The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1751 Chaos

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Zhao Fu became a little interested, because the worm could eat the Philosopher's Stone. It is a powerful thing, and it doesn't belong to this world. A force will destroy the body, and may directly kill, or even explode the body.

"I don't know what will happen if this worm eats the Philosopher's Stone?"

Zhao Fu looked at the worm with a pair of eyes, waiting for the result, and about ten minutes passed.

ho ho ho ho...

The worm beast's face became painful, and it let out a scream, and its body fell to the ground and struggled vigorously, wisps of red breath emerged from the worm beast's body.

Zhao Fu knew that this was the power of the Philosopher's Stone, and that the alchemists had also used this power just now.

Looking at the painful worm, Zhao Fu didn't know what would happen next. Maybe the worm would digest the Philosopher's Stone, or it might die directly.

It didn't take long, only about half an hour, and the worm beast underwent an astonishing change. Its carapace also began to be slightly mechanized, and the worm beast was able to digest the power of the Philosopher's Stone.

Zhao Fu looked a little surprised at the scene in front of him. It was just Zhao Fu's guess that the insect beast could digest the Philosopher's Stone. He did not expect that the insect beast could really do it. This is an astonishing discovery.


An explosion sounded suddenly, but before Zhao Fu could react, the body of the worm exploded, and countless pieces of blood and flesh splashed out.

what happened? It was clear that it was fine before, but now it exploded again?

Zhao Fu stepped forward to examine it carefully, looking at the lumps of meat all over the floor, with a hint of alchemy power, and the slightly mechanized carapace, it proved that the insects and beasts were capable of absorbing the power of alchemy.

But how did the body of the worm explode in the end? And why, as a thing of another world, the insect beast can absorb the power of the sage, why can't it also be the person of the apocalypse of another world?

This is a very important question that needs to be studied carefully.

Afterwards, the insects and sage stones were sent here to start the experiment. Zhao Fu conducted the experiment himself, because if he could find out the reason, whether Daqin could also obtain the power of sages, then there was no need to find a large number of them. Time attribute item?

First of all, Zhao Fu forced a sage's stone into the mouth of a worm beast. After the worm ate the sage's stone, it immediately became painful, and there was a trace of alchemy power from its body, but it didn't Mechanization.


The insect suddenly exploded again, and countless pieces of blood and flesh flew out. Zhao Fu raised his energy shield to block the blood and flesh that flew over automatically, and his face became a little puzzled.

This worm seems to be able to absorb some alchemy power, and then explodes directly, there is no way to absorb too much.

Is it because of too much power? Thinking of this, Zhao Fu ordered the soldiers to grab a third-order worm beast and stuff it with a sage stone. The worm beast also showed pain when it ate the sage stone. Struggling on the ground, he let out a scream.

Wisps of alchemy power emerged from its body, and its carapace began to mechanize, a little higher than the first one, but the worm kept screaming in pain for more than half an hour.

Although there was no explosion, the insect beast died of pain in the end. It remained motionless on the ground, and the alchemy aura from its body also dissipated.

What's going on here? Zhao Fu felt a slight headache, and felt that some specialized people were still needed to do research, and ordinary people couldn't bear it.

But when the matter came to this point, Zhao Fu would not give up easily. With a wave of his hand, a sword light slashed out, opened the corpse of the worm beast, and took out the sage stone that had been eaten.

The Philosopher's Stone was originally the size of a lychee, but now it has become a few circles smaller. It can be seen that creatures in the chaotic world can digest the Philosopher's Stone, but even the power of alchemy has a great impact on the body. damage, that's why the worm died.

Could it be that the power of alchemy still cannot be possessed by people from other worlds? Daqin is only imitated, there is no way to use it directly.

And the worms were able to absorb and mechanize them, which meant that the worms had the ability to digest them, but it still caused this. Maybe this thing is really impossible. After thinking about it, Zhao Fu decided to give up the experiment.

Mu Minxian next to him said, "Your Majesty! I feel that the experiment can continue. The insect beast has the ability to digest the sage's stone. This function is very special. If you master this kind of digestion ability, you can also play a big role." effect."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu thought, this kind of ability is indeed worth studying, maybe he can master the power of alchemy with it, he gave up a bit too early, the method of letting the worms and beasts directly devour the Philosopher's Stone is not feasible, he can go another way.

Zhao Fu started to study again, fed the sage's stones one by one to the worms, and then looked at the results.

The bodies of the first-order worms exploded, the bodies of the second-order worms burst, the third-tier worms died in pain, and the fourth-tier worms died in pain. Zhao Fu was a little surprised. Although the fifth-tier worms looked a little painful, they survived in the end .

This broke Zhao Fu's conclusion just now. It turns out that the insects and beasts can refine the Philosopher's Stone and survive.

Now Zhao Fu looked carefully at the worm beast. The carapace in front of it had been fully mechanized, but the degree was not very high, but the defense power had been greatly enhanced. However, what surprised Zhao Fu was that the alchemy power on the worm beast disappeared, and only Chaotic atmosphere.

It was the worm beast that digested the sage's stone like food, and refined the sage's power to form a power of chaos.

Zhao Fu checked the body of the worm again. Although it suffered some damage, it could still recover, but the strength and defense of the worm were greatly enhanced.

The current power of chaos is transformed from the power of alchemy, and it also inherits the creation, life, and mechanical capabilities of the power of alchemy. Of course, the effect is not as strong as the power of real alchemy.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. He hadn't thought of using this method to master the power of alchemy. Wouldn't the previous research be in vain?

However, Zhao Fu thought, this can only be done by creatures in the chaotic world, because the power of chaos and blood in the chaotic world have the ability to decompose and restrain the power of alchemy, but the creatures in the world of apocalypse do not.

Although people in the Apocalypse World cannot use it, this discovery is still very important. For example, Daqin has the Blood Demon Snake Mosquito, which is the product of the fusion of the Apocalypse World and the Chaos World, and also has a kind of ability and power of Chaos creatures.

Didn't know that the Philosopher's Stone couldn't be integrated into the Blood Demon Snake and Mosquito? Thinking of this, Zhao Fu showed a smile.


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