring out everything, Zhao Fu found Baishan, Gongsun Zhu and Gongsun Lin.

With a happy smile, Bai Shan said respectfully, "Your Majesty! What can I do for you?"

Zhao Fu gave him the Philosopher's Stone with a smile, and told him some things about the Philosopher's Stone, asking him to take someone to study it.

Holding the Philosopher's Stone, Bai Shan looked at it with great interest. If Daqin's research is successful, it will not only enhance Daqin's strength, but also heal the injuries he suffered in the future, which is more important to Daqin.

Princess Zhu said with a smile, "Your Majesty! Why are you looking for us?"

Gongsun Lin looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of beautiful eyes, and snorted softly, "Come to us if you have something to do, and it's hard to see us if you don't have time."

Zhao Fu smiled apologetically, took out various materials obtained from the alchemy world, and said, "Now you can see if these materials can also be incorporated into weapons."

Seeing a lot of materials, the two sisters put their eyes directly on the materials, their eyes shone with light, and they immediately stepped forward to check the materials. For them, finding good materials and making top-notch equipment is what they pursue all their lives.

"Your Majesty! This kind of material feels so special. It looks like ore metal, but it also looks like the material of living things. Although it is not spiritual, it has a magical vitality. If it is made into equipment, it will be a very strange kind of material." Equipment." Gongsun Zhu said with a pleasant smile.

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "This is the material of the alchemy world. That world is a world where machinery and life gather together, so there is this material."

Gongsun Zhu looked at the materials again, nodded, and couldn't wait to try the materials, so he left with Gongsun Lin and many materials.

Baishan also brought the crowd

Many Sage Stones then left.

Zhao Fu was also anxious about civil and military officials, discussing various matters in the alchemy world, mainly how to build a garrison, as well as various issues of defense and military strength.

There are really many battlefields opened up by Daqin now, and each of them requires a large number of troops, so this time there will not be too many troops entering the alchemy world. After Zhao Fu discussed with everyone, he plans to send 500 million troops in.

Moreover, Zhao Fu has seen the power of these alchemy worlds, so the troops entering are not to go in and kill, but to defend, first build a cornerstone for Daqin, and then wait for the large-scale deployment of troops.

Afterwards, the experiment on the restraint of the attributes of the alchemy world began, and Zhao Fu directly brought Mu Minxian to the power of the experiment.

Here is a newly captured worm beast, which looks like an ant, is black in color, the size of a calf, and has a chaotic atmosphere. It is now bound by an iron chain with Soldiers pulled.

That worm beast kept struggling, very ferocious, and wanted to break free from the chain, kill all the people around it, and then devour their bodies.


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