The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1837 Fengshen Yao (please subscribe)

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The old man was a little uncomfortable being surrounded by people, because it was not easy to see these people dressed in gorgeous clothes.

Some people said it directly.

"This old gentleman, I don't know if I can give you a face. I want to invite you to a meal and give a gift. I hope you can agree."

"Old gentleman! I have a jade pendant here, worth several thousand silver coins. If you like it, I will give it to you."

"This old man is really lucky to have met our Majesty in person. Your grandson looks pretty good. I have a granddaughter who is very beautiful. Why don't we get married."


The old man's face is embarrassed now, and he is not used to it. He understands the reasons why these people please him.

Seeing this, many soldiers stepped forward, blocked those people, and said, "Old sir, you should go first!"

The old man nodded when he heard the words, realizing that he couldn't stay here.

At this time, the little fat man stepped forward with a smile and put his arms around the little boy's shoulder, "Let's be good friends! I'll treat you to something delicious."

Although this little fat man is small, he is still quite clever. Now, there is a person in front of him who has contact with His Majesty Da Qin. He is a big man. Ordinary people like them are not qualified to meet His Majesty Da Qin.

The little boy nodded happily and did not refuse.

In the Great Qin Imperial Palace, Zhao Fu was approving the memorial. At this time, a Great Qin soldier came in and reported that an old man and a child came to the door of Qin Shi Academy with his token.

Zhao Fu showed a smile, and naturally understood who it was, but he didn't say anything. The opportunity was given to him, and it will depend on how he behaves in the future.

Not paying attention to this matter, Zhao Fu put his mind on politics again.

But after a while, a Daqin soldier came in again and reported that there was a change in the monster world.

Zhao Fu's expression was stunned, and then he thought of something, showed a smile, and soon came to the monster world.

The monster world has also expanded many times now. A square enchantment separates the monster world from the normal world. That place can be extremely twisted and cruel, and the spirit of monsters contained in it can make creatures mutate.

ah ah ah ah...

Before Zhao Fu entered the world of monsters, he heard a terrifying cry resounding in all directions, which was terrifying.

Hearing these screams, Zhao Fu did not have any fear, but entered the monster world with a smile on his face.

In the blood-colored sky and the black earth, terrifying people are undergoing terrifying mutations.

A man was lying on the ground, screaming loudly, with scales growing on his body, his back bulging, and then slowly getting bigger, a pair of bat wings broke out, and a powerful momentum emanated.

A man covered his face with his hands and screamed miserably. His eyes and nose disappeared, leaving only a large mouth, and fangs grew out. The man also stopped screaming and let out a strange laughter.

A man screamed in the sky, holding a sword, his eyes turned black, his body was full of blood, his appearance was completely cold, and his body had a powerful momentum, like a murderer.

A man screamed, his body grew rapidly, his body became three meters, his hands became sharp claws, his face became hideous, a tail grew from behind him, and his body was full of fierce momentum.


When Zhao Fu came to the monster world, Hongye Shou smiled and stepped forward and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Yuzao put her arms around Zhao Fu with a charming smile, and said coquettishly, "Your Majesty! These people have finally completed their transformation. For Da Qin, they are a group of very strong combat power. We have spent a lot of energy on this, you can wait. Reward us well."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "Well, in the current situation, they are indeed very important to Da Qin. After such a long time, they have finally been transformed. I know that you have spent a lot of energy, and I will reward you well later."

Yuzaoqian happily hugged Zhao Fu and hummed softly.

Zhao Fu showed a faint smile, put his arms around Yuzao, and brought Hongye Shou and many monster leaders to the mutated people.

Now these people can't be called people, but a group of monsters, and they look different, very scary.

And the origins of these people are not simple. They are former soldiers of the Fengshen Empire, and each of them has a third-order cultivation base.

The First Fengshen Empire also launched a war against Daqin before, but was defeated by Daqin.

Originally, with the strength of Daqin, it was difficult to resist the attack of the Fengshen Empire, because all of them were third-order soldiers, and there were also powerhouses in the Emperor Heaven Realm.

The reason why Daqin defeated the Fengshen Empire, the decisive method was that Daqin used the forced teleportation circle to transmit 1.5 billion Fengshen soldiers to the monster world.

At that time, Da Qin only suppressed them with the spirit of monsters, but did not transform them into monsters.

They are all third-order cultivation bases, and it is so easy to transform, so Da Qin also began to transform for a long time.

During this period of time, many monster leaders have been opening the monster formation, mobilizing countless monster energy and injecting them into the bodies of the soldiers of the Fengshen Empire, making them transform into monsters.

Although many monster leaders mobilized the spirit of monsters to transform them day and night, it took so long to finally transform successfully.

Although these monsters are only 1.5 billion, they are Tier 3 cultivation bases from the beginning, which is equivalent to 15 billion Tier 1 soldiers.

Now they transform into monsters, power

Not only is it weird, it is more cruel, and it is stronger than ordinary third-order soldiers, so these 1.5 billion monsters can be equal to more than 16 billion first-order soldiers.

Daqin now has an additional 16 billion troops. With the current situation of Daqin, a large number of troops are needed. With such a large increase, can Zhao Fu not be surprised?

At that time, when he heard the changes in the monster world, Zhao Fu thought about it.

Zhao Fu used the power of the monster master to gather those monsters in front of him, densely packed like a tide, and it was impossible to count them.

However, these monsters have just transformed, they are too wild, with a powerful momentum, they let out a low roar, looking like they want to challenge Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu didn't have any fear, a terrifying force erupted from his body, his body ignited a black blood-colored arrogance, and a powerful coercion descended, pressing on countless monsters like a big hand.

Those wild monsters, with fear on their faces, knelt on the ground with trembling bodies, and no one dared to stand in place.

Now Zhao Fu has not only used the power of the monster master, but also the power of the holy blood, making these monsters extremely fearful, and even if they resist, they have no courage.

Zhao Fu showed a satisfied smile. Now Zhao Fu has left these monsters in the monster world to continue to strengthen their strength, because there is no war yet, and once a war breaks out, they will play a major role.


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