The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1759 Wind Disaster

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember it in a second, never lose it!

The earthquake continued. Standing in the sky, Zhao Fu's many pupils in his left eye moved quickly, and he quickly found the source of the earthquake.

Zhao Fu flew down, pressed one palm on the ground, a huge force poured into it, and a huge sealing circle emerged, and the power of the surrounding heaven and earth poured in continuously, causing the sealing circle to emit various A strong light.

A powerful suppressive force spread out in an instant, and the vibration of the ground also slowly stopped.

After doing all this, Zhao Fu didn't stay for a moment, and continued to turn into a stream of light, shooting towards the horizon and disappearing.

The sun in Huangyan County continued to emit strong sunlight, scorching the earth, and the steaming heat from the ground seemed to blur the picture, making the ground look like a steamer, which made people very uncomfortable.

Some ground has been cracked, some vegetation has become yellow due to lack of water, and some have even dried up.

"Daddy! Why is the weather still so hot?" The little girl ran to the man's side, looking at him with big eyes with concern.

The man looked at the sky and said with a light smile, "Your Majesty should know about our situation by now, and he is trying to solve it, so it's not so fast, we still need to wait, His Majesty will definitely send someone to solve this matter, we can rest assured gone."

The little girl smiled reassuringly. Because of the hot weather, she also took a small fan and fanned her father a few times obediently.


She saw a figure appearing in the sky, the little girl stretched out her little hand in amazement, pointed at that figure and asked, "Daddy! Why is there a person standing in the sky?"

The man looked up suspiciously, and his heart tightened suddenly. Although he had never seen the appearance of His Majesty Daqin, but looking at the black dragon robe he was wearing, the man immediately understood who that person was.

"Daughter! Kneel down quickly, that's our Majesty of Daqin." The man pulled his daughter to kneel on the ground excitedly and nervously.

Although the little girl was kneeling on the ground with her father, her big eyes looked at the figure in the sky with curiosity and admiration. This was the Great Qin Majesty she had heard about since childhood.

Looking at the scorching sun, Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, a force surged out, a huge sealing circle emerged at once, the power of the surrounding heaven and earth poured in, and a huge force spread out .

The invisible power of drought was sealed by this huge power, the light was also rapidly weakening, and the hot temperature was also dropping.

at once!

The people on the ground felt a bit of coolness, and their bodies became much more comfortable. They all showed joy on their faces, and loudly thanked Zhao Fu in the sky.

And Zhao Fu simply nodded, looking at the cracked ground and the dry vegetation, stretched out a hand, grabbed it hard, a huge force spread out, and the power of the surrounding world gathered and turned into one. Blossoming clouds slowly covered the sky.

A cool wind blew, a light rain fell in the sky, and the surrounding heat disappeared immediately.

After doing this, Zhao Fu turned into a streak of light and disappeared in one go.

The little girl stared at Zhao Fu with her big eyes. At this time, Zhao Fu's figure was already deeply imprinted in the little girl's heart.

The gust of wind in Jiuwu County continued to howl, the sound of the wind was deafening, and its power was extremely terrifying, as if it could destroy everything. Countless trees swayed vigorously, some were even uprooted, many roofs were blown out, and boulders were rolling.

In the face of such a big storm, no one is powerless, there is no way to do anything, all they can do is to hide in the house and avoid the strong wind.

The rich middle-aged man looked at the growing storm, and couldn't help but feel a little worried. If the storm continued, countless houses would be blown down, and many people would have nowhere to hide. He could only order the people in the city to Migrate together.


He only saw a streak of light, like a sharp sword, directly shooting into the center of the huge storm, and a figure appeared in the storm after the light dispersed.

The middle-aged man opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth. Looking at that figure, he did not expect that the Lord of Great Qin would come in person.

Without hesitation, the middle-aged man burst out with a powerful aura, braved the huge storm, and came to Zhao Fu's side.

As a subject, there is a reason for him to hide there and let the monarch walk in front of the storm. He dare not do this, so he has to come forward against the strong wind, but within ten meters of him approaching Zhao Fu, an invisible wave The strength blocked all the wind around.

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately saluted, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Fu nodded calmly, looked straight at the center of the storm, and took out the Emperor Killing Sword. A huge force was poured into the sword, and the Emperor Killing Sword burst into a strong storm of sword energy, which spread to all directions.

The middle-aged man understood that Zhao Fu wanted to stop the storm, so he didn't dare to disturb him, and immediately retreated to a distance.


The sword energy gushing out from the Emperor Killing Sword formed a huge and sharp storm of sword energy, which collided with the huge storm, and stronger storms spread out one after another.

At this time, Zhao Fu raised the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand, and swung the sword vigorously.


A sword sound suddenly sounded, and a huge sword light, carrying an extremely fierce storm of sword energy, slashed towards the center of the storm.


The huge storm was split by a sword, countless air currents dispersed, and the violent wind stopped immediately, and the surroundings returned to calm.

The middle-aged man looked shocked, and stepped forward with a respectful smile, "Your Majesty! The power is really strong, and I can only look up."

Zhao Fu responded lightly, then turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

The middle-aged man knew that Zhao Fu was in a hurry to solve other disasters, so he could only watch them leave as a benevolent and powerful monarch.

Many panicked people, seeing the wind stop, came out of the house with joy on their faces. Later, they realized that it was their majesty who came to solve the wind disaster in person, with respectful and grateful expressions.

Countless volcanic ash in Huanshan counties has covered the ground for dozens of miles, including stones, houses, and big trees. Now all the people here have evacuated, and they have come to look at the eruption from a further distance. volcano.

Countless magma slowly submerged everything like a tide, emitting a dark red light with scorching heat, no force or people could stop it.

The villagers who had already fled here looked at the village that was about to be surrounded by magma, still showing reluctance, discomfort, and grief. That was their home and the place where they lived, just watching helplessly being swallowed by the magma , I feel very uncomfortable.


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