The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1737 War

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The fact that Daqin built such a large base here quickly alarmed the four forces here. Naturally, they also wanted to attack Daqin directly, but looking at the swarms of troops and the strong men in the sky, For the time being, he didn't dare to make a move against Da Qin.

At this time, Daqin didn't care about them, and quickly built his own defense, which was the main purpose.

However, a few days later, about 300 million alchemy soldiers and thousands of holy beasts attacked Daqin.

In fact, if Daqin soldiers don't use other things to deal with alchemy soldiers, they will still be at the same level of cultivation. Daqin soldiers may lose against alchemy soldiers, because the alchemy soldiers' alchemy power is very difficult to deal with.

However, Daqin's side is also all silver-quality suits, and they all incorporate the power of darkness. They are not much worse than alchemy soldiers, but they don't have much advantage.

But the alchemy soldiers attacking one side didn't know the true strength of Daqin for the time being, and they thought it was an ordinary Apocalypse force, and 300 million troops came to attack.

The soldiers who attacked were also very strong, stronger than the second-tier soldiers, and Daqin's side was not a first-tier soldier either. Also a Tier 2 soldier.

Because of the presence of Mu Minxian, Daqin has a certain understanding of everything in the vicinity, and the first-level soldiers are useless here, unless they deal with some of the most remote local forces in the outer domain of the alchemy world. These forces are very weak, so the cultivation of troops is also a order effect.

But in Alchemy Outland, the most basic force is basically Tier 2. If you don't have this strength, you still have to retreat to some more remote places as soon as possible and rearrange the gate of war, otherwise the end will be miserable.

Both sides are people from two worlds, and there is nothing to say when they meet, people from the alchemy world directly launched an attack.

The way they attack is also quite special. The person who charges first holds metal spears in his hands, and while charging vigorously, he uses the power of the charge to project those spears.

Boom boom boom...

Those shot spears disappeared, and magic circles appeared in the void, and more spears appeared, with a sharp momentum, shooting towards the city wall of Daqin, so densely packed that it was impossible to count, the scene was very scary .

Without hesitation, Zhao Fu activated the defensive cover directly, and a gray defensive cover emerged. The metal spears collided with it, clanging, some were blocked and flew out, some were broken and shot, and the defensive cover was also damaged.

People in the Alchemy World did not expect that the defensive cover was so strong, and Zhao Fu was also a little surprised by the powerful attack of the Alchemy World.

This gray energy shield was also combined with the power of the chaotic world, but after enduring the first wave of fear, some small cracks appeared.

Seeing that the Great Qin's defense could not be broken, the Alchemy World directly began to use the holy beasts of war. The ground shook continuously, and huge monsters appeared with a terrifying sense of oppression.

Those thousands of terrifying holy beasts are actually more terrifying than hundreds of thousands of beasts. Each of them is at least 1,000 meters in size, and there are huge gun barrels behind them, as if they can destroy everything. No one can resist them

At this time, countless gun barrels emitted intense light, and an extremely terrifying force spread out, which was shocking.

Boom boom boom...

A series of astonishing beams of light shot out, shooting at the defensive cover with the power to destroy everything. The light illuminated all directions, and the speed was also very fast. The sky was covered with countless beams, and the picture was very scary.

bang bang bang...

Beams of beams bombarded the defensive cover, making loud noises, and the cracks in the defensive cover became more and more, eventually turning into countless fragments and dissipating.

Seeing that the defense cover of Daqin had been blasted through, countless alchemy soldiers smiled and were about to launch the next wave of offensive.


Countless intense holy lights emerged, and envoys a hundred meters high appeared with a powerful aura, stretched out a hand, and faced the countless holy beasts.

Boom boom boom...

A huge stream of white light, with the power to destroy everything, shot at the countless holy beasts, bringing out stream marks, and the space seemed to be trembling.

Although Daqin doesn't have war holy beasts, it has similar means. Zhao Fu also understands that the biggest threat is those war holy beasts, so he should destroy those holy beasts as soon as possible, so that the battlefield will be beneficial to him.

Those who controlled the holy beasts were also shocked, and hurriedly activated their defenses. Huge defensive shields emerged one after another, covering the bodies of the holy beasts.

Boom boom boom...

Streams of white light bombarded the defensive cover, and there were explosions, countless strong lights spread out, and terrifying shock waves spread out one after another.

After everything subsided, only dozens of war holy beasts were destroyed, and they were still relatively small. There was nothing wrong with those large holy beasts.

Zhao Fu was also a little surprised, because the number of Holy Light Envoys summoned reached 50,000, and so many Holy Light Envoys hit the bombardment to destroy dozens of holy beasts. The defense of those holy beasts is really terrible.

And this time, they seized the opportunity to concentrate their firepower on these war holy beasts. There will be no such good opportunity next time.

The loss of dozens of holy beasts out of a thousand did not cause too much loss to the alchemy side, but it also made those holy beasts less unscrupulous than before, and looked more cautious.


At this time, the alchemy soldiers still launched a charge,

Countless people rushed over like a tide with a strong momentum, shaking the surroundings.

Behind the alchemy army, people wearing mechanical gloves gathered together, bursting out with a strong momentum, then squatted down, pressed the ground all over the ground, and an alchemy circle emerged.

The alchemy circle emits countless rays of light, and the huge alchemy power around it is injected into it, and an invisible force rushes forward.

Boom boom boom...

I saw a series of metal stairs protruding from the ground at a very fast speed, stretching towards the city wall built by Daqin. From a distance, it looks like a series of slanted steps leading from the ground to the city wall, which greatly weakens the function of the city wall .

Those alchemy troops stepped directly onto these metal steps, and came out to the Daqin soldiers on the city wall with a strong aura. The speed was also very fast, and they were about to be rushed up by those people.

Zhao Fu's heart tightened, and he directly ordered many holy light messengers to attack the countless metal stairs that stretched out.

Boom boom boom...

A series of powerful white streamers bombarded the metal staircase, and the metal staircase was directly shattered. Countless people fell down the stairs, and some were even hit by the streamers, and their bodies were blown into countless pieces.

But not long after, the broken metal ladder stretched out again, and it was the people behind the alchemy army who mobilized more power and injected it into the alchemy circle.


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