The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1762 Wind

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At the same time, Zhao Fu discovered that the Rubik's Cube was absorbing the power of disaster in the world. When the source of the world was stable, and with the resistance of the Great Qin to natural disasters, there was no power of disaster in the world. Now the source of the world is declining. This kind of disaster is frequent, which makes the world have the power of disaster.


When Zhao Fu thought of something, he immediately ordered people to check whether disasters had occurred in the area centered on the disaster city.

The soldier obeyed and came back soon, telling, "Your Majesty! It has been found out that there have been no disasters in dozens of counties around for a long time.

Zhao Fu showed a smile and confirmed his thoughts. There were no disasters in dozens of counties and counties in the surrounding area. Naturally, the power of disasters was absorbed by the disaster city invisibly, so there could be no disasters.

The formation of disasters is mainly the power of destruction. Because of different geographical locations and environments, various disaster forces are born. When these disaster forces gather together, they will form disasters.

Now the attributes of this calamity city are dozens of times better than the natural disaster resistance. If the disaster city is used as the capital, then the Great Qin Empire also has the disaster attribute, so it can basically be immune to all disasters.

Moreover, if the disaster city really becomes the capital of Great Qin, both the fortune and attributes of the Great Qin can gain some disaster attributes.

But there is also a huge flaw, that is, without any inheritance attributes and abilities, the Great Qin Empire will not be called the Great Qin Empire, but the Calamity Empire. This will obviously cause greater losses, and the Calamity City can only be used as an ordinary city.

If you want him to have the role and ability to inherit, then at least use it as the capital, build the country for hundreds of years, absorb the country's luck culture and customs, and integrate with the country, so that the city of disaster has the role and ability to inherit.

Now Zhao Fu is not paying attention to this point, nor does he plan to cultivate the city of disaster into a city of inheritance, but now that it can absorb countless disaster powers, he wonders if it can absorb countless disasters and directly condense disasters. beads.

If it succeeds, Daqin can get the disaster pearl directly, and there is no need for many talisman masters and bachelors to continue researching.

However, there is also a problem now. The city of disaster is fixed in this area, but disasters occur in different places, and the city of disaster cannot be changed casually, so how to absorb the disasters in other places.

If you move the city of disaster and take the building stone to go there, it should also have the effect of absorbing the disaster, but in that case, this huge city will disappear.

And even if it can absorb the power of calamity and condense the disaster beads, it will take a person to run from place to place with the building stone, so that too many disaster beads will not be condensed. With the current scale of the Great Qin War, if there are not many If so, it won't do much at all.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu also fell into deep thought, thinking about what to do.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu also thought of a way, that is, to see if he could divide the core power of the disaster city, and then form disaster cores one by one. With this disaster core, he could also absorb the power of disaster everywhere.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu immediately started to work, stretched out a hand, and injected a huge force into the Rubik's Cube floating in mid-air, gaining complete control of the Rubik's Cube, the Rubik's Cube emitted a strong black light, and also emitted Zhao Fu's breath.

Then Zhao Fu began to force out the calamity power of the Rubik's Cube, and a ball of light emitting black light emerged from it.

Looking at the black ball of light, Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed it, then flew directly towards Fang San County.

When it landed on the ground, Zhao Fu revealed the sealing circle, and then Zhao Fu placed the black ball of light in the center of the sealing circle.

Zhao Fu immediately let go of the sealing circle, and the catastrophic power that represented the earthquake immediately surged out, the color was yellow, and the moment it appeared, the ground with a radius of more than ten meters trembled slightly.

Fortunately, Zhao Fu only let go a little. If he released all of it, the ground would start to tremble violently again, and the whole county would suffer again.

After the yellow calamity force emerged, it was directly absorbed by the black light ball floating in the center of the magic circle.

Zhao Fu continued to maintain the gap in the magic circle, allowing the yellow calamity force to pour out continuously. The black light ball continued to absorb the calamity force, and soon turned yellow, emitting a wave like an earthquake. breath.

Seeing this, Zhao Fu also continued to enlarge the cracks, and the yellow calamity that gushed out became bigger and bigger. The yellow light ball absorbed the huge calamity power and quickly crystallized, finally forming a Litchi-sized yellow crystal balls.

At this time, the sealing circle was almost untied by Zhao Fu, and all the power of calamity gushed out was absorbed by the yellow crystal ball. Now that yellow crystal ball is floating in the air, emitting a faint yellow light, with a The smell of a strong earthquake.

Zhao Fu looked at the disaster bead and showed a smile on his face. This is the formation of a disaster bead. If his power is released, it will definitely cause a terrifying effect.

After checking the disaster bead, it is not much different from the previous disaster bead, and its power is also stronger than the previous disaster bead.

Now things have proved that Zhao Fu's conjecture is very successful, and there is no need for a bachelor's talisman master to continue researching. This method can be directly used to obtain disaster beads, and the power is still greater than before.

Of course, there are also some problems, that is, I have already sealed the disaster, so that the power of disaster is slowly released, and it is not difficult for the spar to absorb it.

But if faced with a real disaster, I don't know if it can't be done, and the real disaster is very fierce, and people who have no strength will die in it.


After thinking about it for a while, he came to the frontier barren area, which is the junction of Daqin and other forces, and no one will control it.

At the same time, a wind disaster is blowing here, and it is still a tornado, the degree is still a little bit, constantly choosing, with a strong suction, flying everything around into the sky, being involved in the vortex, all kinds of Everything is in that vortex, and the scene is a little scary.

Zhao Fu took out a black ball of light, which was just right for a try. Zhao Fu didn't use too much force, and flew to the tornado. The suction force was pulling Zhao Fu's body forward, and some gravel was also affected. The wind turned and flew towards Zhao Fu.

Facing these gravels, Zhao Fu simply put out a defensive cover, then took out the ball of light, and injected a huge force into it.

That ball of light emitted a strong light, and with a huge suction force, it struck towards the tornado.

Some wind disaster power was slowly sucked into the ball of light, but the speed was a little slow. After three or four hours, the wind disaster power absorbed only one-fifth of the wind disaster power, which made the wind disaster power a little smaller. But it took too long.


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