The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1777 Black Gold Dragon Order (Subscribe)

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The little boy next to him said with a look of admiration and excitement, "Sir! Are you from Xianyang, the capital of the Great Qin Emperor? I heard that it is very prosperous and has everything. By the way, do you know what our majesty is like?"

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "Xianyang is very prosperous and very lively. As for Your Majesty, it is relatively ordinary."

The little boy said with a look of disbelief, and said with a hint of anger, "Sir! You can't say that, our majesty is the greatest majesty in the world. Not only is his appearance rare in the world, but his aura is also mighty and domineering. No one is as honorable as him."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Since you know, why are you asking me?"

The little boy said a little embarrassedly, "I heard all these things from others. I have never met His Majesty. I think His Majesty himself will definitely be more powerful and domineering than legends."

The village chief watched his grandson chatting with Zhao Fu, and said, "Sir! Can I ask you to take a look at my grandson's qualifications and see if he has the potential to become a military general in Daqin. He can't study well, and the military general may have some hope. "

With innocent eyes, the little boy looked at Zhao Fu expectantly, "I'm sorry, sir! I also want to join the Daqin army like my father, serve the Daqin Empire, and strive to become a military general, so that my grandparents and my mother can be kissed. good day."

Zhao Fu was a little surprised, and asked with a smile, "Is your father also in the army? Has he become a general now?"

Hearing this, the little boy's eyes became a little wet, and the old village chief next to him also sighed, as if he was getting older.

Zhao Fu also understands something. Daqin has opened up many battlefields. Facing the wars in the world of Apocalypse, the world of chaos, the world of the underworld, and the world of alchemy, it is impossible without sacrifice. .

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu couldn't help but feel a little heavier in his heart. I don't know how many people's families will be destroyed in a war, wives will be separated, and the white-haired people will send the black-haired people.

But can war be avoided? Even if Daqin does not attack others, others will attack Daqin, war is unavoidable, and even your surrender is useless, because there are other forces attacking the forces you surrender, and war is still unavoidable.

When the war begins, people will die, their families will be destroyed, their wives and children will be separated, their homes will be displaced, they will not have enough to eat, and the white-haired people will send black-haired people.

If you want to avoid war forever, there is only one way, and that is to achieve great reunification, such as when Qin merged six countries and achieved great unification.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu also stood firm, smiled, reached out and rubbed the little boy's head, a trace of strength entered the little boy's body, and found that the little boy's aptitude was not bad.

Then he smiled and said, "Your qualifications are good, and you may be a general in the future, but your father has died in battle, do you still want to be like your father? Maybe you will die when you go to the battlefield."

"According to the laws of Daqin, the imperial court treats you preferentially, you don't need to join the army, you can spend your life peacefully, you don't need to fight and kill, you are in danger, if you die, what will happen to your mother, grandparents and grandparents now? manage?"

The village chief also had tears in his eyes, and his voice was a little hoarse, "Young master! You are right. I have been persuading my grandson, but he insists on being just like his father."

"I also know that Daqin is now stable and peaceful, without worrying about food and clothing, and a happy and comfortable life. Countless soldiers exchanged their lives with their lives. I am also supporting my grandson and let him join the Daqin army."

"I have experienced the turbulent and dark era back then. At that time, this small village still belonged to a small force called Dongguo."

"At that time, the forces were constantly fighting and expanding, the wars were never-ending, mourning was everywhere, the earth was stained with blood, and ordinary people were starved of food, displaced, and even massacred."

"It was the Daqin Empire that achieved the unification and ended that turbulent and dark age, and we have the kind of life we ​​have now. If we don't want this kind of comfortable life to be destroyed, we can only protect it."

The little boy's eyes were firm, and he said with a serious face, "I also want to protect the Qin Empire like my father. My father has no ideals, and I will realize it instead of him."

Zhao Fu looked at the grandfather and grandson with the same serious expression. He also felt a huge responsibility and pressure in his heart. They are all his own people. If they believe in supporting themselves so much, how can they live up to them.

At this time, Zhao Fu understood more deeply that although he was the supreme being in Daqin, countless people looked up to him, and no one dared to disobey his orders, and he also enjoyed the greatest power.

But at the same time, he also bears the hopes of all the people of Daqin. Their safety, life, and future are all responsible for themselves, because he is the master of the Daqin Empire, and His Majesty Daqin, who is surrendered by all the people.

Zhao Fu's eyes also became firm, and he understood his responsibilities and obligations. In this position, he must first bear the weight.

An invisible emperor's aura spread, making the grandfather and grandson tremble in their hearts, and they felt like they wanted to bow down to the person in front of them.

The corner of Zhao Fu's mouth rose, revealing a smile, with that natural emperor temperament, close yet unreachable, and said, "Actually, talent is not very important, because Daqin has a talent ball, as long as you are willing to work hard, Then your ideal will surely succeed, and I will assure you of it."

"There is also this token, you can take it first, you can go directly to Qinshi Academy to study, tuition and living expenses,

No need to worry about all costs. "

The village chief looked at Zhao Fu with a shocked expression. Although he didn't know much, he could understand that Qin Shi Academy was the first academy in Daqin. Only those with the most excellent qualifications in Daqin could go there to study. Can't get in.

Now, as long as you hold this person's token, you can directly enter the Qin Shi Academy without any cost. Now it seems that the person in front of him has an extraordinary position in Xianyang.

Looking at the token, it was a black gold dragon order, that is, a token made of black gold. A ferocious and domineering black dragon was carved on the top. Needless to say, this token alone may be worth a lot of money.

The village chief reacted quickly and patted the little boy on the head hard, "Quick! Don't salute the grown-up, thank the grown-up."

The little boy covered his head, a little angry, but looking at his grandfather's appearance, he felt that the token might be valuable, so he honestly knelt on the ground, kowtowed, and said, "Thank you for the reward!"

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly and said, "Get up! I hope you will work hard in the future and not disappoint my expectations for you."

The little boy nodded earnestly.


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