The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1768 Bloodbath

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember it in a second, never lose it!

The beautiful girl squatted in front of the evil woman with an evil smile, and reached out to caress the face of the evil woman, "Your face is quite beautiful, maybe you won't die if someone else comes here, and you may even be lucky enough to serve us Your Majesty."

"It's a pity that you met me, because I can't make you become His Majesty's woman, and His Majesty has too many women, so you must die!"

Although the beautiful woman said so, she didn't kill the evil woman immediately. With a cruel smile on her face, she took a knife and cut the evil woman's face, then cut off the evil woman's ears and nose, and gouged out the evil woman's eyes.

The evil woman kept screaming, her voice was extremely painful, with a hint of hoarseness, and everyone who heard this voice couldn't bear it in their hearts.

But the screams didn't stop, it was even more miserable and hurt people's nerves.

The beautiful girl smiled cruelly, and said that your body is really beautiful, then cut off the evil woman's fingers one by one with a dagger, and took off the evil woman's clothes, looked at the thing on the evil woman's chest, and The dagger cut off.

Then he used the dagger to cut open the evil woman's chest and stomach bit by bit from the chest down, exposing the internal organs, and blood continued to flow out.

In the end, the evil woman let out a shrill scream and died on the spot. The beautiful woman cut off the evil woman's head somewhat unsatisfactorily, put it in the storage ring, and left there.

Similarly, this family was slaughtered, and no one survived, not even domestic animals. In the true sense, they were wiped out.

In a cottage, three people sat on the upper chairs. They were the three leaders of the cottage, and there was a group of people below, looking at the three people sitting above with happy faces. The scene was very lively.

A big man above said with a smile, "This time our cottage obtained such a precious and important treasure, and you also have credit. I will reward you with a large sum of coins later. You can do whatever you want."

"Thank you Master!"

This is what everyone was waiting for, and they all said with a smile on their faces, some were planning to gamble with the money in a nearby city, and some were planning to find a few women.

This cottage is the most powerful bandit village nearby. It usually survives by robbing and killing people, and its strength is not weak.

And it was this group of subordinates who discovered the Disaster Sealer. Originally, this place experienced an earthquake. They lived in the cottage. At that time, countless stones rolled down and there was also pouring mud.

At this time, the disaster sealer appeared nearby, absorbed the earthquake, and was discovered by those people at the same time, so they immediately reported to the three leaders, so there was also the previous scene, where everyone chased and killed the disaster sealer together.

There was also a group of people who came here very quickly, also wearing hoods, with cold eyes.

At this time, most people were still staying near the hall, not aware of any danger, and the attack was so sudden.


There was a sound of piercing through the air, and arrows flew out with powerful force, like black shadows, falling into the group of robbers.

Blood splattered, countless screams rang out, and now there was chaos, countless people looked scared, and quickly looked for places to hide.


Seeing this chaotic scene, the attackers shot arrows one after another, killing many robbers. The arrows shot through the bodies of the robbers, and the robbers died immediately.

Three powerful figures rushed out of the hall, seeing the dense crowd of men in pockets appearing near the cottage, they were also surprised, how could there be so many people suddenly, and all of them looked very powerful, and their aura was also very cold .

Could it be that the nearby city came to wipe them out? But it is impossible for the nearby city to have such strength, so what kind of power is the person in front of him?

Before they could understand, three black shadows appeared behind them, which surprised the three leaders. They hurriedly chose to defend, blocked the next blow in a thrilling manner, and then the two sides began to fight.

The other men in pockets also turned into black shadows, rushing towards various parts of the cottage.

ah ah ah...

There were screams, and those people were slaughtered without much resistance, their throats were cut, or their hearts were pierced, and some people's heads were even cut off.

In fact, there are some people in the cottage who are not robbers, but they belong to the relatives of the robbers, including their parents, wives and children. Similarly, they are not given preferential treatment, and are mercilessly killed by those people.

An old man knelt on the ground and begged, "Please don't kill me, I have done nothing bad, please."

A black figure appeared behind the old man, stretched out his hand to cover the old man's eyes, cut the old man's throat skillfully with the dagger, blood spurted out, and the old man fell to the ground dead in astonishment.

A woman with a mature body and fair appearance cried out with fear, "Please don't kill me, I'm willing to do anything."


A Hidden Blade pierced through the back of the woman, and the woman let out a scream, blood flowed out of her mouth, her body fell down slowly, and she lost her life.

The young man hiding in a corner watched the massacre with horror on his face, his body trembling constantly, he tightly covered his mouth, not daring to make any sound, because making a sound meant that he would undoubtedly die.

But in the end he was discovered by someone, and the boy cried out in fear, "

Don't kill me, don't kill me, please. "

The man replied coldly, "I'm sorry! You killed people who shouldn't be killed. Your Majesty wants us to kill them all and leave no one behind."

After saying this, the man waved his Hidden Sword, bringing out a cold light, and directly chopped off the head of the boy who hadn't reacted yet. Blood spurted from the neck, and the boy's body collapsed powerlessly.

The battle with the three chiefs did not last long. The three chiefs were captured, their stomachs were cut open, and they were hung in front of the cottage.

The other corpses in those cottages were also hung on the big trees nearby. The smell of blood spread like a tide, startling a flock of birds, and the surroundings fell into silence, even insects did not dare to sing.

What happened here was not known until a few days later. The stinking and rotting corpses hanging from the tree were so frightened that their legs became weak, and some even collapsed on the ground and vomited out.

Some people bravely walked into the cottage, there were still many corpses in the cottage, and the surroundings were silent.

The people who came were a little scared. Looking at the blood and corpses splattered everywhere, one can imagine the scene of the massacre at that time. Who did this? All the people in this cottage were exterminated, and no one escaped.


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