The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1757 Natural Disaster (for Subscription)

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The man smiled and said, "The lord of the county has already reported to the imperial court. Our Majesty already knows that he should solve this problem soon. The village chief told us not to worry, just follow the imperial court's arrangement!"

The woman felt relieved when she heard this, and said with a smile, "That's good! Our Majesty knows about this, so we can rest assured."

The little girl looked at the two people with a pair of eyes, and made a childish voice, "Father, have you met our Majesty? What kind of person will he be?"

The man smiled and rubbed her head, "Your Majesty is in the Great Qin Emperor Palace in Xianyang, that's what we can see. As for what kind of person he is, I can tell you that he is a very great person. He is also a very good monarch, he created the Great Qin Empire and gave us everything."

The little girl said with a look of admiration, "Then Daddy! Can you say something about His Majesty!"

The man didn't see anything wrong, he picked up the little girl with a smile, sat on the side and began to tell about Zhao Fu.

The little girl listened intently.

Jiuwu County.

Hoo hoo...

The strong wind howled, and struck forward with terrifying power. Countless trees swayed, countless sand and gravel were carried into the sky, and some tiles and roofs of houses were blown away. The scene was very scary.

Now many people can only hide in their own houses. Hearing the continuous roar of the wind outside the house, they can't help feeling a little scared.

A soldier stared at Gale, stepped forward and shouted, "My lord! This storm is very large and has spread to the entire county. The situation is very serious. There have been some casualties. Please report it to the court quickly, and ask His Majesty to send someone to deal with it. "

The official was a rich middle-aged man. Hearing the soldier's words, his expression became ugly, and he hurried back to the City Lord's Mansion, wrote a memorial, and sent someone to the Great Qin Emperor's Palace.

Huanshan county.

"You see, why are those birds flying away? They seem to be in a panic. Is there something serious about to happen?"

A young man with a bamboo basket on his back looked at the countless birds in the sky, flying to the side as if to escape, and said to several young people around him.

The young people next to them looked at the scene in front of them, and their faces became a little serious.

One of the young men suddenly thought of something and shouted anxiously, "Let's go back and inform the villagers that the nearby volcano may be about to erupt."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and their faces became a little ugly.

If the fire broke out, it would be a devastating disaster, and everything would be destroyed in time. If it was not dealt with as soon as possible, the consequences would definitely be serious.

Several people turned around quickly and rushed towards the village.

Boom boom boom...

Not long after, a few loud roars sounded, and countless sandstone dust was rushed into the sky by a huge force, covering the sky. From a distance, it looked like a few pieces of haze, and then the sandstone that was washed into the sky, It was like half of it fell down.

Countless hot magma slowly overflowed from the mountain pass, and then spread to the surroundings with huge high temperature. Everything it passed started to burn, and some trees were also ignited, igniting countless flames.

The huge sulfur smell also spread like a tide, and soon spread for hundreds of miles.

In a small mountain village not far away, those young people just ran back, but the volcano had already erupted. Even if they didn't say anything, everyone already knew about it.

The village head shouted loudly, "Time is running out, take all you can take away, if you can't take it away, don't worry about it, it's important to save your life first, leave here through the teleportation array, and report this matter to the city lord."

"Once the City Lord knows about this matter, he will directly report it to the County Chief. At that time, the County Chief will directly report to our Majesty, and our Majesty will deal with this matter. Daqin should not be in a hurry, nor should he escape too much worry."

Hearing the words of the village chief, the people who were anxious and panic also relaxed, without the fear and confusion before, they couldn't help but speak.

"Our Majesty is the greatest Majesty in the world! With his ability, this matter will definitely be resolved. We should not worry too much and follow the instructions of the village chief."

"Yes! We all believe in His Majesty, he is the emperor of our Great Qin, and he will not ignore us."

"Hurry up and start moving! Don't waste time. Needless to say, His Majesty's great achievements, the whole Daqin knows it, and he doesn't want to see his people have trouble."


Many villagers took things in an orderly manner, carried them into the teleportation array, and teleported them to a small town.

Those young people who ran back were also relieved. Now it seems that there is no major problem with the eruption of the volcano. Everyone seems to be very united and calm. They all have a strong spiritual support, which is naturally Zhao Fu, who is the Lord of Great Qin.

If His Majesty the Great Qin was there, everyone would trust him 100% and unite together. This shows the people's support, trust and admiration for Zhao Fu.

This has a lot to do with Great Qin's policies and Zhao Fu's personal charisma, and only Zhao Fu, the founding emperor, can do it. Even if someone succeeds Zhao Fu in the future, it will not be able to reach such a level.

The world of fish scales contains water counties.

A few fish-scale figures were swimming in the water, one of them suddenly sensed something, and said with a hint of doubt, "You feel

No, the nearby water flow is being sucked away by a force. "

Another fish-scale figure pointed out his hand and said quickly, "I sensed it too! The water flow is sucked in that direction."

A fish-scale man said, "Then let's hurry over and have a look. With such a strong suction, it must be a big deal."

The fish-scale men also nodded and swam in that direction.

As it got closer, that kind of suction became stronger and stronger, and finally several people looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

I saw a tornado made of water, spinning with a huge force, producing a huge suction force, the surrounding water was sucked away by it, and the water tornado was getting bigger and bigger, with terrifying power, it would Everything around is destroyed.

"Go back!"

The fish-scaled people hurriedly turned around and swam back, reporting the matter to the city lord. If the waterspout was destroyed, it would be very terrifying, and their city would suffer disaster at that time, because their city was nearby.

When the city lord heard about this, he looked serious, and hurriedly ordered the people to be relocated at any time, and reported the matter. As the county chief here, he also understood the seriousness of the matter, so he immediately wrote a memorial and sent it to the Great Qin Emperor's Palace.

Looking at this memorial, Zhao Fu also had a headache. How come there are so many natural disasters, and Daqin has natural disaster attribute resistance, so this attribute is useless?


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