The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1736 Asking the Stone (for subscription)

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"Let go of it!" Zhao Fu said to the soldiers holding the chain on both sides.

When the soldiers heard Zhao Fu's words, they immediately let go of the iron chain. The worm beast looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, revealing a cruel and bloodthirsty gaze. With a ferocious aura, it rushed directly towards Zhao Fu.

Mu Minxian next to her took a step forward and stretched out a hand. One of her arms was a mechanized arm.

I saw a force gathered in the palm of the hand, the palm exuded a silver-white light, and an invisible force spread out, and a silver-white metal wall immediately protruded from the ground to block her.


That kind of worm slammed into the metal wall with great force, making a loud noise, and the sharp jaws pierced into the metal wall, leaving two marks a few inches deep.

Seeing that the beast couldn't break through the wall, it became mad and hit the metal wall hard, leaving scars and pits, which was shocking.

In the end, seeing that the worm couldn't break through the wall, it could only look at the soldier next to it, and rushed towards the soldier ferociously.

Zhao Fu didn't need to make a move. The soldier held a long spear and stabbed it hard. The long spear thrust out like lightning with astonishing power, directly piercing through the head of the worm beast, and the worm beast died on the spot.

Zhao Fu walked near the wall, looked at the wall carefully, and found that the chaotic power was indeed able to overcome the power of alchemy, weakening the power of alchemy and falling into chaos.

The imprint on the wall, the naked eye can tell that some metals are constantly disintegrating, and the imprint gradually becomes a few strands larger. Zhao Fu asked the soldiers to take the world-opening weapon and attack the wall with the same force, but the same effect could not be achieved.

Zhao Fu couldn't help being a little surprised. If he took the materials from the chaotic world and went to the alchemy world to build a defense, he would directly restrain the alchemy creatures, greatly increasing the security of the base, and it could also be made into weapons to directly attack the alchemy world creatures.

However, Daqin has no way to directly use materials from the chaotic world, because it also restrains people from the world of apocalypse, so what is needed is that kind of fusion material.

This is also thanks to Sister Gongsun Lin, who found a way to fuse the materials of the two worlds, so Zhao Fu gave them the materials of the alchemy world to study, and hoped that they would also find surprises in the future.

As for the materials, Zhao Fu didn't have to worry about it, because he had spent a lot of time in the chaotic world and collected a large amount of materials, which was enough to meet Daqin's needs.

Later, when entering the alchemy world to build a resident, Zhao Fu sent many strong men to sit there, mainly to prevent the holy beasts in the alchemy world from suddenly attacking, which would cause great damage to Hui Daqin.

The first is to build the city walls. The materials of these city walls are mixed with the materials of the chaotic world and the world of apocalypse, and then fired into huge stone bricks. With some arrays and emergency, this wall is enough to resist the attack initiated by the holy beast. Ferocious attack.

After the city wall was built, it was time to place the redemption stele. Zhao Fu couldn't help but look at it curiously, remembering the reminder given by Apocalypse World before, the reward items were updated, and the level of the reward items was increased.

The result is quite shocking. The number of various artifacts and immortal artifacts is several times higher than before, and there are even a lot of immortal-level exercises, and a kind of divine material that Zhao Fu was looking for before, which is the material for refining the world consciousness, can be exchanged for There are also steles.

That kind of material is called Wenwen Stone. This kind of stone is a stone that contains the power of heaven. It is very powerful. Originally, the source of iron is more precious, and it is usually used as a treasure.

And the Asking Stone also greatly improves the practice, it can help people comprehend faster, and the speed of practice will be faster.

There is also the world-class title system, which can now be directly exchanged for titles at the exchange stone tablet. This kind of world-class title has a bonus effect on luck, and can make the territory regain the production attribute, and avoid the weakening given by the world of apocalypse.

Wasn't the power of the region, the power of the country, the power of luck, and the power of the city all weakened before? If you exchange for a world-class title now, you can avoid these weakenings.

The most important thing is that they can also exchange territories directly. For example, Zhao Fu can now exchange a nearby world as his own territory. This is a territory recognized by the Apocalypse World. No one can resist. Even if he resists, it will have no effect. Can resist the apocalypse world consciousness? That is simply impossible.

However, there is also a limitation, that is, the territories exchanged cannot be the territories of forces participating in the interface war.

That is to say, all the territory of the forces below the principality can be exchanged, and those forces have no right to choose. Even if the territory belongs to them, they will still be expelled directly. Become a landless person.

There are also some countries that have not completed the points task and have been punished, and their national territories can also be exchanged.

At the same time, they can also exchange a large number of their populations. These populations will be directly owned by the exchangers, and they are basically unable to resist, because there is a punishment for the crime of traitor, and all attributes will be weakened by 80%. In severe cases, they may die directly.

In the past, some people might still envy those forces below the Principality, they didn't have to worry about anything, and they didn't have to take huge risks to participate in the interface war. Now it seems that it's not easy.

If someone exchanges their territory, they have no choice at all, and they will all be expelled from the territory. At this time, they can only pray that no one will exchange their territory.

Of course, the exchange of land and population requires a huge amount of points. If it is not an urgent need, it should not be exchanged.

After reading many updated items, this is

It is indeed quite heart-warming. Apocalypse World Consciousness has put a lot of effort into this war. It is right to think about it, now the Apocalypse world has to face two worlds of the same level, and it is facing tremendous pressure.

Although Zhao Fu now has the Heaven Sealing Formation and can leave the Apocalypse World at any time, Zhao Fu still tries not to have such a day, because it is too dangerous to return to the town in the endless void. Who knows how many other worlds are similar to the Apocalypse World, Chaos World, and Alchemy World.

There is no chance of escaping when they meet them, because Daqin doesn't even count an ant when facing them, and he will be killed in an instant.

In the base of the Alchemy World, Zhao Fu intends to hand over to Wang Jian to sit in charge, build up its defense first, and launch an attack on other opponents when there is a solid guarantee.

The woman Mu Minxian performed very well, and Zhao Fu also used her heavily, and she also actively cooperated with Da Qin, and explained some nearby situations in detail, so that Da Qin had some precautions early.

And Mu Minxian did this not without purpose, that is, after Zhao Fu captured their family, she must be the patriarch of the Mugui family.


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