The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1758 Flood

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Zhao Fu thought for a while, and found that this reason must also be related to the decline of the origin of heaven and earth. The origin of heaven and earth is the power to stabilize heaven and earth. If it declines, it will naturally cause many disasters. The natural disaster resistance attribute has some effects, but it also gets a lot of benefits. big weakening.

The number of counties and counties that have suffered disasters has reached 62 counties. Considering the large territory of Great Qin, it is relatively small, so the overall situation is not serious. Those countries that are not resistant to natural disasters may suffer more serious disasters.

However, this matter cannot be allowed to develop. The damage caused by various disasters is staggering, and a county may also be severely damaged as a result.

Moreover, disaster warnings must be done everywhere, because we don't know where the disaster will happen, so we need to be vigilant, detect it in time, and deal with it in time to ensure the safety of the people and property of Daqin. Zhao Fu can't live up to the trust of many people.

As for preventing the disaster, Zhao Fu did not rely on many soldiers to rescue, but planned to suppress the source of the disaster directly.

In the past, Zhao Fu might have been powerless, because there was no strong person in the world, so he couldn't forcefully suppress the disaster.

But now Zhao Fu also has some Heaven and Earth Realm powerhouses, and some Extreme Heaven Realm powerhouses, the number of Emperor Heaven Realm has reached four.

If one's cultivation reaches the heaven and earth realm, one has the ability to mobilize the power of the entire heaven and earth, and also has the power to change the celestial phenomena. If such a disaster spreads to a county, the power of the heaven and earth realm can forcibly stop it.

If it is a disaster that affects one world, it is naturally impossible for the strong in the Heaven and Earth Realm to suppress it, so it will need the help of the strong in the Emperor Heaven Realm. If the disaster affects ten worlds, it will need the help of a stronger person.

Without wasting time, Zhao Fu summoned many experts from the Heaven and Earth Realm, as well as those from the Extreme Heaven Realm.

Many strong men came quickly, including Shanglong, Zilingye, Mowulin, and Juetianling. They were all conquered in the underworld, demon realm, and foreign realm.

Zhao Fu simply told them about the matter and asked them to deal with it in time, and then everyone turned into streaks of light and shot towards the sky, disappearing.

And Zhao Fu didn't stay in the Great Qin Emperor's Palace either. With a powerful momentum, he also turned into a powerful black light, rushed into the sky, and disappeared after a while.

In Dongyue County, the thick dark clouds enveloped the sky without revealing any gaps. The torrential rain continued, with no intention of stopping. Lakes had formed in many places, and some villages and farmlands were also destroyed. submerged.

Some cities were unavoidably affected. The rising rainwater had reached knee depth, and the heavy rain continued to fall. Many people could only brave the heavy rain and move with all kinds of things.

At this time, a sturdy man, carrying two boxes, looked at the sky and cursed, "Why doesn't the rain stop!"


He saw a person appearing in the sky. He was wearing a black gold dragon robe, with extremely long black hair, and an extremely handsome face, with a noble and domineering aura that no one could compare with.

Looking at this person, the big man felt his body stiffen suddenly, his face was stunned, and his heart seemed to be extremely nervous, because that was the lord of the Great Qin Empire, the emperor of the Great Qin!

The big man just wanted to call out to remind everyone that the emperor of Qin Dynasty is coming.


A huge roar sounded directly, and a powerful force erupted, and the huge momentum spread like a gust of wind, blowing away countless falling raindrops.

Zhao Fu's face was indifferent, he clenched his fist tightly, and the powerful force was gathered on the fist, and the fist emitted black light.


He punched hard, a terrifying punch, with the power to destroy everything, like thunder, hit the thick black cloud, making a loud noise.

A huge hole was pierced through the thick clouds, exposing the blue sky, and thousands of warm rays of sunlight fell from it, reflecting on countless people, and countless people stared blankly at the figure in the sky, Like looking up at a god, looking up at Zhao Fu standing in the sky.

The surrounding clouds also received a huge thrust and spread to the surroundings. The original dense clouds began to disperse and finally disappeared.

Zhao Fu had other disasters to stop, so he didn't have much time to say anything, and disappeared as a stream of light.

at once!

The many people below seemed to be exploding. The expressions of countless people were full of excitement and excitement, and the voices they made were also boiling.

"Oh my God! Is that person His Majesty? Did His Majesty come to stop the disaster and save us? I'm really touched."

"That's right! That's His Majesty. It's the first time I've seen Your Majesty. If he is extraordinary, with the air of an emperor, I want to kneel down."

"Your Majesty seems to be doing well! Take good care of your own people and help us personally."

"Now I also feel very honored to be a citizen of Daqin. Your Majesty is really kind and sympathetic to us."

"Your Majesty! She is also very good-looking and has a domineering temperament. I like Your Majesty very much, and I don't know if His Majesty will take a fancy to me when he chooses a concubine."


The rain in Dongyue County stopped, the rising flood receded quickly, and the disaster was naturally resolved. Many people began to pack their things again, clean up all kinds of silt, and everything returned to normal.

The ground in Fangsan County was still shaking again, because it was an earthquake, and it came quite suddenly, so it was regarded as an earthquake.

Where the damage is more serious.

Originally, everyone had already started to clean up those collapsed buildings and rescue those buried inside, and Daqin soldiers also rushed here to help.

The continuous shaking also made it impossible for people to clean up safely, because buildings collapsed from time to time.

The sheriff looked at the scene in grief, and so did the others. This earthquake caused many casualties, and the atmosphere at the scene was very heavy.

At this time, a stream of light shot here, and then the light spread out, and Zhao Fu's figure appeared.

When the county chief saw Zhao Fu, he was surprised and nervously shouted, "Your Majesty is coming!"

at once!

Countless people looked at the sky in surprise, and the original dullness was swept away. Their Majesty came down, and the matter would definitely be resolved. Everyone couldn't help kneeling on the ground and shouted loudly, "See Your Majesty!"

Its voice is very loud, shaking the Quartet, and has an inspiring power.

Zhao Fu responded lightly, took out a stone of life with a solemn face, and threw it into the sky. The stone of life exploded in the sky, and countless green light spots slowly fell down.

Some of the wounded people around were recovering quickly, and the faces of the people became more excited and tense, and their expressions became more respectful. This is their Majesty.


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