The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1846 Phoenix

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The members of the alliance were also a little surprised to see the golden color on the horizon, and they also felt that vast, noble and stable momentum.

"This momentum is too huge! What terrifying thing is that Da Qin doing, causing terrifying fluctuations in investing in shares."

"I heard that there are countless beauties in the Great Qin Imperial Palace, and these phoenix qi all come from those women. It's really a lot!"

"Although my reputation is a bit unpleasant, I actually want to be like the Emperor of Qin, to collect all the beauties in the world, and every time a power is captured, the women of that power will be captured and enjoyed, especially those queens and princesses, which are particularly attractive. "

"Daqin suddenly made such a huge fluctuation. I'm afraid that Daqin has made a big move recently. Do you think that if the cursed land disappears, can Daqin resist the attack of the two forces?"

"This is not clear, and I don't know what means Daqin has. Now it's just that Daqin's luck is increasing rapidly and it is more stable. If you want to destroy him, it is indeed difficult."

"I want to know what will happen when the two forces break the cursed land, but at this time of crisis, Da Qin has set off such a big fluctuation, which is very exciting."

"This Daqin must be using some kind of sorcery. As a woman, I actually have the idea of ​​joining Daqin and integrating into that phoenix spirit. Daqin is a bastard who will only harm women, and such a force must not be left."

"Hahaha, I am also a little envious of Emperor Qin, who has so many concubines."

"Don't say this, I feel that Da Qin is getting more and more dangerous. I will see after the cursed land is broken. If those two forces can't destroy Qin, I may join them to destroy Qin together."

"I don't think it's necessary to let them attack each other, and we can collect the spoils at the end."


Outside the hall, Fengshensha was holding a beautiful woman in her arms, her beautiful eyes looking to one side, surrounded by a dozen very handsome men, squatting like dogs, with a dog chain around their necks.

The beautiful woman in her arms said with a chuckle, "Your Majesty! Judging from such a huge phoenix spirit in the Daqin Empire, there are literally countless women of superb beauty. If Your Majesty breaks Daqin, those women will all belong to His Majesty."

"For example, the most famous ones in Daqin, the female knight king Arthur Tina, the master of monsters, Hanano Mayi, the Daqin female prime minister Li Muqing, the four female generals, the devil queen Elise, the three great business talents Ba Qing, Xiao Yueyin, Su Yanran, The female national teacher Xian Ru..."

A domineering smile appeared at the corner of Fengshensha's mouth, "I have already taken a fancy to these women. They will be mine one day, but now is not the time, and we need to wait for a suitable opportunity."

"Now I also want to add a few more concubines to strengthen and stabilize the second Fengshen's imperial luck. Unfortunately, although I am an empress, I can't add concubines as recklessly as Da Qin."

"At this time, seeing Da Qin's phoenix qi causing such huge fluctuations, as well as the enhanced Qi Luck, the role of stabilizing Qi Luck, I am really envious, and I don't know how Da Qin did it."

When the beautiful woman heard that Fengshensha was going to add a few more concubines, her face became a little worried.

Fengshensha smiled and lifted her chin, "Don't worry, you will always be my favorite queen."

The beautiful woman suddenly showed a bright smile, her arms around Fengshensha's delicate body, she suddenly thought of something, "Your Majesty! I'm a little curious, if Daqin canonizes a queen, the effect of phoenix qi should be stronger, but why does Daqin always No queen?"

Fengshensha thought about it and replied with a smile, "I don't know either. Who knows what that Emperor Qin thinks, and he has never been canonized as a queen."

The beautiful woman snorted in Fengshensha's arms.

Fengshensha said with a light smile, "Now that Daqin's Fengqi has caused such a big fluctuation, maybe there will be a big move soon. Maybe the crisis he faces will be lifted. We should make some preparations as soon as possible."

The beautiful woman said with a smile, "Then I will also help Your Majesty, our family is very capable!"

Fengshensha smiled and nodded in agreement, and walked aside with her arms around the beautiful woman.

The dozen or so handsome men beside her crawled like a dog and followed Fengshensha with a smile on their faces. It was a pet dog who pleases its owner.

And Qingmu Li and Jiu Xiaoyun, who were in the capital of Daqin, also looked at the huge golden phoenix in the sky with surprise.

Feeling the vast power it carries, all people are as small as ants in front of it, without any resistance.

This power is stronger than the general kingdom-level state-suppressing weapon, which makes people a little shocked. The state-suppressing weapon of a kingdom is blessed with terrifying power from ten worlds.

And how can this phoenix have more power than the kingdom-level state-suppressing weapon, and it is still not inferior to the kingdom-level state-suppressing weapon at all in terms of imposing coercion.

Aoki and Jiu Xiaoyun had long known that the people around said that Daqin was not simple, dangerous and mysterious. Now that they saw it with their own eyes, they were really shocked by the statue of Emperor Feng.

This is the method of the Daqin Empire. It has such a terrifying power. What terrifying methods does Daqin hide?

Thinking of this, Aoki Yu and Jiu Xiaoyun also cleaned up their previous contempt, became serious and serious, and became more curious about Da Qin. This definitely Da Qin is not as simple as it seems.

At the same time, they were also a little fortunate to stay and did not leave like the others, otherwise it would be impossible to see such a shocking scene.

At this moment, the huge golden phoenix

, Flying gracefully in the sky, there are countless birds of all sizes following in the sky, covering the entire sky, making crisp and pleasant chirping.

Countless golden rays of light fell on the ground, and the first to benefit were the countless women in the Great Qin Emperor's Palace. Straws of golden silk threads fell from the sky and merged into their bodies.

The strands of golden threads turned into a warm force that spread through their bodies. Many women only felt that their bodies were changing, some impurities were being eliminated, their appearance became younger, and their skin became smooth and supple.

In addition, their qualifications have also been greatly improved, and now no woman is a low-qualified person.

The most important thing is that they have also mastered a kind of power, this kind of power is called the power of the phoenix, a very high-level power.

This power can not only make them powerful, but also make them more beautiful and young, and even if this power is extremely powerful, they can be reborn like real phoenixes.

The power of the Emperor Phoenix Statue is very powerful. It is not the power of a few enhancements. All the concubines that Zhao Fu canonized are all affected by the power of the Emperor Phoenix Statue, and they begin to transform and gain the power of the phoenix.


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