The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1847 Phoenix King (Subscribe)

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Now that Zhao Fu is standing on the high platform, he has also been baptized by a huge power. As the master of the emperor and phoenix statue, and the master of countless concubines, Zhao Fu has received even greater power.

I saw countless golden threads in the sky pouring into Zhao Fu's body, Zhao Fu's body radiated golden light, exuding a huge momentum, and the phantoms of phoenixes appeared all around.

Zhao Fu felt a scorching power spread out from his body, and his body was also transforming. Although Zhao Fu's bloodline was now extremely high-level, this kind of power also had more effects on Zhao Fu.


A powerful aura spread out, a pair of white-gold wings spread out from Zhao Fu's back, a silver-white dragon tail also grew, and some white-gold scales grew on Zhao Fu's skin.

This is the platinum dragon and phoenix in Zhao Fu's body. Now it is absorbing the huge Phoenix power arbitrarily, which makes Zhao Fu also have a larger Phoenix power and the ability to regenerate nirvana.

In addition to Zhao Fu and many concubines, countless people in Daqin are also under the golden glow, and they also get a lot of benefits.

Some illnesses and pains gradually disappeared, the spirit became better, and the mood was no longer depressed and sad, but full of sunshine, cheerful optimism, and a smile on the faces of many people.

Originally, a dark blue force in the deep sea slowly gathered and mutated constantly. A yellow force in the depths of the ground was also violent and mutated constantly, and a red force in the volcano kept mutating.

There is also a valley where a cyan power is constantly condensing and mutated, and the fire-colored power in the sky is slowly condensing and mutating.

These are all calamity forces, and as long as they gather to a certain extent, they will cause terrifying natural disasters.

Moreover, these powers are located in extremely hidden places, and ordinary people cannot detect them at all, unless they also have the power of disaster, but they cannot be 100% discovered, but some may be discovered.

The general situation is that the source of the disaster cannot be known until after the natural disaster has erupted.

But the golden glow covered the whole world, and under the golden glow, the power of these disasters slowly dissipated without leaving a trace.

However, although this is a good thing for others, it is also a very desirable ability, but Da Qin does not need it, because it needs to condense countless disaster beads. If there is no natural disaster, how to condense disaster beads.

In addition to these, countless food, vegetables and fruits have also changed.

The golden rays of light sprinkled on countless rice fields. The shriveled rice, yellow leaves, and diseased branches all changed. The rice gradually became violent, and the yellow leaves became dark green. The sick look disappeared, full of vitality.

The golden rays of light sprinkled on countless vegetable fields. Those vegetables with yellow leaves and black roots were also slowly disappearing. The leaves became emerald green, and the roots were full of vitality.

The golden rays of light sprinkled on countless fruit trees, some bare branches grew verdant green leaves, some thin fruits slowly became full of water, and some trees that were sick and dying also regained their vitality.

Except for Da Qin, not only the women in the chaotic world of the underworld, but also felt a golden power pouring into the body, causing the body to mutate.

In addition, the soldiers in the underworld, the chaos world, and the alchemy world also felt a power attached to them, causing their injuries to slowly disappear and their strength to increase slightly.

This emperor phoenix statue has obtained countless phoenix qi, and it has been promoted once, which has a great influence on the entire Qin Dynasty. Whether it is the people, soldiers, territories, flowers, trees, and flowers, all of them have gained some benefits, and their abilities are a bit terrifying.

In some respects, it is already stronger than the general state-suppressing weapons.

Moreover, the statue of the emperor and phoenix has not been weakened due to the changes in the world, or even has no changes, and it is still so powerful.

It must be understood that in the midst of the changes in heaven and earth, countless powers have been weakened, including the power of the country, the power of the weapon to control the country, and the luck of the country has also been weakened.

The reason why the power of this Emperor Phoenix Statue is not weakened is because it does not rely on this piece of heaven and earth, and no matter what the heaven and earth are like, it cannot be affected.

What really affects it is the phoenix qi of countless women. This is the core strength of the emperor phoenix statue. Without the phoenix qi of these women, the emperor phoenix statue has no power, but as long as those women are not affected, the emperor phoenix statue will not be affected. Also has no effect.

This is also an advantage. Those women basically stay in the Daqin Emperor Palace, so they will not be affected in any way, and the power of the Emperor Phoenix Statue will always be strong.

After a while, the gigantic phoenix in the sky gradually weakened its glow and momentum, and its size gradually became smaller. Finally, it landed on the platform of prayer and turned into a crystal phoenix statue again.

The golden glow in the sky also dissipated, and countless birds dispersed, and the world returned to peace.

The white gold wings and dragon tail on the back of Zhao Fu, who was standing on the high platform, also disappeared, and the momentum also dissipated, returning to normal.

Zhao Fu showed a smile. This time, he was the biggest beneficiary of the promotion of Emperor Phoenix. His strength, bloodline, lifespan, and various attributes of physique have all been improved a lot.

At the same time, Zhao Fu also mastered that kind of phoenix power, and it is not the ordinary phoenix power, but the power of the phoenix king, that is, the power of the king of the phoenix, which is far stronger than the ordinary phoenix power.

Coming down from the high platform, the many beauties around the high platform were a little afraid, or looked at Zhao Fu with hatred, because most of them did not come voluntarily.

Instead, they were captured by Da Qin, and some of their relatives died at the hands of Da Qin soldiers.

But now after accepting the attraction of the golden glow, many beautiful women are afraid of hating Zhao Fu, but instead have a feeling of relying on the past, which is naturally the influence of the power of the Emperor Phoenix Statue.

"His Majesty!"

There were also some women who voluntarily went to Daqin, with smiles on their faces, and went up to salute, with a hint of coquettishness, wanting to gain Zhao Fu's favor.

Zhao Fu responded with a smile, but did not continue to say anything, but ordered someone to take these women down for placement.

Back in the hall, Li Si came in with a smile, "Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded. The increase in the power of the emperor and phoenix this time is indeed of great benefit to Da Qin, and it is the entire Da Qin, not one is missed. Da Qin's luck has increased a lot, and it has become more stable, which is very gratifying.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Fu asked Li Si to prepare it and celebrate it in the evening.

Li Si smiled and turned to leave.

After Zhao Fu dealt with some political affairs, he also came to Qitiantai to check the power of the Emperor Phoenix Statue in person.


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