The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1752 Gorefiend (for subscription)

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If it is possible, it will also have a great effect on the Blood Demon Snake Mosquito. It can allow the Blood Demon Snake Mosquito to have the power of chaos alchemy, improve its strength, and its own defense.

However, the Gorefiend Snake Mosquito only has the third level of strength, so it cannot bear the power of the Philosopher's Stone.

What I gave to many worms and beasts before was the sage stone of the second-level alchemy soldier, but it needs a fifth-order worm to bear it, and it will also suffer serious injuries. Seventh level of strength is required.

It is obviously impossible for a third-order blood demon snake mosquito, as long as it eats the sage's stone, its body will definitely explode.

Zhao Fu thought about it, and wondered if he had the ability to divide the sage into different small pieces, and then feed them to the blood demon snake mosquito, which should be able to refine the power of the sage's stone.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu started to take action, directly took out a sage's stone, threw it into the sky, swiped the sword finger in his hand, brought out a sharp sword light, and slashed at the falling sage's stone.

The sharp sword light flashed past, very sharp, and cut the falling Philosopher's Stone in half.


The Philosopher's Stone also exploded directly, and a burst of explosive force spread, and Zhao Fu blocked the force with his hand.

It was discovered that the Philosopher's Stone is an explosive, and it will explode once it is broken. It seems that dividing the Philosopher's Stone is not an easy task, and it needs to find other ways to cut it, and it cannot be cut directly by violence.

However, this matter is not difficult to decide. Since the power of chaos can restrain and digest the stones of sages, it is possible to use the magic circle of the chaotic world to cut those stones of sages.

One day later, that kind of chaotic magic circle had been drawn. Zhao Fu activated the chaotic magic circle, and a powerful force poured into the magic circle. The chaotic magic circle emitted a strong light, and sharp rays of light emerged.

Zhao Fu threw the sage's stone, and the sage's stone was thrown into the magic circle, and sharp lights chopped on it, directly chopping the sage's stone into pieces the size of green beans. This time, the sage The Stone of the Dead is not exploding.

Stopping the magic circle, the fragments of the Sage's Stone fell to the ground. Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed the many fragments in his hands. Then he went directly to the lair of the blood demon snake and mosquito in the chaotic world, and called a few blood demon snakes mosquito.

Now each of these Blood Demon Snake Mosquitoes is three meters in size. Zhao Fu took out a few pieces and fed them to the Blood Demon Snake Mosquitoes respectively, and then waited for the effect.

One minute passed!

Five minutes passed!

Ten minutes passed!

Zhao Fu frowned. How come there was no reaction at all after such a long time? Those Gorefiend Snakes didn't change in any way, nor did they appear to be in any pain.

Is it because the Gorefiend Snake Mosquito is the product of the fusion of two worlds, so the Philosopher's Stone has no effect at all?

But it shouldn't be like this, because the Philosopher's Stone is harmful to creatures in both the world of chaos and the world of apocalypse, and it will make them suffer. If there is no reaction at all, then where is the problem?

Zhao Fu looked at the shards of the Philosopher's Stone in his hand, took a piece and ate it himself. Now that Zhao Fu's body has alchemy power and alchemy blood, he doesn't have to worry about the damage of the alchemy power. Now he can only eat it by himself. Find out more quickly where things go wrong.

After eating the shard of the Sage's Stone, Zhao Fu closed his eyes and sensed the reaction of the shard of the Sage's Stone, but there was no reaction at all, just like eating a useless stone.

It was the cut Philosopher's Stone that lost all its power, just like a stone, without any effect, no wonder there was no response.

Zhao Fu spit out that piece of debris, and felt troubled. Now the blood demon snake mosquito only has the third level, and now Daqin only has this kind of creature that merges with the chaotic world, and there is no other choice at all.

And the Philosopher's Stone needs a seventh-order creature to bear it, and a third-order creature will definitely explode if it eats it.

"Then Daqin can't use the Philosopher's Stone?"

Zhao Fu fell into deep thought, thinking about how to solve the matter, and in the next few days, Zhao Fu conducted different experiments, large and small.

Finally, I found a method that does not need to divide the Philosopher's Stone, that is, the Philosopher's Stone Magic Circle, extracting the power of the Philosopher's Stone, and then injecting it into the body of the Blood Demon Snake Mosquito, to see if there will be any what a result.

At this time, Zhao Fu hadn't experimented yet, so he didn't know the result, so he brought a few blood demon snakes and mosquitoes, let one of them fly into the magic circle, and then activated that magic circle.

The magic circle was activated, emitting light, and a force spread out, and the sage stones placed around them emitted a faint light, and also burst out of power, controlled by the magic circle, injected into the blood demon snake mosquito Body.


When the power of alchemy was injected into the body of the Blood Demon Snake, the Blood Demon Snake felt a sharp pain, and issued a command, instinctively flying out of the magic circle, but Zhao Fu directly ordered the Blood Demon Snake Mosquito stayed in the magic circle, absorbing the power of alchemy.

The Gorefiend Snake and Mosquito could only stay in the circle, flapping its wings while absorbing the power of alchemy.

In fact, this kind of magic circle is much better than that kind of swallowing method, because it is controllable and can be stopped at any time. If you eat it, you must digest it, otherwise you will only die.

The Blood Demon Snake Mosquito continued to absorb the power of alchemy, and the body began to change. First, the sharp mouthparts began to be mechanized, and the back of the body also began to be mechanized, but the degree was not higher, and the breath now also began to change.

Got stronger.

Zhao Fu looked at the scene in front of him and showed a smile. It turned out that the Blood Demon Snake Mosquito could absorb the Philosopher's Stone, and it could still be used by Daqin.

Now this kind of sage's stone is obtained by Daqin by killing countless alchemy soldiers, and the number has reached 200 million, which is simply inexhaustible.

It's a pity that there are too few Daqin Blood Demon Snake Mosquitoes now, only a few million, and there are only this one, and there are no other creatures.

After a while, the Gorefiend snake stopped screaming, and began to absorb that force, and the degree of mechanization of the body deepened.

Finally, the blood demon snake mosquito absorbed the power of alchemy, Zhao Fu stopped the magic circle, and carefully examined the blood demon snake mosquito.

At this time, 60% of the Blood Demon Snake Mosquito has been mechanized, its defense power has been greatly enhanced, and it also has the alchemy power of the chaotic attribute, and it also has the power of the chaotic attribute, which makes it impossible for the chaotic power to restrain the blood. Devil Snake Mosquito.

However, the degree of attribute improvement was not as much as swallowing an alchemy stone, but Zhao Fu was quite satisfied.

Such a blood demon snake mosquito is definitely stronger than you, a third-order alchemy soldier, not only has the power to restrain alchemy soldiers, but also masters the power of chaotic alchemy.

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