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Zhao Fu stood up and said with a smile, "That's good! I have something to do first."

The village chief hurriedly stood up and wanted to keep Zhao Fu, because this was someone who had a big favor to their family, so he must be very grateful.

However, Zhao Fu turned into a stream of light, shot out the door, and disappeared into the sky.

The little boy said in surprise, "Grandpa! That adult can still fly, so powerful."

Seeing that he couldn't keep Zhao Fu, the village chief was a little disappointed, but when he heard the little boy's words, he smiled kindly, "Then you have to work hard in the future to become a strong man like adults and serve the Great Qin Empire."

"And if you go to Qinshi Academy to study in the future, you should see this adult once, and then you should thank him well. If there is something, this adult will help you."

The little boy nodded seriously.

It's just that the grandfather and grandson don't know how shocked they will be when they see Zhao Fu next time and know that Zhao Fu is His Majesty Qin.

Zhao Fu flew in the sky, and did not return to Daqin directly, but wanted to go to a few more places to check the situation.

At this time, Zhao Fu saw a beautiful and atmospheric boat slowly driving on a river. There were many literati dressed in Confucian robes standing above. Among them, there were people looking at the riverside scenery, and some writing and drawing on the table. There are also people drinking and laughing, and the scene is very lively.

Zhao Fu was a little curious and landed on the boat.

The people around watched a stream of light fall on the boat, frowning slightly, expressing some dissatisfaction, because it disturbed their Yaxing.

However, the light spread out, revealing Zhao Fu's appearance, and everyone looked at his extraordinary bearing and became interested.

A graceful and beautiful woman came out of the boat with a smile and said, "I am the owner of this boat, my name is Nalan Ruo, I don't know who the son is."

Zhao Fu said with a light smile, "My surname is Zhao, and I'm not a big person. I passed by here and it was quite lively, so I came down and took a look."

Nalan Ruo said with a smile, "Most of the people on the boat are famous talents here, but most of them are underappreciated, so I invited them to the boat to enjoy the beautiful river color and relieve the depression in my heart."


When Zhao Fu heard this word, he felt very surprised, because he often heard that some poet Mo Ke was very talented, and he wanted to serve the country, but he was not reused.

In the end, full of depression and sadness, he wrote many famous articles and poems, and spent his life down and out.

This mostly reflects the darkness of the imperial court, full of intrigue, private parties and private parties, and the monarch is mediocre, at the mercy of others, has no vision, and does not know talents, so that those who were originally very talented have not been reused.

Now I hear the words of underappreciated talents, so I am very surprised. Is it that I am that foolish monarch who is mediocre, at the mercy of others, has no vision, and obviously talented people will not be reused?

Was the Great Qin court dark, full of intrigue, party and private parties, and a smoky atmosphere?

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu chuckled and asked, "Are they really talented?"

Zhao Fu's words directly caused most of the people present to be unhappy. It was not used by the imperial court at first, which made them very uncomfortable. Now that someone is questioning his talent, anyone else will be angry.

Nalan Ruo was also a little surprised. He didn't expect Zhao Fu to say this. He reacted and said with a smile, "Of course all of you present are very talented. I don't know why you ask this."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "If they are really talented and capable, it is impossible for Da Qin not to reuse them."

A young man dressed in Tsing Yi with a gentle face, with a trace of displeasure, "Your Excellency is a member of the officialdom!"

Hearing this, Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, "That's it!"

The young man snorted coldly, "That's right, people in the officialdom naturally speak for the people in the officialdom."

"Of course I don't mean to offend our Majesty. Now he is busy with various wars and has no time to manage internal affairs. Some affairs in the DPRK are handled by some ministers. These ministers have some prejudice against us and will only reuse people from their lineage. If they do not belong to They are in the same vein, so naturally they will not be reused."

Zhao Fu's face was startled, Zhao Fu knew that when the DPRK was divided into many factions, this kind of thing was bound to happen and could not be prevented.

But what Zhao Fu cares about is that they are really like what the youth said, they have prejudice against truly talented people, and will only reuse people who are related to them?

If this is the case, then go back to the Daqin Imperial Palace and deal with it properly and severely punish some ministers.

At this time, a young man dressed in white also stepped forward and reminded, "Brother Li! Don't talk nonsense about this matter. How the ministers in the DPRK and the middle behaved, they have their own reasons, and be careful not to let trouble come out of your mouth."

After the young man in white finished speaking, he glanced at Zhao Fu again.

This meant obviously that Zhao Fu, a member of the officialdom, would report the matter to many ministers, and in the eyes of the ministers, these people were not as good as an ant, who could be killed at will.

The young man in Tsing Yi said with a cold face, with an air of arrogance, "A gentleman is open-minded, why should he be timid, and what's wrong with telling the things that I have always been indignant about? If they want to kill me, then kill me. ."

Seeing this, the young man in white sighed slightly, "Brother Li! Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your relatives and friends, and slandering the ministers in the court and the middle is a serious crime, and everyone related to you will

be implicated. "

These words made the arrogant young man in Tsing Yi hesitate, because he didn't want to see such a result.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You don't have to worry about me. In fact, I'm just a small official, and I'm not used by the imperial court. I feel a little depressed in my heart, and I want to travel around to relieve my emotions."

Hearing that Zhao Fu said that he would not be reused, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of recognition, because they also knew this feeling.

Nalan Ruo also interjected at the time, "Such a beautiful riverside beauty, it is better not to talk about these unpleasant things, or continue to recite poems and write poetry, and go back after playing a lot, maybe the situation will change."

Her original intention was to value their talents more so that they would not be depressed, so she invited them to the boat, but she didn't want to cause any trouble.

At that time, all the talented people here will be implicated, and even she cannot avoid it, because she is the one who organized this game. Although her family has some status here, they have no resistance in the face of the court minister.

When everyone heard this, they also understood that the matter could not continue, and turned to look at the water by the river.

Zhao Fu was a little disappointed. He wanted to hear what they had to say about the ministers in the DPRK, but even if he asked now, they would definitely not say anything.


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