The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1769 Bad name

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The horrific killings were happening everywhere, and the cruel methods were frightening. In this place that was originally peaceful, an uproar was set off.

The stable situation suddenly became tense and turbulent. Many forces wanted to know who it was that could do such a terrible thing. Ordinary forces did not have the ability to bloodbath so many forces.

According to a few clues, everything points to the real culprit behind the scenes, and that turns out to be the Great Qin Empire.

In everyone's perception, the Great Qin Empire is more brutal and fierce, but the Yaojiao Empire next to it is even more cruel and perverted, because it can be seen from the things done by the two parties.

They didn't know what Daqin had done in the human world, and they hadn't seen the real side of Daqin. In fact, the Daqin Empire was even more brutal, and even launched a natural disaster of the undead, wanting to kill everyone in the whole world.

However, since the Great Qin unified the human world, it has also restrained a lot. Although it is still very cruel and terrifying to outsiders, it is really restrained a lot compared to before.

Those forces today dared to brutally kill Daqin’s Disaster Sealer. The unknown side of Daqin was revealed once, which is really frightening. Killing one of them will destroy the entire force. Now Daqin is really too domineering and horror too.

Many forces in the distance also know the name of Great Qin, even some small forces also know the existence of Great Qin.

At the same time, they are also a little fortunate that they did not attack those disaster sealers, otherwise they would also become one of those forces that were washed by blood.

What is even more surprising is that Daqin actually mastered a method to resolve natural disasters. This method has undoubtedly attracted the attention of countless people now that natural disasters are common.

Now they are all troubled by this problem. They don't have the strong people in the world. They can hide when they encounter this kind of disaster, otherwise there is no other way.

The Yaojiao Empire and the Second Fengshen next to them were also a little surprised. They didn't expect Daqin to have mastered such a method, and natural disasters were also a headache for them.

At this time, all eyes here are on Da Qin.

Facing the gazes of these people, Daqin did not respond in any way. After slaughtering those people, he returned to his original quiet appearance, like a docile dragon, but now everyone knows how terrifying it is.

Daqin is not doing anything to restore calm, but other forces cannot restore calm, because they are very concerned about Daqin's means of solving natural disasters, and the leaders of many forces have also quietly gathered.

"Daqin's method of solving natural disasters is too important to us. Now we not only have to face the alchemy world, but also natural disasters are happening everywhere in the forces, causing a lot of losses, which is a headache."

"That's right! Daqin's method is really important to us, why don't we destroy Daqin together and snatch that method over."

"What you said is simple. With the current strength of the Great Qin Empire, it will be destroyed so easily. Even if it can be destroyed, then we may have to pay a heavy price, and even if the Great Qin Empire is destroyed, we will really be able to get that one. way?"

"I agree with this statement. When the time comes, Daqin will directly kill the fish and break the net. Not only will we suffer heavy losses, but we will also lose nothing in the end."

"Why don't we send people to Daqin to discuss it? I feel that solving natural disasters is also beneficial to Daqin, otherwise they wouldn't send people to solve natural disasters far away."

"But will Daqin agree? Our two sides are hostile."

"I think it's better to give it a try! Anyway, even if we are rejected, there is no loss to us. If Daqin really agrees, it will be very beneficial to us."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then sent people to Daqin.

When Zhao Fu heard the news, he was also a little surprised. He didn't expect someone from the alliance to come over and discuss to help them solve the natural disaster.

For this matter, Zhao Fu did not refuse, because Daqin's first plan was to cooperate with the alliance to ease the relationship between the two parties, but he was worried that it would cause turmoil, so he did not choose the first plan.

Now that the other party came to the door by themselves, Zhao Fu could easily agree to them, because solving the natural disaster was indeed beneficial to Daqin, and it could also ensure the safety of the disaster sealer, as before, such things should not happen.

Zhao Fu thought for a while, and then planned to meet the person who came to Daqin to discuss.

The person who came was a very beautiful woman with a tall figure and a sense of confidence. When she saw Zhao Fu, she smiled slightly and saluted Zhao Fu, "See Your Majesty Qin!"

Zhao Fu showed a smile, "There is no need to be too polite, let's talk about the purpose of coming to Daqin first!"

The woman smiled and said, "Your Majesty, you should already know the purpose. Our alliance wants your country to help us solve those natural disasters."

Zhao Fu smiled and said directly, "What about the benefits? Daqin will never help you for free."

The woman smiled and said, "It depends on what your majesty wants, population, coins, equipment, minerals, treasures, as long as your majesty wants us to satisfy you as much as possible, and we have heard that your majesty is romantic, we have also prepared thousands of top-quality beauties to dedicate to you." Your Majesty enjoys it."

"Now they are waiting outside the hall to be summoned by His Majesty, and they can enjoy them at any time. Now His Majesty can understand our sincerity."

Zhao Fu's face didn't change much, and he still had a faint smile. Although the woman said a lot, there was only one thing she missed, and that was food. No matter who it is, food is already the most precious resource. .

Originally, food was affected by the decline of the origin of the world

Influenced by the epidemic, not only a large area of ​​production has been reduced, but also many symptoms have appeared. Now, with the impact of natural disasters, the harvested grain has been greatly reduced at once, making the grain precious.

Then he said, "I don't lack other things. I need a lot of food. If you are willing to provide a lot of food, Daqin will help you solve natural disasters."

The woman's heart sank. In fact, before she came, she had already thought that Daqin would ask for food, but food is also more important to all parties, and they didn't want to give too much. Thinking of the romanticism of the Daqin emperor, they sent many beauties here.

But the Great Qin Emperor was unexpected, he didn't want these things, he just wanted food.

The woman's smile faded slightly, she looked at Zhao Fu with her beautiful eyes, and said with a hint of temptation, "Your Majesty Daqin! The woman I brought is one of a thousand beauties, won't your majesty meet first? And if you Think, I can also serve His Majesty."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "It's not necessary. I only want food. If you agree, Daqin will help you solve the natural disaster immediately. If you don't want to, then go back!"


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