The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1784 Daqin Yin Soldier (four more subscriptions)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The second is to transform into a Daqin Yin soldier. Maybe one day, consciousness and memory will be restored, which is equivalent to being reborn once. Many people are reluctant to part with their relatives and friends, and do not want to really die, so they choose the second.

However, the number of places for the second type is limited, and it is impossible to convert all the lost soldiers, so Da Qin also stores the bodies of those soldiers.

The second problem is the officialdom, as well as the formation of parties and private parties, and the appointment of cronies rather than talents. It must be taken seriously and this kind of thing must be thoroughly investigated.

Because this is the source of the civil strife, and many ancient dynasties were destroyed because of this, Zhao Fu absolutely allowed those things to happen.

Of course, the origin of this incident was that Zhao Fu landed on the big boat in the middle of the river and found out after talking with many talented people. Although they are not suitable for officials, there are some misunderstandings about the ministers in the DPRK, and Zhao Fu also avoided the occurrence of what they said.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu called Ye Qiuye, the former saint of the White Lotus Sect, who was later integrated into the Daqin Intelligence Organization, and the White Lotus Sect was changed to the White Sect.

Because what Baijiao is good at, which is to deceive people, is also the most widely distributed and has a large number of people. Among them, there are all kinds of people, maybe a beggar, maybe a rich businessman, maybe a soldier, these are all possible.

A lot of information in Daqin is now obtained through them, and the information they provide is also large and many, all kinds of information are available, but some secret information may not be obtained, and Yongye is responsible for this.

Yong Ye is not only responsible for assassination, but also responsible for these relatively secret things, which is the most terrifying of the three major forces.

The last flower moon will also collect various information, but some will taste various business-related information.

Because of the hostile relationship between Daqin and the surrounding countries, it is natural that no trade can be generated, but Huayue is getting along well in the Daqin Empire, and has become the most important helper of Daqin's official control of the commercial economy.

"Your Majesty! Is there something wrong?" Ye Qiuye's beautiful eyes seduced Zhao Fu, and there was a hint of voice in his voice.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "It's nothing! It's just to let you pay more attention to some matters of the ministers in the court and the middle. Of course, if you don't care about the small things, just pay attention to some big things, especially things related to Daqin's policy."

Ye Qiuye said with a seductive smile, "Your Majesty! You leave this matter to us, please rest assured, our Baijiao people will definitely handle it, and why has Your Majesty not been to us recently, we are very I miss your majesty."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "You go down first! I will go back naturally when I have time."

Ye Qiuye chuckled happily, "Then, Your Majesty, I want to go on and wait for you to go to us."

After Ye Qiuye went down, Zhao Fu called Yong Ye's people again.

"See Your Majesty!"

The eleven people who controlled Yong Ye, namely Wang Ergou Liumei and the others, came to Zhao Fu and saluted in unison.

Zhao Fu replied without wasting any time, "I asked you to come here for nothing, just start investigating all those who may cause harm to Da Qin, no matter who they are, they can be directly obliterated."


Eleven people responded in unison, and then exited the hall one after another.

Many ministers learned that Zhao Fu had issued orders to go out, which made many ministers feel a little cautious. They knew that their Majesty went out this time because of some changes in thinking.

As the master of Daqin, then the whole Daqin also has a trace of depression and tension.

However, because the actions were hidden and did not cause much fluctuation, Da Qin still looked stable and peaceful.

Zhao Fu then called Li Si to discuss some policy content together, and later at the court meeting, he asked many ministers to discuss it.

Li Si was also a little surprised, because from Daqin Village to the present Daqin Empire, it was the first time that Zhao Fu had such a great interest and motivation in internal affairs. If it was normal, he would not be like this.


A soldier came in and reported, "Your Majesty! The messenger of the Second Wind God has sent someone to see you."

Zhao Fu was a little puzzled, what would the Second Fengshen find him for? And the relationship between the two sides is not good at all.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Fu ordered someone to first collect the latest information on the Second Fengshen and briefly glanced at it.

It turned out that the First Fengshen Empire was severely damaged in the alchemy world, its strength was greatly reduced, and it had to face the surrounding enemies.

Because the reason why the second Fengshen is not afraid of the sky and the earth, but also arrogant and arrogant, is that it has the support of the first Fengshen Empire. As a kingdom in the middle domain, it has the ability to crush the outer domain, even if the kingdom inside the outer domain is also arrogant and arrogant. Don't dare to offend, the ordinary forces can only let it.

Without this greatest support now, the Second Fengshen Empire would definitely not be as it was before, which is why the messengers were sent, otherwise, with the arrogant attitude of the Second Fengshen, how could they send messengers here.

Zhao Fu also met the messenger, a kind middle-aged man.

When the kind middle-aged man saw Zhao Fu coming out, he saluted with a smile, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I wonder what your Second Fengshen Empire is looking for in Da Qin?"

The kind middle-aged man was relieved to see Zhao Fu smiling, because the two sides were originally hostile. If he came to visit, it would definitely arouse His Majesty Qin's displeasure. Now

The result was the opposite.

Then he said with a smile, "Your Majesty Da Qin! Actually, I came here on behalf of the Second Fengshen this time, and I also want to invite Da Qin to the Second Fengshen Empire to solve the natural disaster. We will also use food as a reward."

Zhao Fu chuckled, it turned out to be this purpose. In fact, Da Qin and the second Fengshen did not have much grudges, but they had a lot of hatred with the first Fengshen Empire, and the second Fengshen not only wanted to relieve the natural disaster, but also wanted to ease up with Da Qin. relation.

This may be the purpose of the Second Fengshen Empire.

After thinking about it, it is more beneficial to Da Qin to solve the natural disaster, and it can also be insidious because the other party is disadvantaged. This can be done.

Zhao Fu nodded and agreed, but the other party was suspicious, and he said, "I can promise you the second Fengshen Empire on this matter, but you must pay four times the food."

The kind middle-aged man couldn't help being pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect it to be so simple and agreed. He thought how difficult it would be. He was famous for the strict conditions. In the end, it was only four times the food. Although food is now more important to the second Fengshen, in order to achieve the goal Still worth it.

"Your Majesty! I can promise you this." The kind man suppressed the joy in his heart and said to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "Then when your food arrives, the Great Qin Disaster Master will go immediately."


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