The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1787 Five Elements Sword Embryo (Subscription)

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Everything was ready, and Da Qin began to cultivate Feijian.

The first is to find a very large flat ground and set up two magic formations, one is the gathering spirit formation, which absorbs the countless spiritual powers around, and absorbs the spiritual power for the Five Elements Sword Embryo, so that they themselves contain spiritual power.

There is also a great formation for splitting the soul, which has the same function as the name of the formation, dividing a complete soul into different parts and injecting them into the five-element sword embryo.

These two arrays are the first things to be arranged, and they are also the most basic things. They cover a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and the area can be said to be quite huge.

Next is the matter of the Five Elements Sword Embryo. What Daqin has collected are the most common Five Elements materials, because it doesn't matter how much you want to use them.

That is, the following five materials, the essence of black iron, the copper of wood roots, the ore of water, the flint steel, and the ore of earth spirit, they are all metals, but they contain the power of five elements, that is, gold, wood, water, fire and soil.

After collecting the five materials, Daqin Blacksmith and Talisman now have something to do.

According to Zhao Fu's order, they fused five kinds of metals to create a two-meter-five-high, one-foot wide sword, and a sword-shaped hole was left inside the sword. Passing out, you can see the inside of the sword from the hilt.

Master Fu also engraved countless incantations on the swords, making those swords look mighty and domineering, with a mysterious mystery.

This is the Five Elements Sword Embryo, and it is not a one-time thing, that is to say, it is useless if it does not breed a flying sword, but can be conceived repeatedly, and as time goes on, these sword embryos will also have terrifying effects. strength.

First, Zhao Fu ordered people to insert the finished five-element sword body into the ground with the sword body facing down. The original two-meter-five-meter sword entered two meters later, and only half a meter was left outside, that is, the hilt part should be added a little more. part.

Such a giant sword is inserted all over the ground, and it is all over at a glance, with a powerful invisible sword, making the air dignified, making the world seem to change color, this scene is still very shocking.

However, these are still preparations, and the things that give birth to Feijian have not officially begun.

A group of people poured some metal liquid into it according to Zhao Fu's order. These metal liquids were melted by high temperature, emitting a faint light, with a very high temperature.

And these metal liquids are the products of the dissolution of the alchemy world material and the apocalypse world material together.

The metal liquid was poured into the great sword from the hole in the hilt, and there was no need to fill it up, just fill the body of the sword.

After all this, Zhao Fu directly started the gathering formation, a huge formation emerged from the ground, a huge suction force spread, and the surrounding aura gathered into a mist, pouring in like a tide.

Countless big swords inserted on the ground, countless runes on their swords lit up, emitting a sword light, and a terrifying sword power also spread.

The metal liquid poured into the big sword has not cooled down at this time, but the big sword exudes a powerful sword power, and it begins to penetrate the metal liquid continuously, and it also constantly changes the metal liquid.

Under the change of the powerful sword power, those metal liquids quickly condensed into a sword without a hilt, continuously absorbing the sword power inside the great sword, and now countless flying swords have been conceived.

In the end, there is still something missing, and that is the soul, which is also the spirituality that Feijian lacks.


A roar sounded at one time, and a huge gray magic circle spread with a huge yin and cold aura, and the surrounding yin qi also surged rapidly, and the surrounding temperature began to drop.

"Bring all those people here!"

Zhao Fu looked at the giant formation with a smile, and gave an order to the soldiers next to him.

The soldier obeyed, and then about a few thousand people, with their hands tied, those with fearful expressions or angry faces, were escorted by Daqin soldiers to the center of the array, where Zhao Fu was standing.

"Let go of me and use your abilities to have a fair duel, even if I die, I will be willing." An angry young man shouted to the Daqin soldiers while struggling.

"I beg you not to kill me, I really regret it, should I insult Da Qin, please give me a chance." An old man cried out to the Da Qin soldiers with fear on his face.

"You people in Daqin are all bastards and scum. Anything that hurts the world will be punished sooner or later." A young woman hissed with hatred on her face.

"Don't kill me! Why do you want to kill me? You tell me what I did wrong, and I will definitely change it." A thin and frail young man, his eyes full of fear, begged Daqin.


Some of these people are unwilling to surrender and have strong hatred, some are criminals, some are relatives of some hateful criminals, and some are captured by attacking other areas. Anyway, there are all kinds of people, men, women and children.

ah ah ah...

The next step is the massacre. Those soldiers who were lined up on the ground kneeling on the ground, and standing beside them were soldiers holding big swords. Under Zhao Fu's order, they raised the big swords and slashed it down with great force, and chopped off the head. gushing.

The heads were thrown flying, and then rolled to the ground. The headless corpse also fell, and the blood stained the ground red.

At this time, a huge yin force covered those corpses, and phantoms floated out from their corpses, looking like their corpses. This was the so-called soul.

Countless souls were removed from the corpse by the vast Yin force

It was pulled out, and the gray circle on the ground radiated cold light, slashing at those souls.

ah ah ah...

The screams of countless souls sounded, extremely harsh, as if they were in hell, very terrifying.

That cold light cut countless souls into countless small pieces and floated in the air. The huge gray magic circle on the ground exuded a suction force at one time, and those countless small pieces of soul were sucked into it one after another.

Then, the gray magic circle injected pieces of soul fragments into the great swords.

After those souls were injected, they were penetrated by powerful sword power, clearing all memory and debris, leaving only the power of the original soul.

Under the control of the big sword, a trace of soul power was injected into the flying sword. The most important thing now is to wait. If you want to breed a flying sword, you must have a lot of time.

In the end, Zhao Fu did not incorporate the blood of the soldiers, because the comparison was troublesome. Although it could enhance the controllability of the flying sword, it had to be replaced with a different sword tire, and once it was destroyed, it had to be re-bred, and it was impossible to directly use someone's flying sword. .

This is not good for the emergency, so we did not continue. After dealing with these matters, Zhao Fu returned to Daqin with a smile on his face.


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