The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1786 Sword Repair

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"There is also this kind of flying sword, which is only suitable for sword cultivators, because that method of nurturing swords has already bred a sword spirit. Although it is not very strong, it enables sword cultivators to exert its power."

"And now the various attributes of the sword are also very suitable for the sword cultivator. I just counted half of the sword cultivator, and I did not exert its real power. If it is handed over to the sword cultivator, their power will be stronger."

Zhao Fu listened carefully to Gongsun Zhu's explanation, and felt that it was very complicated to manufacture, but after hearing it, Zhao Fu was most concerned about whether it could be mass-produced. .

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu also asked.

Gongsun Zhu smiled and nodded, "Your Majesty! I said this before, and I also thought about mass production, so don't worry, this kind of flying sword can be mass produced, and it is also being improved, maybe in the world of self-cultivation. The flying of the sword, the combination of swords, and even the possibility of Wanjian returning to the ancestors may appear."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu couldn't help showing a smile, and he was also a little excited. It was already foreseeable that after Da Qin mastered this method, the scene of countless flying swords covering the entire sky was absolutely terrifying.

Hearing what Gongsun Zhu said about flying with the sword, combining swords, and even returning to the ancestors with ten thousand swords, it was even more terrifying, and it made Zhao Fu even happier.

The most important thing is to be able to manufacture them in large quantities, so Zhao Fu said directly, "Then you will give me the exact method of manufacturing flying swords. Now I will immediately order people to prepare various things, and I will reward your Gongsun family heavily later."

Gongsun Zhu smiled and nodded, and then began to explain in detail the method of making flying swords.

First of all, it needs a lot of alchemy materials. Don't worry, because Daqin stores a lot of alchemy materials. These materials are all killed by the alchemists. They are divided from their corpses. Half of them are hands and feet, and a lot of them look terrifying.

Of course, the sage stones in their bodies were also dug out and collected together, and the alchemy materials that we are talking about now are all these materials.

Because of the large number, this material is also the most common material. Of course, because it is a life metal, if the biological level is higher, the metal level is also higher, and the produced flying sword level is also higher.

Now Daqin only needs a lot of flying swords. Such ordinary alchemy materials are enough, and they don't need too advanced materials.

And the more advanced Feijian, the more cultivation base is required, and now there are not many strong people in Daqin, and the second-order soldiers are not popular. Therefore, even if a large number of high-level flying swords are produced, Da Qin is unable to use them.

The second is the sword embryo. This sword embryo is the most important thing to form a flying sword. Without it, it would not be possible to make a flying sword at all, and it would not even be possible to use that day to smelt metal.

This kind of sword embryo is not simple, it is the five-element sword embryo inherited from the Gongsun family, that is, the sword embryo is made of gold, wood, water, fire and soil.

And gold, wood, water, fire, and soil are the basic elements that make up the world. No matter what world there are countless, the same is true for the world of Apocalypse, so there is no need to worry about the five elements.

Zhao Fu also immediately ordered people to collect a large amount of five-element materials and prepare to make a large number of five-element sword tires.

There are also biological souls, which are also more important, but this is also very simple for Da Qin, because Da Qin kills many people every day, and they can use their souls, and they are human souls, which are more powerful than ordinary beast souls. spirituality.

In the end, there is the candidate to use Feijian. Only Jianxiu can exert the power of Feijian, so Daqin will naturally cultivate a large number of Jianxiu.

Zhao Fu immediately thought of Gai Nie's Jianmen. The last time Daqin implemented the plan, Jianmen's performance was very good.

But Jianmen is only a force, but now Daqin needs to maintain an army of swordsmen.

However, only a sect like that can cultivate the strongest sword cultivator, not the army.

This flying sword will definitely become the most important means of Da Qin in the future. Zhao Fu not only wants to train a large number of sword cultivators, but also wants to train a large number of high-level sword cultivators, so as to avoid the embarrassing situation of having a large number of high-level flying swords but no sword cultivators.

It would be best if Jianmen was changed to a half-sect and half-army force, combining the advantages of the two.

Zhao Fu is not a sword cultivator, so he doesn't know anything about that sword cultivator. Zhao Fu doesn't know anything about how they cultivate, how to judge a person who is a sword cultivator, and how they understand the way of swordsmanship.

This made Zhao Fu think of one person, that is naturally the first swordsman in Daqin, Gai Nie. Now that Feijian appears, Gai Nie will be used more and more. He is not the suzerain of a sect, but also the commander of an army. .

When Gai Nie heard Zhao Fu's order, he quickly came to Zhao Fu's place with a calm expression, "Your Majesty! What are you looking for from me?"

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand with a smile and handed him the flying sword in his hand. said, "How do you look at a sword?"

Gai Nie's sharp eyes fell on the sword, and he also found the sword in front of him. It was different from ordinary swords. It was very special. He stretched out his hand to pick up the sword, and a trace of sword power was injected into it.


A sword cry sounded directly, and the flying sword emitted a strong sword light, vibrating constantly, and the good thing was excited because of the terrifying sword power.

Gai Nie's eyes narrowed slightly, and with a hint of surprise, he couldn't help but say, "This sword actually has life, and it is different from ordinary spirit swords, but resembles a sword-shaped creature."

Zhao Fu

With a chuckle, "This is the result of Da Qin just now, and it is about to be used a lot now. I asked you to come for this too."

Gai Nie looked at Zhao Fu and said respectfully, "I also ask Your Majesty to speak directly, and the minister will do it immediately."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I want you to cultivate an army of sword cultivators. As a sword cultivator, you also understand how sword cultivators practice, and who has the qualifications of sword cultivators. All these things are left to you."

"At the same time, I not only need a large number of sword repairers, but also some relatively powerful sword repairers. I hope you can do it. If you have any needs, you can directly ask Li Si, and he will meet all your requirements."

Gai Nie responded, "Wei Chen understands that he will not disappoint His Majesty."

Zhao Fu smiled with satisfaction, "Okay! There is nothing to do now, you can do it immediately."

Afterwards, Gai Nie also directly found Li Si, issued an announcement to the entire Daqin, started the qualification test of sword cultivators, and asked the people from Jianmen to help. As sword cultivators, they naturally understood how to judge aptitude.

Sword cultivators must like swords first, otherwise they cannot be a strong swordsman even if their aptitude is high, so the people who basically take the test are basically people who love swords, and their age is relatively low.

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