The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1845 Emperor Phoenix

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

After a while, information from all parties came, and now the Daqin soldiers have not only captured the entire territory of Shanmei Kingdom, but also occupied the entire north.

Zhao Fu showed a smile and waited for news from other directions. Soon the news also came, and those areas had been fully occupied.

At this point, the war can be declared over.

With a smile, Zhao Fu looked at the ministers standing timidly in the hall below, and said, "Since you surrender to me, I will naturally not treat you badly, and I will follow the army back to Huangquan Kingdom later."

Many ministers also breathed a sigh of relief, knelt down and thanked Zhao Fu for not killing him, and sent praises to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu asked them to retreat first, and then ordered many women from the royal family to be brought up, about forty in total.

Among them, three of the women were the most beautiful. One was tall and beautiful, with light green hair and a maiden temperament, and the other was a beautiful woman with a sexy body and a beautiful face.

The third is slender, with a cold face, long black hair, and a white dress, very beautiful.

Now many women are looking at Zhao Fu with hatred or fear.

The messenger next to Zhao Fu introduced with a pleasing smile, "Sir! That is the first beauty of our Shanmei country, and also our queen, the second is also a famous beauty, the princess of our country, the third She is the eldest princess of our country."

"My lord, I'm not wrong! They are really beautiful, and the other princesses, princesses, princesses, and princesses are also good beauties."

Zhao Fu also showed a smile, nodded, and without saying anything, he ordered to return to Huangquan Country.

The treasures and supplies from all over the Qin Dynasty, as well as the beauties from all over the world, were also put on the carriage and transported to Huangquan Country. The quantity was very large. The entire north was about half the size of the world, so it looked very spectacular. .

Back in the hall of Huang Quanguo, Zhao Fu listened to the information reported by all parties and showed a satisfied smile.

Huangquanguo was attacked in three directions, and each gained a population of 10 billion, adding up to 30 billion. Originally, Huangquanguo already had a population of 50 billion. Now adding these 30 billion, it is 80 billion. Only 20 billion to 100 billion

In addition, there are countless treasures and materials, and there is no need to go into details.

The capture of all forces in the three directions has also increased the territory of Huangquanguo, and now the territory of Huangquanguo is as large as four worlds.

With so much population and territory, the next step is to digest it well.

After dealing with these matters, Zhao Fu returned to Daqin and stood on a high platform, and under the high platform stood a number of women, so densely packed that it was impossible to count them. These were all women from the underworld who had just been brought back from the underworld.

Zhao Fu held an imperial decree with a calm expression, and said, "Today I will confer all of you as concubines."

As soon as the voice fell, the black-gold imperial edict in Zhao Fu's hand turned into countless black streamers, and shot into the bodies of beautiful women. Countless golden phoenix qi gushed out from their bodies, forming a golden sea of ​​​​qi, and then Fierce rushed to a certain place.


A huge phoenix roar resounded throughout the Great Qin Empire. On the thousand-meter-high black prayer platform, a spar phoenix absorbed countless phoenix qi and let out a phoenix roar in the sky.

Countless golden rays of light spread out from the platform, and a huge momentum spread out. The spar phoenix emitted a strong golden light and turned into a phoenix with a size of 50,000 meters and flew into the sky.

The spiritual power of heaven and earth changed suddenly, and the spiritual energy quickly poured into the body of the golden phoenix. The huge phoenix exuded a powerful aura, and countless golden rays of light also spread out to fill the sky and slowly sprinkled over the entire Daqin territory.

People from the Fire Kingdom, the Demon Horn Empire, the Alliance, and the Second Fengshen Empire also felt this momentum. They saw that the horizon turned golden, and a vast, noble and stable aura poured out.

Where the Fire Kingdom is located, Li Baiqing frowned and said, "What is this Da Qin doing to make such a big noise?"

Su Yan said solemnly, "That force is Feng Qi, and I don't know what method Da Qin used to use Feng Qi to cause such a big fluctuation. Now the luck around him is gathering towards Da Qin, and Da Qin's luck is still there. Increase."

Li Baiqing's expression turned cold, if Da Qin's luck continued to increase, then the Da Qin Empire would become stronger, and it would be more difficult to destroy him at that time.


What did Li Baiqing think of, he said, "The reason why Daqin has put countless women in the harem and canonized them as concubines is this?"

Su Yan responded, "Back then, the Great Qin Empire had been arresting many women and earning them into the harem. It should be to use the phoenix qi of those women to increase the luck of the Great Qin. No wonder the luck of the Great Qin Empire was so strong and stable back then."

"It's not what everyone thinks that the Daqin emperor is debauched and reckless to capture all the beauties in the world. Daqin's purpose has always been this. Now this phoenix is ​​really too huge, and it has covered nine worlds. I don't know how many women have gathered to be so huge. Feng Qi."

Li Baiqing had a cold face. Now, Daqin's method, he can't replicate it, because he is still relying on others, and he doesn't even control the real military power.

If he dared to betray that princess, he would die very miserably.

Yao Ming's face in the Yaojiao Empire was ruthless, "I can't lose to Da Qin, then

Daqin has such a huge phoenix qi, and the Yaojiao Empire must also have it. Pass my order to send all women with phoenix qi to the palace to be consecrated as concubines. "

An old minister next to him persuaded, "Your Majesty! This matter is not what you think. You see that the phoenix qi has gathered into a group. Now the fluctuation is caused by this phoenix qi. This is also the most critical point."

Yao Ming was stunned for a moment and asked, "Tell me in detail."

The old minister explained, "Phoenix qi is beneficial to the country, it can stabilize the fate of the empire, and it can also strengthen the origin of the empire, but the number cannot be too much. If the number of concubines is too large, although there will be more phoenix qi, They devoured the fate of the empire, not only did nothing beneficial, but also caused the empire to rapidly decline and perish."

"This Da Qin doesn't know what method to use to avoid this kind of backlash, and to gather countless phoenix qi to produce the current fluctuations. If there is no such method, His Majesty wants to be the same as Da Qin, it will cause great harm to the Demon Horn Empire. Great danger."

Yao Ming snorted coldly, "Then my Yaojiao Empire must find this method, and must not fall behind Daqin. This matter is left to you to handle."

The minister took orders and left.


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