The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1859 Monster

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

However, Zhao Fu realized that something was wrong before he flew for a while, because he found that he didn't fly very far, but was flying in a loop in one place.

Zhao Fu frowned, was this an illusion, or a formation?

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu stayed in the air, a force gathered towards his left eye, a glass-colored pupil, emitting a glass-colored light.

But there was no change in the scene in front of him. Now Zhao Fu used the glazed phantom pupils, but he didn't notice anything unusual. This meant that it was not an illusion or a formation, otherwise the glazed phantom would sense something was wrong.

But it's not an illusion, and it's not a formation, so why do you fly in circles here?

Zhao Fu was a little confused. It seemed that he underestimated this forbidden place for gods. After that, Zhao Fu flew a few times, and finally returned to the original place.

At this moment, even if Zhao Fu wanted to quit, there was nothing he could do.

"what should I do now?"

Standing in the sky, Zhao Fu thought with a sullen expression, facing the current situation, there is no way to do it.


A group of monsters appeared in front of Zhao Fu. The upper body of these monsters was human, with messy hair and hideous faces. The lower body was a snake, which was four or five meters long and could fly in the sky.

The group of monsters looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes and flew towards Zhao Fu with an evil smile.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. He was afraid that he would just go back and forth in one place. Now that he saw this group of monsters, things might turn around.

The monster flew in front of Zhao Fu, and did not attack directly, but opened its mouth and uttered a beautiful and moving song.

When Zhao Fu heard this song, his consciousness became dizzy, his head was a little dizzy, and his eyes were a little blurry. Zhao Fu understood that this was a hypnotizing ability using sound, and immediately used the power of holy blood.

The blood flowed faster in the body, and an invisible force spread out, Zhao Fu immediately regained consciousness, and the dizziness disappeared.

Although Zhao Fu has regained consciousness, he is not in a hurry to take action, waiting for what those monsters do. Now they may be the most crucial thing to leave here.

An Xin monster saw that Zhao Fu was almost unconscious, and his body was a little unstable in mid-air, and he was about to fall to the ground.

The group of monsters showed hideous smiles, opened their mouths, and swarmed up, trying to divide Zhao Fu's food.

At this time, Zhao Fu suddenly opened his eyes, a sneer appeared on his face, and the golden pupil of his left eye rolled,

clang clang...

A chain with a strong force quickly stretched out from the void beside Zhao Fu, and shot at the many monsters with a swift momentum.

The monsters were startled and hurriedly fled back, but they were still bound by iron chains, struggling in mid-air, roaring, but could not break free.

There are not many monsters in this group, there are only a dozen or so, Zhao Fu came to them with a smile.

As forbidden creatures, they should have the ability to leave here.

Zhao Fu tried to communicate with them, let them take him away, and let them go, but this group of monsters had low intelligence and didn't understand what Zhao Fu was saying. They either wanted to escape or attacked Zhao Fu.

Faced with this situation, Zhao Fu thought for a while, and made the chain very small, probably a little smaller than the little finger, and bound the waists of every monster without restricting their ability to move.

Those monsters fled to one side immediately, and the chains that bound them kept changing. Zhao Fu flew with them along the chains, and after a while, he really left that place.

Zhao Fu wanted to kill these monsters, but he was a little worried that if he lost their lead, he would fall into a loop again, but it was not very good to follow them, because the direction of their escape was not inside the forbidden area, and Zhao Fu Go to the inside of the forbidden area.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Fu let those monsters escape forward. Anyway, there were iron chains tied to them, and none of them could escape.

Zhao Fu did not fly with them, and planned to fly by himself to see if this place was the same as the original one. If it was different, Zhao Fu could kill those monsters because they were useless.

But after trying several times, the result was still the same, not following those monsters to fly, and fell into an endless loop.

Zhao Fu was a little helpless, so he could only follow the chains to find the group of monsters.

Following the chain, he didn't get caught in the loop. After more than an hour, Zhao Fu came to a gathering place of monsters.

This is a ruin, and there are also some simple buildings made of stone and wood, which are very simple, and there are about a thousand monsters of that kind.

When the group of monsters saw Zhao Fu, they also showed evil smiles, opened their mouths, and sang beautifully.

Zhao Fu immediately felt a kind of dizziness, but then a powerful saint's breath burst out, forming a gust of wind raging around, and a coercion also enveloped the Quartet.

The dizziness disappeared, Zhao Fu looked at the group of monsters with a sneer on his face.

Countless monsters felt Zhao Fu's terrifying power, and their faces became frightened, and some fled directly to other discoveries.

Zhao Fu took out the Emperor Killing Sword and was about to slaughter this group of monsters. Maybe he could find something to break that kind of cycle. Even if he couldn't find it, he would just leave a few survivors.


A voice sounded, a language commonly used in the world of gods, "Master god, please don't slaughter us."

Zhao Fu stopped and put his hands up. He was a little surprised. Finally, he met a creature who could communicate. Following the voice, it was an old man with a somewhat old appearance. Compared with other people, his demeanor was much more normal.

"Yes! But I need you to take me to the depths of the forbidden area. If you agree, not only will I not kill you, but I can also give you some benefits."

The old man's face was a little serious, and he said, "Sir God, are you here for that thing?"

"That thing?"

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was a little overjoyed. There is indeed something in this forbidden area, so he nodded and said, "I came for that thing, do you know what it is?"

The old man replied, "The villain doesn't know about that thing. The depths of the forbidden area are dozens of times more dangerous than the outer areas. The villain's strength is low and cannot go there, but he knows that because of the power of that thing, we have become what we are now. We are ordinary people."

Zhao Fu's face became a little serious, that thing should not be simple, he said, "Then you take me there, I will ensure your safety."

The old man nodded in agreement without hesitation, because if he didn't go, everyone present would die.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu followed the depths of the forbidden area.


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