The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1779 River Water

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

A quiet woman stood beside the boat, looked forward, and couldn't help but murmured, "Jiang Zuo Qingluo belt, the mountains are like jasper hairpins."

The people who came were really talented and learned people, and they were also people who liked poetry. When they heard the poems recited by the woman, they all looked at the woman, and everyone's attention turned to her, as if nothing happened just now.

A handsome young man next to him said with a smile, "Yangliuqingqingjiang is at the level, and beautiful talents are upstream."

An elegant young man, looking at the distant mountains, with a smile, also chanted, "You can't get tired of seeing the green mountains, how interesting is the flowing water."

A woman in a palace skirt sitting on the side of the boat, holding her cheeks with a hint of sadness, looked at the river, and said softly, "The flower red is easy to fade like Lang's meaning, and the water flow is infinite like Nong's sorrow."

This person opened his head, and the others also looked at the beautiful river, thinking about poetry, and chanting lightly.

Zhao Fu felt that he had come to the wrong place. In the face of this group of talented people who recite poetry, he was considered an outlier among them, because he did not understand poetry very well. If he was asked to compose a poem, it would be impossible.

However, Zhao Fu was also listening and found that these people still have a lot of literary talent.

"Young master is not used to it?" Nalanruo asked Zhao Fu with a smile, looking at Zhao Fu's somewhat out of place.

She saw that Zhao Fu had no literati temperament, and should be a military general in the court, because he had a fierce temperament, and his temperament was very noble. Zhao Fu said that he was just a small official, she would not believe it, because a small official would not have So temperamental.

But she also has no way to determine Zhao Fu's identity, and it is not easy to think about it, so she wants to make friends, maybe he is a big man in Daqin.

Moreover, military generals directly control the military power, and their speech is much more powerful than that of civil officials. Generally, civil officials will not have trouble finding military generals.

Zhao Fu responded with a smile when he heard her words.

Nalan Ruo said with a smile, "If the son is not suitable, there is still a private room in the boat, and the son can also stay in it and enjoy the beauty of the riverside."

Zhao Fu shook his head and refused. He flew down because he was not appreciating the scenery, and he was also very concerned about the underappreciated things. Could it be that he is really that mediocre, at the mercy of others, without the slightest vision, and obviously talented A foolish gentleman who can't be reused?

But although Zhao Fu doesn't think he is a good wise lord, at least he can't be said to be a foolish monarch!

Nalan Ruo was also a little surprised, and some didn't understand why Zhao Fu was obviously not comfortable staying in this group of poets, but why he continued to stay in it.

However, Nalan Ruo then understood the reason.

I just heard Zhao Fu say to the original youth in green clothes, "I can give you a chance. If you are really talented, I can introduce you to Your Majesty. All your thoughts and words can be discussed with His Majesty face to face."

Zhao Fu wanted to figure out what happened when he was underestimated. Seeing that everyone was focusing on reciting poetry and writing poetry, he didn't hide anything, and said directly.

at once!

There was an uproar, and the literati people around were also chanting poems and opposing them. A pair of eyes focused on Zhao Fu, with a shocked expression. The people in the boat also came out, and looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and their expressions were equally shocked.

Because the person in front of him actually said that he could introduce himself to the Supreme Lord of Daqin, His Majesty of Daqin, this is a step to the sky, and there is an unknown amount of time in the middle.

In the last imperial examination, only those who scored in the top ten were eligible to meet His Majesty, and none of the others were qualified.

Nalan Ruo looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of beautiful eyes with a look of surprise, and did not expect that Zhao Fu's identity would be so terrifying, no wonder he had such a noble temperament.

"It's true!"

Because this matter is too big, the men in Tsing Yi looked a little unbelievable, and looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes to confirm.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Of course it's true! Who do you think has the guts to say such things in Daqin?"

After hearing the words and thinking about it, everyone believed it and couldn't help but gather around.

A woman wearing a red palace dress was the first to say, "My lord! I want to change the status quo of women in Daqin. Although His Majesty advocates equality between men and women, the actual situation is still unfavorable for women, and they will be discriminated against because of some problems, even Punishment."

Zhao Fu nodded and asked with a smile, "Then what? What solution do you think of to solve this problem? If you were to be your minister, you would do it."

The woman in the red palace dress said, "If I were a minister, I would intensify the punishment. All those who disagree will be severely punished. Only if those people are afraid, they will remember this truth."

"And continue to increase publicity, so that many women don't have to feel humbled, they have the same power as men, and this will soon lead to real equality between men and women."

Zhao Fu smiled and hummed, and asked, "Is Daqin still doing enough?"

The woman in the red palace skirt replied, "That's natural! Now Daqin is not strong enough in this regard, so there is the current situation."

Zhao Fu said seriously, "I think Da Qin has done a lot. Although your idea is very good, it lacks practicality. The general system of the Apocalypse World is still in an ancient physique."

"The idea of ​​men being superior to women is deeply ingrained, and it involves geographical, cultural, customs, beliefs. Once the reform is too strong, it will directly cause turmoil. To achieve true equality, it will take a process to slowly change the people."

"And it is also impossible to achieve true equality. For example, if women are allowed to join the army and do some extremely heavy work, not many women will be willing to do so, and if men are allowed to cook at home and raise children, they will also be discriminated against by many people."

"Daqin needs a stable situation to have the energy to face the dangers outside. Maybe the perfect Daqin you think can't appear."

Hearing Zhao Fu's words, the woman in red also understood that perhaps her thoughts were too idealistic and lacked practicality.

The people around are also thinking about this matter seriously. Are some things too simple? Although some things can raise problems, it seems that there is no way to solve them.

Everyone looked at Zhao Fu, and they couldn't help but admire him. As expected, it was the people around His Majesty who thought things were completely different from theirs.

The man in Tsing Yi first bowed to Zhao Fu, "Sir! As expected, I have a problem, and that is the issue of the strict laws of the Qin Dynasty, and some literary books."

"First of all, one person commits a crime, and the whole family is punished. I don't agree very much, because the crime is one person, and his family is innocent. Daqin should only punish one person, not the whole family, and even friends will be implicated."


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