The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1783 Guardian Beast

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

First of all, Zhao Fu didn't seem to speak in the tone of a courtier, but in the tone of a master of Qin.

Moreover, the mature woman just said that the emperor of Da Qin was cruel and violent, but at this time he said that he was cruel and violent, but he would not treat his own people, he was a person who did not submit to the enemy.

Thinking of this, everyone's heart sank suddenly, and they thought of a terrifying possibility. This possibility even made them unbelievable. That is the person in front of him, the emperor of Daqin, the master of the whole Daqin, and the most powerful person in Daqin.

The mature woman was shocked, as if a huge wave was set off, she stared at Zhao Fu, "Are you the Emperor Qin?"

The corners of Zhao Fu's mouth rose, revealing a faint smile. Looking at the mature woman in front of him, he said, "That's right! I am the lecherous Emperor Qin, the one who killed your father and robbed your mother and lover."

She said that her lover was sent to the Daqin harem together with her mother. She should also be a woman, and her appearance was not bad. No wonder she hated men so much, and the disciples she brought were all female.

Hearing Zhao Fu's words, the mature woman's eyes lit up with anger, her fists clenched, and she wanted to take revenge, but in the end she didn't do anything.

First of all, she is not Zhao Fu's opponent, and secondly, her mother and lover are in his hands. Finally, she remembered the past six years of meditation, and her anger slowly subsided, and said coldly, "See Your Majesty!"

Several other women and girls were also shocked. If they didn't arrive, the entire Lord of Qin would come to them.

Although the death of their relatives was related to Da Qin, they did not dare to have any idea of ​​revenge, and some only had fear and despair. This was the memory brought to them by the emperor of Da Qin at that time.

Now they are also pale with fright, kneeling on the ground, their bodies are shaking a little.

Zhao Fu chuckled, "Don't worry, I said I won't kill you, so I won't kill you, and you can continue to be the people of Daqin."

Hearing this, the girls breathed a sigh of relief.

The mature woman stood there expressionlessly, without saying a word, like ice.

Zhao Fu looked at her and said with a smile, "Do you still want to see your mother and lover?"

These words immediately made the mature woman's complexion change a little, her eyes twinkled, she couldn't help being surprised, and her breathing became fast. This was what she had hoped to do most in the past six years.


The mature woman looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes and replied firmly.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I will give you a chance to see them, but since they have entered the imperial palace of Daqin, it is impossible for them to be free, and it is impossible to return them to you. You must understand this."

The mature woman nodded with a smile. It was already her dream to see the two of them, so what else could she hope for.

The few women next to him also showed happy smiles. It was the first time they made Master so happy. They also understood that this was what Master had always hoped for, and now the dream has finally come true.

"Do you still have any dissatisfaction with Da Qin now?" Zhao Fu looked at the mature woman with a smile and said.

The mature woman gave a salute with a smile, "Your Majesty, you are joking, how can I still be dissatisfied, and it is too late to be grateful to Your Majesty."

A few women next to him also said with a smile, "We have often heard others say that before, we began to think that His Majesty of Da Qin was someone like a terrifying great devil, but we never thought that His Majesty was such a good person."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said to the mature woman, "I still have something to do now. After you come to Daqin, talk to the guard and I will send someone to handle your affairs."

The mature woman thanked Zhao Fu with a smile.

When Zhao Fu was about to leave, he saw the tiger lying on the ground with a frightened expression like a cat. Since it was so honest, Zhao Fu naturally wouldn't kill it, but if it was released, it would not be able to kill it in the future. also hurt people.

After thinking about it for a while, a wave of a hand and a ban entered the tiger's body, and the tiger did not dare to resist.

Zhao Fu turned his head and said with a smile, "This is a small gift for you, let him be the guardian beast of a temple!"

The girls also had happy smiles on their faces and hurriedly thanked Zhao Fu. With such a big tiger around, they would be more than enough.

Zhao Fu didn't say anything and turned into a stream of light that shot towards the horizon.

The girls looked at the direction in which Zhao Fu disappeared, and their hearts were still beating. This was probably the biggest adventure they had ever encountered, and it turned out to be directly meeting the Lord of Great Qin.

Zhao Fu then went to a few places, checked the situation a little bit, and also asked what the people thought, and then returned directly to Daqin.

At this time, all parties also sent a lot of memorials, all about the public opinion of all parties, as well as memorials for repairing the villages and cities.

Zhao Fu also sat on the dragon chair and watched, feeling a little more motivated than before, perhaps because he felt his obligations and responsibilities.

After dealing with these matters, Zhao Fu couldn't help thinking about the mature women, so he ordered the two women to be called.

A beautiful woman with a plump figure, with a hint of virtuous temperament, a woman with a seductive figure and a heroic spirit.

The beautiful woman is the mother of the mature woman, and the heroic woman is the lover of the mature woman.

The two were called by Zhao Fu, thinking they were here to serve Zhao Fu, with ruddy faces and watery eyes, they bowed charmingly, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Fu looked at the two of them, still had some impressions, and told them about the mature woman with a smile.

The two women suddenly smiled in surprise, and the beautiful woman said happily, "Your Majesty! Where is my daughter? Now I should serve you and become Da Qin's concubine!"

The beautiful woman thought in her heart that with her daughter's beautiful appearance, His Majesty Da Qin would definitely take a fancy to her and put her in the harem. Then she could reunite with her daughter and live together every day.

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "It's not what you think, I just come to tell you first, maybe she will come back in a few days."

The two women responded with a smile, and then a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Zhao Fu expectantly.

But Zhao Fu let them go down first, and then focused on the many memorials, and there were indeed a few things to deal with.

For example, the relatives of the soldiers who died in battle, this can't help but remind Zhao Fu of the village chief's family. They should be given better preferential treatment, and they must be implemented properly, so that the families of those soldiers who died in the battle must not be in a difficult situation.

As for the soldiers who died in Daqin's battle, in fact Daqin also kept their bodies, and of course they can choose independently.

Now Daqin has a large number of first-order blood god pills, so they don't need the bodies of Daqin soldiers, so they have two choices. The first is to go to the ground for safety. Daqin will respect their choice and bury them in their hometown.


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