The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1844 Devil

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The ferocious bird that swooped down from the sky with a ferocious aura, its huge body carrying a gust of wind, knocked out countless people, and its two claws tore the body of the mountain enchantment soldier, which was very terrifying.

The 100-meter-long spider was easily afraid of going up the city wall, and the countless feet like blades rushed into the group of soldiers, cutting open the bodies of each soldier, and no one could resist.

The giant wolf rushed up to the front city wall and looked at the soldiers brutally. He smashed the bodies of many soldiers in one bite. With a wave of the wolf's claws, the huge force also cut open the bodies of many soldiers.

The Daqin soldiers who rushed to the city wall also began to slaughter fiercely.

A Daqin soldier held a long sword and slashed hard, bringing out a sword light, the mountain charm soldier flew out, and a Daqin soldier held a long spear and stabbed a mountain charm soldier to death.

A Shan Mei soldier fought hard and stabbed a Daqin soldier in the chest with a sharp sword, but then he was hacked to death.

There was also a Shan Mei roaring loudly, with a powerful momentum, holding a spear, and rushing towards a Daqin soldier, but before it hit the soldier, an arrow shot through the chest.

A big Qin laughed horribly, holding a giant axe and slashing hard, bringing out a huge stern and cold light, cutting the two mountain charm soldiers in half.

There were constant screams on the city wall, blood splashed everywhere, and the city wall was dyed red, and there were corpses everywhere.

In less than a while, the defense line of Shan Mei's army did not collapse completely, and the soldiers began to flee backwards with a look of fear.

The leaders of all parties also understood that they lost, and they quickly fled to the rear. The forces they faced were really terrible. They simply have no ability to resist such a terrifying force and can only escape.

Most of the scenes on the other two sides were the same. Ferocious beasts slaughtered wantonly on the city wall, eating one by one body, or tearing it up, and Huangquan soldiers also fiercely slaughtered those enemies.

There were constant screams, blood splattered, people fell to the ground constantly, and the ground was covered with corpses.

With a smile on the faces of many Huangquan queens, they came down to launch a general attack on the two forces.


The two armies rushed into the interior of the two forces with an incomparably ferocious aura that was unstoppable like a flood.

ah ah ah...

Frightened screams sounded, and many people now understood that they were defeated. The soldiers of Huang Quanguo had already come in. Countless people fled in fear and fear, and some hid in the room and shivered.

The two armies rushed into the two forces and continued to capture this area, and Zhao Fu's side was the same.

However, Zhao Fu's side was even faster, not only had they captured the cities one after another, but also directly attacked the capital of Shanmei Kingdom.

One by one Daqin soldiers in black armor crashed into the rooms of the common people, dragged out all the people hiding in them, and knelt on the side of the street. If they resisted, they would slash and kill directly.

There are also some Daqin soldiers, who are also hunting and killing some fleeing people, slashing with a cold light, beheading those people, and spears pierce their chests.

They also surrounded some fleeing people in a dead corner. Arrows shot out with force, piercing their bodies, and blood spattered. All those people died, and none of them survived.

At this time, the once prosperous and peaceful capital of Shan Mei's imperial capital was no longer there. There were screams, cries, and blood splattering everywhere. There was an aura of despair spreading over the dead corpses lying on the ground.


A shrill scream sounded, a masculine young man was hanged at the door of a house, his clothes had been taken off, and now a Daqin soldier was quickly peeling off his skin from his neck.

This young man had just resisted and killed a Daqin soldier. He must be punished severely. His relatives were also dragged out, as well as a wife and an old father, a five-year-old boy.

All of them were also hung beside the youth, and the skin of their bodies was peeled off, revealing bloody muscles.

The screams of children, women, and old people are even more harsh, touching nerves, making people feel pity and sympathy.

Next to the family was kneeling neighbors on the roadside, their bodies were cold, their heads were lowered honestly, their bodies were trembling in fear, and they did not dare to make any movements. They were afraid that they would end up the same as that family.

Even a child next to him was so scared that tears kept flowing and wanted to speak loudly, but his mother tightly covered his mouth and knelt on the ground with his head pressed, preventing him from moving.

Because she knew that if he was allowed to cry, the Daqin soldiers would go forward and slash him directly, and their family would also die.

At this time, Zhao Fu was walking comfortably on a street, the ground was messy, some fruits and vegetables, some clothes, rubble and wood, his eyes looked at the people kneeling with their heads bowed by the street, because of extreme fear, his body kept shaking. Dare to move, make a little noise.

With a smile on his face, Zhao Fu didn't care about them, and walked slowly towards the palace of Shanmei Kingdom.

The people also knew that there was a person walking over in front of them, but they did not dare to look up, because they knew that this person was the commander of those cruel and inhuman soldiers, a more terrifying existence than a murderous demon. Although it did not emit any breath, it made them even more. fear.

"My lord! Do you remember me?"

Just as Zhao Fu walked to the door of a relatively atmospheric house, a man knelt on the ground and said cautiously.

Hearing this, Zhao Fu glanced at the previous messenger and responded with a smile,

The man said in surprise, "My lord, I am willing to surrender to you, and I know more about the palace. I will tell you what you want to know."

After thinking about it, Zhao Fu said, "Then come along!"

After he finished speaking, Zhao Fu walked forward. The man hurriedly got up from the ground, with a flattering smile on his face, followed Zhao Fu, talking about the treasures in the kingdom, and the beautiful queen and princess.

Zhao Fu didn't care much when he arrived. When he came to the gate of King Shanmei's palace, the guards here were already Daqin soldiers. There was a lot of blood on the ground, but there were no corpses, so they should have been dealt with temporarily.

Not caring about these things, Zhao Fu walked towards the main hall. There were already some people kneeling in the hall in fear. When Zhao Fu arrived, they were all ministers of the Shanmei Kingdom, and they surrendered because of fear.

With a smile, Zhao Fu went straight to the top, sat on the golden throne, and looked down at the people below.

Those ministers also hurriedly saluted, see Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu first let this group of people stand there, waiting for all kinds of information about the capture of this place, as well as other battlefield information.


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