The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1767 Evil Qi

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The soldiers were also fighting with those swordsmen in the city, but the strength of those swordsmen was obviously higher than that of the soldiers, and their attacks were so terrifying that they couldn't resist them at all, and many soldiers were also being slaughtered.

Corpses were lying on the road in the city, blood splattered everywhere, screams and cries resounded everywhere, and the scene was in chaos.

The old man and the gloomy young man also looked angry. They didn't understand what was going on, why a group of swordsmen slaughtered their city.


A young man dressed in white, with long hair and a stern face, holding a sharp sword, exudes a sharp sword, and slowly walks towards them. The breeze blows his clothes, and the surrounding area becomes icy cold, without any sound .

The old man asked solemnly, "Who are you? It seems that we have no grievances, why did you slaughter our city?"

Gai Nie replied coldly, "By His Majesty's order, bloodbath your city."

The gloomy young man was angry and wanted to rush forward, but the old man stretched out his hand to stop the gloomy young man, and said with an ugly face, "You run away from here, this man is very strong, we are no match for him."

The gloomy young man hesitated, but feeling the terrifying aura of Gai Nie, he nodded and fled to the side.

Gai Nie's face remained unchanged, and he walked towards the cold young man. A dozen soldiers around burst into a powerful momentum, and rushed towards Gai Nie with weapons in hand.


Facing the dozen or so people who were attacking, Ge Nie waved the sword in his hand casually, and a sharp arc flashed past. The heads of the dozen or so soldiers who rushed over were directly chopped off, and blood gushed out from their necks.

Gai Nie continued to walk towards the gloomy young man.

The old man stood in front of him, and said with an ugly face, "You are the force that orders people to solve natural disasters? We did something wrong, but you killed so many of us, please let us go. "

Gai Nie didn't say anything, his body suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared in front of the old man in the next second, with a sword directly piercing his chest.

The old man looked pained, but he didn't let out a scream. Instead, he grabbed Gai Nie's hand with both hands, trying to hold Gai Nie back and prevent Gai Nie from chasing up and killing his son.

Seeing this scene, the gloomy young man had a painful expression on his face, tears streaming down his face, and fled forward even faster.

How could this old man hold Gai Nie back? Gai Nie shook his hands vigorously, pulled out the old man's hands, and drew out his sharp sword.

The old man finally looked at Gai Nie pleadingly.

Ge Nie's face softened a little, and he said, "You are a good father, but this is His Majesty's order!"


A sword sound suddenly sounded, and Gai Nie turned into a sword light and flew out with terrifying power, like a broken bamboo, chopped the fleeing youth in front into several pieces, and blood splashed everywhere.

Gai Nie stood beside him in white, without any blood on his body.

Not long after, all the people in Yingzhou City were killed, no matter men, women, old or young, soldiers or common people, they were not able to escape.

More than 200,000 people died tragically here, exuding an extremely strong smell of blood, forming a bloody evil that rushed into the sky, and everyone nearby felt a chill.

When I came here, I saw the corpses all over the ground and the blood-stained city, and fell into fear. Who could do this?

"Father! I'll help you with something good." An evil woman, with a hint of a smile, took out the disaster gun and said to a thin middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was a little puzzled, "Isn't this a pretty good long gun? What else is special?"

The evil woman said with a smile, "This long spear can absorb natural disasters and make them disappear directly. .”

The middle-aged man was a little surprised, and carefully looked at the spear in his hand, "Where did you get it? Now that natural disasters are everywhere, this thing has a huge effect."

The evil woman said indifferently, "I snatched it from someone, but I didn't get any useful information, and I can't use this gun to its true power, so I want Dad to find someone to study it."

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded, "I'll send someone to study it right away!"

The evil woman smiled and understood, then left and went back to her room, where there were several bound men struggling with fear on their faces.

The evil woman looked at the men, showed a cruel smile, came to them, stretched out her hand and grabbed it with a force, brought out a gray light, directly grabbed a man's chest, and held the beating heart .

The man let out an ear-piercing scream, and the evil woman seemed to be enjoying herself, she clenched her heart a little bit harder, and then the palm of her hand emitted a suction force, absorbing the man's life force wantonly, the naked eye could see that the man was aging rapidly, and he was still screaming, finally Become a mummy.

After the evil woman devoured the man's life, she showed a joyful expression, and then returned to the bed to practice.

This evil woman came from a family, and this family is the current place, with a population of about 50,000, but they practiced an evil technique and did a lot of evil things, and their influence is relatively strong here.

Groups of people in pocket clothes also appeared near this family, watching the family in front of them, and those people quickly launched an attack.

and this

People from this family are really unusual, and soon discovered the attacker, and the two sides started fighting.

However, those people are still stronger, and they are extremely fast, like black flames scurrying around, bringing out sharp arcs of light, killing the family members, regardless of men, women, old or young, leaving no one behind.

The evil girl's expression changed when she heard the shouts of killing outside the house, and she rushed out of the room in a hurry, just in time to see a beautiful girl who cut off her father's head and licked the dagger with her scarlet tongue.

Seeing this scene, the evil woman said angrily, "Who are you?"

The beautiful girl showed an evil smile, and replied, "You can call me Wu Qian! Or call me Blood Shadow."

The evil girl said coldly, "How dare you kill my father, today I want you to die here, and I will use a hundred methods to kill you."

The beautiful girl let out a sinister laugh, "Really? I really want to try it."


The beautiful girl turned into a bloody afterimage, and rushed towards the evil woman. The evil woman burst out with a powerful force, and the two sides began to fight.

In fact, the power of the evil woman is stronger than his father, and she also has some power to fight back, but in the end she still lost to the beautiful girl. She was kicked by the beautiful girl and flew away, hitting a pillar, and seriously injured her hand .


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