The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1795 Alchemy Giant

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Back in Daqin, Zhao Fu went to another place, which was also two research places, one was responsible for researching the alchemist.

This alchemist is not an ordinary alchemist. He was the last time Zhao Fu caught the alchemy giant, the one who was formed by the canine monster that devoured countless similar creatures and sage stones.

Zhao Fu had asked Mu Minxian, this kind of thing doesn't happen much in the alchemy world, because the conditions for it to be formed are very difficult.

Zhao Fu was also a little surprised by this, thinking that this kind of thing is relatively common in the alchemy world, and he is also very interested in this type of life form, because this kind of creature has achieved a state of immortality and immortality. .

Whether you cut off his head, cut his body through a big hole, or split him in half, or even burn him with ice, it shows a very powerful vitality.

Unless you blast him into scum, it is impossible to kill him. Fortunately, there are not many alchemy creatures. If such an army attacks, it will be difficult for Da Qin to resist.

Zhao Fu also wants to study clearly what the reason is. If the study is successful, it will definitely help Daqin a lot.

When I came to the research room, there was a man ten meters tall, with slender muscles, a mouth of fangs, and a pair of pure black pupils in the iron cage. This was the alchemist.

Now the alchemist curled up in the corner with a look of fear, and he was no longer as fierce and violent as before, because Da Qin had done countless cruel experiments with him. Although he would not die, he would endure great pain.

At this time, he saw Zhao Fu, the person who captured him, with a look of anger, the spirit of coming immediately, let out a roar, hit the iron cage hard, and wanted to rush out to kill Zhao Fu, because all this was Zhao Fu just caused.

But the iron cage was extremely hard, and he allowed him to hit the iron cage with his fist, but there was no damage to the iron cage.

The researcher next to him immediately took a few darts and threw them hard. The darts stuck on the alchemy giant's body, and the alchemy giant's body quickly fell to the ground.

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

Many researchers, with nervous expressions, saluted Zhao Fu and said, because the alchemy giant is like this, it is obviously offensive to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu didn't care, and asked, "How is your research now? And what is that dart, how did it hit the alchemy giant and make him lose his combat effectiveness?"

A middle-aged man with a fair appearance stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty! We have gained something, we know the reason for the formation of the alchemy giant, and that the dart is stained with some strong paralyzing poison, specially developed for the alchemy giant."

Hearing that there is something to be gained, Zhao Fu also showed a smile and said, "Then you can talk about it."

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "This kind of alchemy giant is a high-level alchemy creature, that is, a monster created by the power of alchemy. It is no longer conceived through fertility or other methods."

"This high-level alchemy creature has a very strong taboo power in itself, and some aspects are not bound by the rules of the world. If it fully stimulates his power, it will become very terrifying. There were several cultivation bases before. Soldiers far above him were wounded."

Zhao Fu was also a little surprised, it seems that this alchemy giant is really unusual.

The middle-aged man continued, "It is also very difficult to form an alchemy giant. Not only does it require the same bloodline, the same power, and the freshest flesh and blood, but even if these conditions are sufficient, there may not be anyone who can create an alchemy giant. ."

"Because the core of the alchemy giant is actually the sage's stone, a relatively powerful sage's stone is needed, and if it resonates with the sage's stone of other creatures, it will automatically generate an alchemy life circle, gathering countless of flesh and blood, from which the alchemical giant was created."

"Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for a sage's stone to resonate with other sage's stones, because it resonates only under random circumstances and cannot be controlled."

"But if you master this kind of resonance method, then you can produce this kind of alchemy giant in large quantities. Now the subordinates are also conducting research on this aspect, and there is not much gain for the time being."

Hearing the words of mass production, Zhao Fu was also shocked. If he could create a large number of alchemy giants, it would form a very terrifying army. Let alone other powers, just use this ability of immortality and immortality. very scary.

What's more, this alchemy giant is far stronger than his peers, and the power he exerts is even more unimaginable, and he will surely become one of Da Qin's powerful successors.

However, that kind of resonance method is probably not so easy to study.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Then you all continue to study! When you get something, report to me as soon as possible."

The middle-aged man obeyed.

Zhao Fu turned and left with a smile, intending to go to the next research site, but the alchemy giant in the iron cage still glared at Zhao Fu angrily.

After a while, Zhao Fu came to a research site again. This research site is very huge, tens of thousands of meters in size, and there is a huge mechanical turtle in the center, which is 10,000 meters in size. This is the war that was sealed before. Holy beast.

Although Zhao Fu already knew how to control the sacred beast of war, he only needed to destroy an alchemy family and possess the fusion of that family and the lair, and he should be able to control the sacred beast of war. This is relatively simple.

But now Da Qin is very passive in the alchemy world, it can be said that he is under pressure from the alchemy world

The system cannot be expanded at all, so what ability does it have to destroy any alchemy family.

Zhao Fu wanted to study these holy beasts, and while looking for ways to make the holy beasts, he also studied the weaknesses of the holy beasts.

The power of those war holy beasts is still very troublesome. Da Qin is now capable of restraining, that is, using disaster beads, but the number of disaster beads is not so many, and maybe next time, the alchemist will be prepared.

It is also necessary to save the weak point, and when the next war occurs, it will deal a heavy blow to the holy beast of the alchemy world.

Because Mu Minxian is a member of the family and understands this relatively well, she is here to help with the research.

When Zhao Fu came here, many busy researchers also stopped to salute.

Mu Minxian also came to Zhao Fu and said respectfully, "See Your Majesty!"

Zhao Fu laughed and asked, "How is the research on the holy beast of war now, can Daqin also be able to create the holy beast of war?"

Mu Minxian replied with a serious face, "Your Majesty! I've disappointed you. This involves the core mysteries of the alchemy world, and there is no progress in the research on holy beasts."


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