The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1788 Ice

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After a while, Daqin received information that the Alchemy World had launched an attack on Daqin. When he heard the news, Zhao Fu looked serious, because it was the third time that the Alchemy World had attacked, and the attack was even more ferocious.

Zhao Fu took the Daqin soldiers and quickly went to the alchemy world.

When they came to the city wall, all kinds of soldiers were already preparing in various ways, constantly strengthening the prohibition of defending the city wall, and constantly carrying out all kinds of ordnance. I also understand how terrifying the alchemists will be.

And after two wars, Daqin improved its defensive measures and dug out a defensive belt.

"Bai Qi! How many alchemy soldiers are attacking this time?" Zhao Fu looked straight ahead and asked Bai Qi seriously.

Hearing this, Bai Qi also replied solemnly, "This time, the number of alchemy soldiers attacked this time is twice as many as before. It is 1.2 billion alchemy soldiers. I heard that the number of war holy beasts has also increased a lot."

Zhao Fu has some headaches. There are only more than 4 billion second-order soldiers in Daqin. Now there are 2.5 billion sent here. If the number of soldiers in the alchemy world continues to increase, Daqin's basic forces will respond.


I haven't figured out how to deal with it yet, when a loud noise came out, the ground trembled, and a terrifying momentum struck, making the air become cold and suppressed.

Alchemy soldiers poured out like a tide on the ground, and there were also huge war holy beasts, with a metal chilling aura, as if no one could stop them, making the body feel cold.

This time, the alchemy army has gathered more alchemy forces, and it is not dominated by Huogui alone, but a large force has joined in, and its status and power are not weaker than those of Huogui.

That person was a cold and arrogant young man named Binghan, and now the entire army is dominated by the two of them.

Now the alchemy army is more confident. There are 1.2 billion alchemy soldiers and 5,000 holy beasts. With this strength, they can destroy everything. Now they come this time to avenge the previous revenge and slaughter the apocalypse station.

The alchemy army, with a strong and icy aura, quickly came to the front of Daqin,

On the Daqin side, 2 billion soldiers are guarding the city wall, and 500 million soldiers are kept inside the garrison to prevent accidents. Daqin also learned a lesson last time. If there is no army left behind before, Daqin may be broken .

The two armies each brought a confrontation, making the air dignified. It is also more chilling, even if it can be felt from a long distance.

Binghan and Huogui stood in the sky with many leaders. Huogui looked at Zhao Fu angrily. He almost died here last time, and he returned from defeat and was ridiculed by others. This time he must use it. Daqin's blood to wash away the shame.

Binghan looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, with a hint of arrogance, "Your power is not bad, you have resisted our Alchemy World's two attacks in a row, and you have not been destroyed. You are proud of this."

"But this time, you will undoubtedly lose. Because of my existence, your Apocalypse World will lose sooner or later. It's better to surrender to me first. When the Alchemy World annexes the Apocalypse World, you will also benefit greatly."

"Of course, you may also be afraid of the punishment of the Apocalypse World, but you don't have to worry. The Alchemy World has the ability to avoid you from being punished. It is your best choice to submit to me now."

"And I am also willing to subdue you because of your relatively strong forces. This is also an honor for you people who are apocalypse, and there are no ordinary forces."

After listening to Binghan's words, Zhao Fu was also a little surprised. Alchemy World still avoided punishment as a traitor. Isn't this trying to lure the people of Apocalypse World to surrender?

And the alchemy world is also dominated by people, not the same as the chaotic world. The chaotic world is dominated by insects and beasts. Those insects and beasts have low intelligence. If they see people, they will kill them. If you want to surrender, you will eventually die.

Zhao Fu naturally didn't like what Binghan said, and he couldn't surrender to him, with a sneer, "Whether you win or lose, it's not even possible, maybe your head will be hung on the city wall tomorrow. "

Binghan looked at Zhao Fu with cold eyes, and he had already moved a bit of killing intent.

The fire ghost next to him shouted, "I said before, that kid is very arrogant and domineering, and he won't surrender. It's better to launch an attack directly, destroy this force, capture that kid alive, and then torture him."

Binghan didn't say anything, and immediately gave the order to attack. It was the same as before, using the holy beast of war to suppress it first.

I saw those sacred war beasts, one after another, the huge gun barrels aimed at the city wall of Daqin, countless rays of light emerged from the barrels, and an extremely dangerous aura emanated.

boom boom boom...

A series of terrifying beams shot out with the power of destruction, and shot towards the Daqin city wall like a thunderbolt. No one could resist, and many beam methods shot through the sky with extremely fast speed.

In the face of this wave of attacks, Da Qin did not hesitate, and directly activated the protective shield, a huge black energy shield emerged with a solid and huge momentum.

bang bang bang...

With a loud noise, the terrifying beam quickly hit the protective cover, and the protective cover burst into countless cracks, and more terrifying beams, with terrifying power, then hit the protective cover.


A loud bang sounded, and the huge defensive cover was still smashed by those sacred war beasts. Although Daqin continued to strengthen the strength of the defensive cover, the number of the opponent's sacred war beasts was also increasing.



Countless superior soldiers, roaring loudly, charged towards Da Qin with a fierce and incomparable aura, as if to destroy everything,

The first person to charge in front was still holding a long spear, and with the momentum of the charge, he projected the long spear forcefully.

Those city walls flew out with a powerful force, submerged into the void, and the formations emerged one by one. The alchemy power around them continued to gather, and the alchemy formations radiated strong rays of light.


Long spears with terrifying strength shot out from the array, densely packed, very skilled, and fell like heavy rain.

On the Daqin side, the shield soldiers stepped forward, forming a shield wall at a time, emitting black light, forming a black light curtain, blocking the countless spears that were shot.

The ladder builders also stepped out at one time, and pressed their hands with metal gloves on the ground. Alchemy formations emerged one by one. Countless alchemical powers gathered, and the first-order metal steps quickly stretched out from the ground. , and quickly stretched towards the city wall.

Countless alchemy soldiers rushed up the metal stairs and attacked Daqin. The metal stairs stretched towards the Daqin city wall.


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