The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1851 God

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

After successfully resurrecting the goddess, she saw Zhao Fu with a vigilant look on her face, and asked herself why she was here, who Zhao Fu was, and where her husband was.

Zhao Fu simply told her that he broke the ruins himself, that he was the king of a human world, and that her husband was in his hands. She had to obey herself, or she would kill her and her husband.

The goddess quickly surrendered and asked Zhao Fu to let her take a look at his husband. Zhao Fu agreed and released the coffin of the husband.

The goddess also felt relieved when she saw her husband, and showed a smile.

Zhao Fu also asked some things about her and got some information from her. This goddess is a goddess of stars, with the power of stars, and her husband is also a god of stars.

Then, Zhao Fu also left, because now the tiger goddess and the star goddess also need to recover their strength to open the door of the gods.

After four or five days, under the huge faith given by Daqin, the two goddesses and the last goddess, the goddess of the door, also recovered some strength, and can already open the door of the gods.

Zhao Fu couldn't help but feel a little overjoyed. He had waited for a long time for this moment, and now it's finally coming.

Summoned twenty-four goddesses.

Water God, Light Goddess, Elf Goddess, Dark Goddess, Fallen Angel God, Demon Goddess, Agriculture Goddess, Ghosts, Ghost Goddess, Snake Goddess, Evil Goddess, Aragami...

Twenty-four goddesses came to a huge platform, which was 10,000 meters wide, 24-sided in shape, and only nine meters high. The whole was paved with metallic black ore.

This kind of ore itself is also a material that can be used to create equipment. Zhao Fu specially found it to enhance the power of the gate of the gods.

Now the platform is still engraved with a huge magic circle, the color is white, it looks very mysterious and complicated.

This array was created by Zhao Fu according to the method given by Dixi, that is, the golden dragon in the body.

The twenty-four goddesses are now standing on one side, and on the most middle side are the gods and ghosts, because among the many goddesses, her divine power is the most powerful, even more powerful than Alasna, the god of falling angels. It is stronger, so she presides over this magic circle.

Zhao Fu stood beside her and said, "Let's start!"

The ghosts nodded earnestly, looked at the huge white circle on the ground, and slowly closed their eyes.

The other goddesses also slowly closed their eyes.

I saw their bodies emitting a faint light, and the colors were different, some yellow, some blue, some black, some white...

They slowly spread out their hands, a huge divine aura spread out, and the divine energy began to be injected into the white circle, which absorbed the divine power of many goddesses and also emitted a strong white light.

boom boom boom boom...

The goddesses opened their eyes one by one, a beam of divine light shot out, and a wave of powerful divine power burst out from their bodies, turning into huge beams of light, and charged into the sky with astonishing power.

Twenty-four light beams of different colors were formed, leading from the ground to the sky, and an incomparably huge divine aura spread like a tide.

The power of the heavens and the earth all around gathered crazily, the wind and clouds were surging, and a terrifying wave spread,

Many people in the vicinity, under the fluctuation, felt a little cold, and they all looked in this direction.

Aoki and Jiu Xiaoyun are now in a restaurant in the Daqin imperial capital, ordering a pair of delicious food. Originally, the two of them were bickering as usual.

But suddenly I also felt this terrifying fluctuation. Not only was my face startled, but I came out of the window and looked at the discovery that came from the fluctuation.

Aoki's face was a little serious, "This Daqin is really not simple. There was such a big fluctuation before, and now it has caused such a big movement. What are they hiding?"

Jiu Xiaoyun walked to her side with a serious face, "What we knew about Da Qin before was only the surface of Da Qin. We don't know what it really contains."

"But judging from the current situation, Daqin is far more mysterious and powerful than we thought. We should report this matter to our senior management now, so that they should pay more attention to Daqin."

Aoki also responded.

His eyes turned to the gods.

I saw that the power of heaven and earth continued to pour into the twenty-four beams of light, and the twenty-four beams of light burst out with a terrifying force, rushing upwards, an extremely huge divine power seemed to pour into the sky.

A magic circle on the ground emits a strong light, forming a white magic circle formed of light.

This magic circle continued to rise along the beam of light, and then the body was in the sky, and the power of heaven and earth around it continued to pour into the magic circle, and the magic circle also emitted strong rays of light and fluctuations, and merged into the void.

Now that this magic circle has been connected to the world of gods, Zhao Fu can directly enter the world of gods through this magic circle.

The twenty-four goddesses also withdrew their power, the beam of light dissipated, the surrounding vision dissipated, and the world returned to normal.

The ghost said with a smile, "Xianggong! Now the gate of the gods has been opened."

Zhao Fu was also a little happy, with a smile on his face, he snorted, and then let the many goddesses go down to rest first, and he began to prepare to go to the world of gods.

During the period of time that Zhao Fu was away, the internal affairs were left to Li Si, and the military was left to Bai Qi.


Many women were also very reluctant about Zhao Fu going to the Spirit World, because Zhao Fu didn't know how long he was going to go, but they also understood that they couldn't stop him, so they could only let Zhao Fu stay with them for a night and spoil them. .

The next day, Zhao Fu prepared all kinds of things and came to the black platform. This time, there were two main purposes. The first was to find time attribute items, and the second was to see if he could awaken the God Race Emperor Star.

Now Zhao Fu is only left with the emperor stars of the three major races of the water, the gods, and the spirit clan who have not awakened. If the emperor of the gods awakens, then Zhao Fu will have seven emperor stars, and then the bloodline and luck will improve again.

Zhao Fu of the water and spirit clan did not know how to awaken the emperor star. The god clan Zhao Fu had some clues. The core thing was the godhead in his mind. This trip to the god clan is very likely to awaken the god clan emperor star.

Of course, things are not so absolute, and there may be no awakening. The most important purpose this time is to find something that contains the attribute of time.

After determining these two goals, Zhao Fu checked the preparations again, and then activated the magic circle.

I saw the power of heaven and earth gathered around, and the magic circle radiated a strong light, turned into a beam of light and rushed into the sky, and Zhao Fu's body also rushed to the sky with the beam of light, and then disappeared.


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