The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1794 The God of Evil Ghosts (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The cultivation method of this kind of ghost beast is also very important to the ghost empire. Back then, the ghost empire became strong because of this method. If it didn't make too many enemies, it would not end like this. exist.

Now that Zhao Fu has obtained this method, he must use it to his advantage, but he can't waste such a good thing.

Finally, there is the material for nurturing ghost beasts, that is, people. Although beasts can also be used as ghost beasts, their intelligence is not high, and the resentment they generate is not large. It is relatively difficult to form ghost beasts. .

Therefore, the most suitable materials for ghost beasts are countless people. As long as people are used as materials, it will be easier to form ghost beasts, and the quality will be higher.

Zhao Fu originally thought that he was directly cultivating 500 million ghost beasts, but there is no war, and there are not so many people making ghost beasts.

Of course, it is simply impossible to use the people of Daqin to make these ghost beasts.

Now the insects and beasts in the chaotic world cannot be used as materials, nor can people in the alchemy world, and now the alchemy world, Daqin is also suppressed by the alchemy world, and they have no ability to expand, nor can they plunder a large number of alchemy world population.

The remaining battlefields are only the Underworld battlefield and the Apocalypse battlefield. People from these two battlefields are more suitable.

The most suitable ones are the people of the underworld, because they themselves are of the Yin attribute. If they are Yin soul beasts, their power will be stronger and their rank will be higher.

If there is a chance, Zhao Fu thinks that he can start a large-scale war in the underworld, plunder a large number of people, and throw all the soldiers who are unwilling to surrender, as well as the enemy soldiers, into clay pots and bury them alive to make them into ghost beasts.

But the headache of the alchemy world has not really been resolved, and Zhao Fu is not good to start a large-scale war in the underworld.

At this time, he could only slowly make the ghost beast.

Zhao Fu thought about this matter, put it aside first, and called 100 million Yin Soldiers to sign a contract with the Yin Soul Beast.

Seeing the burst of second-order momentum, Zhao Fu showed a satisfied smile, and at this moment, Da Qin had 100 million second-order Yin soldiers.

This can ease the pressure on the Alchemy World a little. The Alchemy World's basic troops are all Tier 2, while Daqin simply doesn't have that many Tier 2 soldiers. If too many alchemy soldiers attack, Daqin can't resist.

After dealing with this matter, Zhao Fu was about to return to the Daqin underground palace when a soldier stepped forward and said respectfully, "Your Majesty! The Underworld Huangquan State has something for you to go."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu couldn't help but chuckle. Originally, he wanted to go to the underworld to see the situation, but now he can use it to take a look. He also has some doubts, what is Huang Quanguo looking for himself?

After a while, Zhao Fu came directly to the underworld Huangquan Kingdom.

With a smile, Huang Quanling stepped forward to hug Zhao Fu and said, "Master! I have two good things for you."

Zhao Fu asked with a smile, "What kind of good thing is that?"

Huang Quanling smiled and took out two spar, these two spar are diamond-shaped spar, a few inches in length, one is blue in color, emitting a faint blue light, with an illusory and cold atmosphere, and the other is black, emitting a slight black light , there is a ferocious smell.

These two spar have a strong spirit of the gods, because they are both godheads.

"Xianggong! In the past few days, we have found several ruins in the area we captured. These two godheads are the biggest gains. I heard that you have been looking for godheads, so I will inform you as soon as possible."

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. Now Da Qin is indeed looking for a godhead, because he needs to gather twenty-four gods and open the door to the world of gods.

Now Daqin has nineteen goddesses. If these two godheads are added, there are still three gods left, which can meet the requirements.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand to pick up the two godheads and looked at them. He found that the power they contained was not weak. To bring them back, he only needed to build a god statue, and then give some power of faith, and the two gods would manifest.

Huang Quanling explained to Zhao Fu with a smile, "Xianggong! This blue godhead is the godhead of a ghost god, and its power is a bit strange. At that time, it took me and a few sisters a lot of effort to defeat her. ."

"That black godhead is the godhead of the god of evil spirits, its power is very terrifying, and the god of evil spirits is also very ferocious and extremely aggressive, even more difficult to deal with than the god of ghosts, but we believe that Xianggong, you tame her. "

Speaking of the end, Huang Quanling looked at Zhao Fu with a hint of charm, and her beautiful eyes were seductive.

Zhao Fu chuckled, and naturally understood what she meant, so he stayed here for a while, then returned to Daqin, ordered two statues to be built quickly, and found two large pieces of Yin jade, because both gods were It is Yin attribute, so I found two Yin jade.

These two large pieces of Yin jade are two meters high, and they are standing on the altar without any carvings.

Zhao Fu first took out the godhead of the ghost god and integrated it into the yin jade. The yin jade radiated a lot of blue light and began to change. It gradually took on the shape of a person, and then the appearance became clear.

A figure also appeared in front of Zhao Fu. It was a woman with gray hair that fell to her thighs. She was dressed in a white robe. She had a slender figure, bare and bare feet, and floated a few inches above the ground.

Her long hair also covers her face, so I don't know what she looks like.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and brushed her hair away, and the ghost god immediately seemed to be frightened and stepped back a few steps, also a little ashamed.

Astringent look.

Although it was just a moment, Zhao Fu looked at her appearance, and she was still very beautiful. She had a pair of dark blue eyes, and she looked a little innocent.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Now you are the god of Da Qin, and I will not hurt you."

The God of Ghosts nodded, she felt that the breath on Zhao Fu's body was very terrifying, and she also needed the power of faith.

Seeing her promise, Zhao Fu didn't say anything, and came to another temple with a smile.

The black godhead was also integrated into it, and the yin jade radiated a slight black light, which also changed, and finally turned into the appearance of a woman.

A figure also appeared in front of Zhao Fu. She had long black hair and a ghostly horn growing between her eyebrows. She had a plump figure and a beautiful appearance, but with a hint of viciousness, she just appeared and attacked Zhao Fu.

The result was of course not Zhao Fu's opponent, but was taught a lesson by Zhao Fu. He had used the power of killing gods and the six desires, and given the power of faith as a temptation, the god of evil spirits finally agreed to become the god of Da Qin.

After subduing the two gods, Zhao Fu showed a smile, and he continued to make people look for the godhead. He had a hunch that going to the world of gods was very important to Da Qin.


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