The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1761 Disaster Orb

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Zhao Fu was planning to take a break, but he suddenly thought of a better solution to the disaster, and could turn the disaster into something beneficial to Daqin.

It seems that there was a natural disaster festival in the past. At that time, there were countless disaster beasts. As long as you kill them, you can get disaster beads. Those disaster beads were used by Daqin before, and they have very powerful destructive power.

If these disasters were condensed into disaster beads, that would undoubtedly be the best choice. That terrifying power would become one of Daqin's trump cards, but Zhao Fu did not expect it at the time.

However, if you want to condense these disasters into disaster beads, you will also face great difficulties, because this is a natural disaster, there are no disaster beasts, and it is impossible to obtain disaster beads by killing disaster beasts.

Even so, Zhao Fu also wanted to give it a try. Although many disasters were quickly resolved by Daqin, there may be many more in the future. If the research on disaster beads is successful, it will still be very beneficial to Daqin.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu summoned some talisman masters and some scholars, and came to a source of disaster that was forcibly sealed, which was the former Fangsan county.

Zhao Fu looked at the crowd and said, "First, see if you can condense disaster beads, and tell me the information you get?"

Many talisman masters and scholars responded, and then surrounded the seal, carefully observing the source of the disaster.

Zhao Fu is also waiting by the side, waiting for the results of many talisman masters and bachelors. They are all professionals and know far more than Zhao Fu, so they need to study first, and after Zhao Fu synthesizes the information they gave, further research.

After a while, a young man came to Zhao Fu's side, saluted first, and said, "Your Majesty! We have initially understood the source of the disaster, but we still need to go to other sources of disaster to determine whether we are correct."

Zhao Fu comprehended that there were indeed so many disasters, and if he only studied one, he would not be able to truly understand the disaster, so he asked others to go to other disaster places, and he went back first to deal with the aftermath of the disaster.

Back in Daqin, there were indeed many memorials. It seemed that he couldn’t rest. Zhao Fu opened some memorials. They were basically memorials for disaster reconstruction and cleanup, and there were material losses caused by disasters, as well as casualties.

Zhao Fu sat on the dragon chair and dealt with all kinds of things seriously, and the time passed quickly, and the day was about to pass.

At this time, the young man walked in from outside the hall, saluted first, and said, "Your Majesty! Now we have a general understanding of the source of the disaster and obtained some simple information."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Then tell me in detail."

The young man nodded and said, "Your Majesty! First of all, these disasters are a kind of destructive force that belongs to the imbalance and instability of the world. This kind of destruction will evolve into different disasters because of different geographical locations."

"This kind of disaster has a very large area and strong destructive power, and it is possible to condense into disaster beads. As for Fang Weichen and many talisman masters, they have already figured out a way, that is, to build magic circles one by one in one area, Gather that huge disaster force and forcibly form a disaster bead."

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that many scholars had already figured out a method, so he said, "Then follow the same method and do it! If you need any people and materials, just talk to Li Si."

The young man bowed in embarrassment, "Your Majesty! There is another flaw in this method, that is, to wait for the disaster to rage completely, so as to gather a huge force of disaster, which may cause great losses to the county."

"Besides, it is not certain where this disaster happened, so a huge magic circle needs to be arranged in each county, which also requires a lot of materials."

Zhao Fu was also lost in thought. This method is obviously not good. If it consumes a lot of materials, Zhao Fu can accept it, but every time a disaster has to be ravaged before stopping it, it will cause great losses to the county. , Zhao Fu couldn't accept it.

So Zhao Fu would not adopt this method, the price was too high, so he said, "Do you have other ways to get along?"

The young man said apologetically, "Your Majesty! We are studying it now, but we don't know how long it will take to get the results. I just want to report the current progress to you so that Your Majesty won't have to wait for a long time."

Zhao Fu sighed. Sure enough, this matter is not so quick and easy to solve. He nodded, "Then you guys continue to study! Let me know if there is any progress."

The young man obeyed, and then retreated.

Zhao Fu continued to review the memorials, and now some of the memorials are about things outside the Great Qin Dynasty. Basically, there are all kinds of disasters. The Yaojiao Empire and the Second Fengshen Empire next to it are slightly more serious than Daqin.

The most serious thing is the alliance. They themselves are composed of various forces, large and small. Their own luck is not strong, and the area is also large, so they suffer the most.

If in normal times, Zhao Fu had seized this opportunity, he might have launched an attack on the alliance to capture a world and upgrade Great Qin to a kingdom, but now Zhao Fu didn't have that in mind, and the alchemy world was the biggest problem.

Putting this matter aside for now, Zhao Fu didn't continue to look at it. After a while, a heroic young man came out and reported, "Your Majesty! I have something to report."

Zhao Fu looked at this young man, and he also knew this young man. He is the owner of Calamity City, and the level of Calamity City has reached the level of a royal city. It is one of the largest cities in Daqin. With a trace of doubt, "What's the matter?"

The young man said, "Your Majesty! Recently, due to frequent natural disasters,

, the city of disaster also reacted strongly before, and the power of disaster has been greatly strengthened. "

Zhao Fu's expression was startled. The city of disaster is the biggest harvest of Daqin in the natural disaster festival. It contains all kinds of powerful power of disaster. Now that there are so many natural disasters, the power of the city of disaster has increased, which seems to make sense.

This is in stark contrast to other cities. The power of various cities is constantly weakening, and they still surround the Daqin King City. Only this one is a city of disaster, and its strength is still increasing.

Zhao Fu nodded, with some curiosity, he went to the city of disaster.

The residents of the city of calamity are the least number of people among the many cities, because they can only live with people with disaster attributes. If they do not have disaster attributes, people living here will be corroded by disaster forces and die .

Zhao Fu came to the City of Calamity and looked at the Rubik's Cube floating in mid-air, emitting a strong light, and a huge force of disaster spread out. This force is very terrifying and makes people feel a little chilling. It seems to be a terrorist force combined with various disasters.


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