The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1852 Heaven, Earth and People

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The dark blue sky, the fluttering white clouds, the bright sun shone on the earth, and on a green grass, a heroic-looking young man knelt on the grass, his hands were properly crossed, and he said with a pious face, "O great god! I beg you to appear and save my father!"


A white magic circle emerged from the ground, and a figure with a black cloak appeared in front of the boy.

The boy's expression was a little stunned. He just came to pray, but he really didn't expect that there would be a person, and the aura emanating from this person was the aura of a god.

The boy immediately kowtowed excitedly, "Meet the Lord God!"

Zhao Fu didn't react, looking at the young man kneeling in front of him, and the godhead in his mind, because he came to the world of gods, became very active, and automatically exuded a breath of gods.

Now that he is here, Zhao Fu doesn't know everything, and he can rely on the young man in front of him to find out. He said, "Get up!"

The teenager stood up nervously and excitedly, looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and said, "Sir God! Did you hear my prayer and come to save my father?"

Zhao Fu was stunned for a moment, remembering the way the young man prayed just now, and he already understood a little in his heart, but he did not answer the question, but asked, "Where is this place?"

The young man did not expect Zhao Fu to ask this question, his expression was stunned, but he could still react and replied, "This is the grass in Langdong City!"

Zhao Fu frowned and continued, "Where is Langdong City? You can be more precise."

The teenager also noticed that Zhao Fu was a little dissatisfied, and said nervously, "Langdong City is a city in the Yuli area, and the power it belongs to is the God of Jade Stone."

Zhao Fu continued to ask, "Tell me about the various things here first!"

The young man also had some doubts in his heart, why Zhao Fu, as a god, didn't know these things, he didn't dare to think too much, and honestly talked about the various things here.

In the world of gods, there are no countries and no sects, but there are gods and gods.

There is at least one god in each force. As the master of the force, each force divides the world of gods into pieces. The people living in it must pray to the gods three times a day, morning, noon and night, to provide the gods with sufficient faith. force.

There will also be wars between gods, mainly to compete for more territorial population beliefs, and other gods do not have much demand.

This is the domain of the God of Jade, and the God of Jade is only a small and weak god, and there are only five or six areas under his control.

And this place is also on the periphery of the world of gods. If it is in the middle or deep part of the world of gods, it is impossible for such a weak god to exist, and even if there is, it can only be regarded as a humble god.

Finally, the identity of this young man. This young man is named Takmi. He is seventeen this year. He is a shepherd's child. His father accidentally confronted an official in the city, and now he is in a prison cell.

Takmi had no choice but to come to this place where sheep are often herded to pray, and Zhao Fu just happened to appear here.

The gods here are not omnipotent, they only give you blessings, reduce pain, and help you recover from injuries. This is also the main influence of general gods.

You basically don’t care about other things. For example, if someone wants to kill you, if you pray to the gods, it’s useless if you are hungry, and if you get lost and pray to the gods, it’s still useless.

Even if it is a small matter, the gods can do it, but he has no ability to respond to the requests of every believer, because there are millions of people, and they can't respond at all, so the gods basically will not respond to these.

However, in order to increase the faith of believers, the gods will occasionally answer the prayers of some lucky ones.

In this way, the gods themselves do not have to be too tired, and there is no need to consume too many gods, but it makes many believers more detailed, and the gods accompany them, and their belief in gods is naturally more devout.

"Master God, do you want to save my father?" Takmi asked Zhao Fu cautiously and nervously.

Zhao Fu chuckled and nodded. He had obtained so much information from this young man, and there was no problem in helping the other party.

Takmi knelt on the ground in surprise and said gratefully, "Thank you, Lord God!"

It could be seen with the naked eye that a white power of faith emerged from Takmi and flew towards Zhao Fu.

As the people of the spiritual world, their bodies are affected by divine power day and night, which provides more power of belief and is more pure than people in other worlds.

But that ray of faith floated towards Zhao Fu, but was blocked outside, and then dissipated, unable to integrate into Zhao Fu's body.

Although Zhao Fu has a godhead, he also exudes the aura of a god, but Zhao Fu is not normally a god. Not only does his godhead contain the power to kill gods, but he is also an emperor with the blessing of national luck.

This made it impossible for Zhao Fu to absorb a large amount of the power of faith to grow like other ordinary gods. As a god or an emperor, he could only choose one.

However, Zhao Fu has no way to absorb the power of faith, but he can absorb gods from other gods.

In addition to helping Takmi, Zhao Fu also has his own purpose, that is, to establish a force in the world of gods, to quietly increase the strength of Daqin, and to help Daqin's development.

Now that Daqin in the underworld has established a force, it has already played a big role in Daqin.

Provided more population and troops.

And what Zhao Fu cares about is the book of the land and the book of people.

The last time I used the magic circle of Fengtian Zhendi in the underworld, the Book of God absorbed countless luck and became a book of people, and also split part of the underworld.

If you develop a good power in the world of gods, and then activate the magic circle of Fengtian Town at one time, there should be no surprises in the world of gods, and a book of heaven will be formed.

At that time, the three books of "heaven", "earth" and "people" will be formed, and maybe the world of apocalypse, the world of underworld, and the world of gods and spirits will become the three worlds of heaven, earth and man, and these three worlds will be controlled by Da Qin.

Thinking about it, it is very exciting and exciting. What books I read before, various things and legends about the Three Realms of Heaven, Earth and Man, maybe there will really be a Three Realms of Heaven, Earth and Man, a Three Realm created by Daqin.

Of course, everything is just Zhao Fu's conjecture now, and things are uncertain at that time, and it is possible that things will develop to other discoveries.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu followed Takmi to the Langdong City.

Zhao Fu asked Takmi, "Where is the City Lord's Mansion here?"

Takmi led the way with a smile on his face. He understood that with the presence of a deity like Zhao Fu, his father must have saved him.


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