The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1670 Grain

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The woman's smile stiffened slightly, and she asked, "I wonder how much food Your Majesty wants?"

Zhao Fu said a quantity that was neither too much nor too little, because Zhao Fu wanted to cooperate with the alliance in his heart, and if they asked for too much, they might not agree.

The woman also breathed a sigh of relief, and once again smiled, "Your Majesty! I still need to go back to the alliance to report this matter, and please wait for a while, Your Majesty."

Zhao Fu responded, and the woman also left Daqin and returned to the alliance.

Faced with Daqin's request, the various forces thought about it for a while, and finally agreed to it. Although they paid a large amount of food, it would still be of greater benefit to them to resolve the natural disaster.

Firstly, the disaster-stricken areas can continue to grow food, and secondly, the people affected by the disaster do not need to be arranged at once, and the people's hearts will be stabilized, and they will not be as panic-stricken as before.

When Zhao Fu learned that the alliance promised to use food as a reward, he also sent a disaster sealer. Those disaster spears can only display their true power if they have the disaster attribute, and there are still restrictions in them, even if they are given to others, they cannot be used. True power cannot solve natural disasters.

There is no need to worry too much, the people of the alliance will kill the disaster sealers who go there and snatch their disaster guns.

Those Spears of Calamity that were snatched by other forces were also recovered by Daqin. Zhao Fu selected some people with stronger Calamity Power, making the number of Calamity Sealers reach 120.

The 120 people who sealed the disaster followed Zhao Fu's order and started to go to the alliance to solve the disaster.

At the same time, the Alliance also sent a large amount of grain and women to the Great Qin. Zhao Fu first ordered someone to check if there was any problem with the grain, and if there was no problem, it was directly stored in the granary. As for the women, Zhao Fu didn't care too much. , All income in the palace.

Dark clouds covered the sky, heavy rain fell, and a man holding a spear appeared in the sky. He raised the spear, and a huge force spread out, and a huge magic circle floated above the pointed head .

A huge suction spread, and the power of countless blue floods in the sky was sucked into the magic circle like a tide. The heavy rain stopped quickly, and the dark clouds quickly dispersed.

The volcanic ash covered the sky, and countless magma erupted, and the hot magma spread like a tide, destroying everything nearby. A man with a long gun appeared at the crater, and he pointed the long gun at the crater. power spread.

A huge magic circle floated out in front of the gun head, and at the same time, a huge suction force erupted. Countless fires here emerged from the crater like springs and were sucked into that giant circle.

The rumbling thunder kept ringing, and thunder and lightning fell from the sky with terrifying power, as if there was nothing to resist, a person holding a black spear appeared in the sky.

A huge magic circle floated out at once, generating a huge suction force, and countless silver-white lightning disasters were sucked into the magic circle.

The ground was constantly shaking, cracks had been cracked, countless boulders rolled down, a large amount of soil poured down, a person appeared in the center of the disaster, a long spear pierced the ground, and a huge magic circle emerged.

A huge suction spread out, and countless yellow disaster-breathing forces poured in from the ground, and were continuously absorbed by that magic circle. The tail of the spear emitted countless yellow lights, and a yellow crystal bead quickly formed.

The catastrophe masters are solving natural disasters everywhere, restoring stability in one area after another, saving countless people and lives, and many forces are also relieved.

The local people are also very grateful to those who saved them, and even enshrined those people directly. The name of Daqin spread among them, and Daqin's reputation became more and more, and he was respected and liked by them.

Although they know that Daqin is cruel and terrifying, it is for other people, and now Daqin is saving them from the disaster, which is of great benefit to them. Naturally, they are liked and respected, and they don't care how Daqin treats others .

If Daqin captures this area, the resistance force may be much smaller, and many people will submit to Daqin. There is a saying that goes well, "He who wins the hearts of the people wins the world!"

However, the real thing is not like that. Daqin didn't absorb all the disaster power, but left some pure disaster power.

It wasn't that the disaster masters were negligent, nor did they have that ability, but that the disaster masters did this on purpose, because they followed Zhao Fu's order to do so.

Now Daqin's relationship with the alliance is slowly easing, but Zhao Fu has not forgotten that he is also one of Daqin's enemies, if he really helps the enemy, it is tantamount to harming himself.

Especially this kind of natural disaster, it can not only cause huge damage, but also cause huge losses, and can shake the hearts of the people. Its harm is too great. If Daqin solves them one by one, it will be of great benefit to the alliance.

And its identity is still the enemy of Daqin. Even if Daqin helps them now, it may not necessarily have a good result in the end.

So Zhao Fu secretly kept a hand, instead of absorbing all the power of calamity, he refined it and put it in an inconspicuous place.

In this way, as long as time goes by, the pure natural disaster power left behind will continue to grow, and disasters will naturally occur in the end, and then they will let Daqin take action to solve the disaster at one time, and Daqin will also take action at one time, at one time Leaving pure calamity, disasters will happen again and again.

Others believe in Daqin so much, and like to look respectful, but Daqin

It seems a bit insidious to do so, but the enemy and the enemy have nothing to say about kindness.

And if this continues, it will continue to weaken the alliance's power and make their situation unstable. On the contrary, Daqin's reputation will continue to increase. At that time, he will definitely be extremely grateful to Daqin, because Daqin rescued them from disasters again and again.

A few days later, all the disaster-sealing masters came back, and they brought back about 400 disaster beads. This has a very terrifying power, and Daqin's terrifying method will also add another kind, which made Zhao Fu smile.

Of course, it's best not to use these disaster beads in front of them, otherwise the fool will understand Daqin's purpose.

At the same time, Zhao Fu also wants to expand the scope, because in the outer domain, there is almost no ability to solve natural disasters. If Daqin offers to help them, then they have no reason to refuse, and they will be ecstatic to help Daqin.

Daqin can also obtain a lot of food from them. As long as there is a large amount of food in reserve, no matter what happens, Daqin doesn't have to worry about anything. As for what will happen to other people without food, it is no longer within the scope of Daqin's consideration.


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