The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1836 Token

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The grandfather and grandson nodded in surprise and excitement,

"Little Niuzi! This is Qinshi Academy. You have to behave well here. You can't let us down, and you can't live up to that adult's fancy for you, otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

The old man took the little boy's hand, and suddenly lowered his head and said to the little boy seriously.

The little boy also nodded seriously and replied, "Grandpa, I know! I will definitely perform well in Qin Shi Academy."

At this time, the little fat man in gorgeous clothes happened to pass by with a few servants. Hearing this, he was a little dissatisfied, "Humph! That little dumpster can even enter Qin Shi Academy, I don't believe it. "

Hearing this, the little boy said angrily, "You little fat man! I will be a student of Qin Shi Academy from now on, and I don't need you to believe me."

Hearing this, the little fat man was a little angry, he stretched out his little fat hand and shouted, "Take it out and show me your notice!"

The little boy looked puzzled and asked, "What notice?"

The little fat man laughed and said, "Sure enough, you are a fake, you don't even know the notice, and you still want to study in Qin Shi Academy, don't you know? For those who need to pass the assessment, Qin Shi Academy will give a notice, just take this one. Can go to the academy to study."

The little fat man proudly stretched out his hand to the servant next to him.

The servant clearly took out a silver-white booklet and handed it to the little fat man.

The little fat man held the book and shook it in front of the little boy, "See, this is the notice, my name is Qian Wuli, my aptitude is S-level, and I have already read several books, see if I am super good. ."

The little boy was a little surprised, and looked at the little fat man and nodded in recognition, "You are indeed very powerful. My aptitude is only B-level, and I don't know many words yet."

Hearing the little boy's approval, the fat man showed a happy smile. He didn't hate the little boy so much anymore. He stepped forward and patted the little boy on the shoulder, "Now I like you a little bit, so be my little book boy! I'll bring You know what Qin Shi Academy looks like, and I will give you fifty silver coins every month."

The little boy rebuffed, "I don't want it, I came to study, and I want to be a general in the future."

The little fat man said in disbelief, "You don't even have a notice, how can you study in Qin Shi Academy?"

The little boy replied, "There is an adult who can fly in our village. He gave me a token and said that I can come here to study."

The little fat man said in disbelief after hearing the words, "Then what kind of adults did you say gave it to you? I want to see what the token looks like."

The little boy turned his head and said to the old man, "Grandpa! Take out the token that the old man gave me."

The old man naturally wouldn't take it out. The material of the token was made of black gold, which was enough to prove how noble the adult was. How could such a precious thing be taken out and displayed in front of everyone?

Moreover, the old man saw that the fat man had several servants with him, and his identity was obviously not simple. It's not something they can afford, and he said with a smile, "This young master! My grandson is ignorant, so don't bother with him."

After the old man finished speaking, he pulled the little boy and walked forward.

The little boy was dragged by his grandfather and walked forward. He looked a little unhappy, but he honestly didn't struggle and didn't say anything.

The little fat man snorted, and was a little dissatisfied, but did nothing, because this is the gate of Qin Shi Academy, and no one dared to be presumptuous here, so he followed.

The old man pulled the little boy to the door, but was stopped by a soldier in black armor, "Show your notice!"

Hearing this, the old man was taken aback and said, "We don't have a notice."

The Daqin soldier said coldly, "Then please leave. There is no notice or pass to enter here."

The little fat man smiled when he heard this. He had told them before that they needed a notice. They dared to come without a notice, and they must be blocked now.

The hawker also looked at the old man, and he was a little unsure whether the old man had lied to him.

The old man was a little embarrassed, hesitated for a while, and said, "I don't have any notice or pass, but an adult said that with his token, he can come to Qinshi Academy to study."

The Daqin soldier thought about it and said, "Please show that token!"

The old man took out something wrapped in cloth from his arms.

The eyes of the fat man, the hawker, and others, with a hint of curiosity, also focused on the package.

The old man carefully and slowly opened the package, revealing a palm-sized, black-golden token, carved out of a ferocious and domineering black dragon token.

When the Daqin soldiers saw the token, their expressions changed, and they hurriedly knelt on the ground and shouted respectfully, "See Your Majesty! Long live my emperor, long live."

The expressions of the other Daqin soldiers who were guarding here also changed when they saw the token. They also knelt on the ground and shouted, "See Your Majesty! Long live my emperor, long live."

at once!

The eyes of countless people present all focused on the token in the hands of the old man. Although they did not know what token it was, they could tell whose token it was based on the appearance of the Daqin soldiers.

There is only one person who can make Daqin soldiers like this, and that is Daqin's majesty. Thinking of this, everyone's expressions also changed, and they hurriedly knelt on the ground and shouted respectfully, "See Your Majesty! Long live my emperor!

age. "

The sound was loud and vibrated everywhere.

The hawker was shocked, but he didn't expect that the adult in the old man's mouth was actually His Majesty Da Qin, and he quickly knelt down.

"Master! Kneel down."

The servants behind the little fat man were already kneeling on the ground, pulling the little fat man who looked at the token in surprise.

The little fat man also reacted and knelt on the ground. He never thought that the little boy had something to do with His Majesty Da Qin, so he couldn't help feeling a little envious, because that was His Majesty Da Qin. The most honorable person in Daqin.

Not only them, but the little boy and the old man were also shocked, and a huge wave was set off in their hearts. They didn't expect that the person who came to their small village was actually His Majesty of the entire Great Qin.

Seeing the scene where everyone was kneeling, the old man raised the token and pulled the little boy to kneel on the ground, not daring to stand and hold the token given by His Majesty Da Qin.

After a while, the soldier said respectfully, "This old gentleman, you should stand up first, and you can go in."

The old man also understood that he stood up with the token. If he did not stand up, no one in the audience would dare to stand up. This is the majesty from His Majesty Da Qin, and the respect of many people to His Majesty Da Qin.

After the old man stood up, everyone also stood up, and then all gathered around with friendly smiles, because this was someone related to His Majesty Da Qin.


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