The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1860 Unknown Evil Spear (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

roar roar...

Coming to the depths of the forbidden area, this place is indeed much more dangerous than the outside world. One by one monsters attacked Zhao Fu frantically.

This group of monsters are all kinds of beasts, including lions, tigers, wolves, horses and pigs, but they have one thing in common, their eyes are black, their bodies have scales, and they have a very evil aura.

The old man followed behind Zhao Fu, facing so many monsters rushing towards him, he couldn't help showing a look of fear.

Zhao Fu's expression did not change at all. Holding the Emperor Killing Sword, a huge force was injected into it. The Emperor Killing Sword emitted a strong sword light, and a stern sword force radiated out.

clang clang...

Zhao Fu waved the sword in his hand, slashing out a huge sword light, beheading the countless monsters that came, blood splashed everywhere, screaming constantly, the ground was covered with broken corpses, and a strong bloody smell spread.

The old man was behind Zhao Fu, watching the massacre that Zhao Fu started with a little shock. It was simply too brutal.

In less than a while, the many beasts that rushed up were all killed by Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu took the old man to move forward, getting deeper and deeper, and he should be approaching the position of that thing.


A huge roar sounded, and a terrifying aura spread like a ferocious flood with the power to drown everything.

A monster 10,000 meters in size appeared in front of Zhao Fu.

The upper body of this monster is the body of three people, all of which are strong men, with grim faces, bone horns on their heads, and a snake tail with pale scales on the lower body.

Zhao Fu's face was a little serious, and he said to the old man, "You step back first!"

The old man also understood that the next battle was very terrifying, and he retreated to the distance honestly and quickly. He also had the restraint left by Zhao Fu in his body, so he couldn't escape.

boom! boom! boom!

The eyes of that monster's three bodies stared fiercely at Zhao Fu, opened its mouth, and three huge pale light beams, with the power to destroy everything, shot at Zhao Fu like a broken bamboo.


There was a loud noise, and the three terrifying rays of light hit Zhao Fu, countless pale rays of light radiated in all directions, and colorful fairy lights spread out.

Zhao Fu stood on the spot without moving, his eyes had turned into colorful colors, a colorful circle appeared between his eyebrows, and a colorful rune circle centered on Zhao Fu, emitting a colorful glow all over his body, with a terrifying imposing manner. Like a fairy.

The monster's face was also stunned. It was obvious that the three terrorist attacks had already attacked Zhao Fu head-on, but Zhao Fu seemed to have nothing to do, so he easily blocked its blow.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The monster roared three times angrily, and rushed in front of Zhao Fu with a terrifying aura. Several fists were punched with terrifying power, and a few powers that distorted the void, hit Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu was expressionless, and raised the sword in his hand. A huge immortal power was injected into the sword, and the sword turned into seven colors and ignited a arrogance.


Zhao Fu swung out a sword, a huge colorful crescent moon sword light, with the power to cut everything, and a terrifying momentum.

bang bang bang...

Those terrifying fists were smashed by a sword, and a strong wind spread with terrifying power, and countless sand and stones were blown up.

The huge body of the monster was also slashed out by a sword, and fell heavily to the ground. A large pit was smashed into the ground, and a wound was also cut out of the monster's fist, and blood continued to flow out.


The monster let out an angry roar, got up from the ground, opened its big mouth, countless pale rays of light emerged, and a terrifying force spread out.

The monster spat forward.

boom boom boom...

Countless terrifying pale light beams, with astonishing power, shot at Zhao Fu, sending out a strong wind, the momentum was extremely terrifying, as if it could destroy everything.

Zhao Fu stood still, a terrifying force erupted, and the colorful arrogance ignited on his body, surrounding Zhao Fu's colorful rune circle, emitting a strong light, spinning with a terrifying force.

bang bang bang...

Countless pale-white light beams that shot past were all refracted by a colorful rune circle, hit the ground, and directly penetrated a large hole, making a loud noise without hurting Zhao Fu in the slightest.

Seeing that the monster was still unable to attack Zhao Fu, it charged towards Zhao Fu with a terrifying aura in anger.

Zhao Fu sneered, raised the sword in his hand, and a sword light flew into the sky.

The power of heaven and earth gathered around frantically, and a colorful sword formation emerged with a terrifying power, emitting a strong light, and a vast sword power enveloped the heaven and earth, and countless creatures felt a sense of fear.

The sword that Zhao Fu raised fell.

boom boom boom...

The colorful sword formation turned, an aura of annihilation spread, and the terrifying sword light, with the power to smash the world, was unstoppable, and slashed on the rushing monster.

The monster exploded with all its strength and wanted to resist the countless sword lights, but it couldn't stop it.

The old man in the distance trembled uncontrollably, and the Lord God in front was really terrifying.

After killing this monster, Zhao Fu called the old man and continued to walk forward.

Finally, I came to a large pit with a width of 100,000 meters. There was a dead silence in the big pit, there was no movement, and a stone gun was inserted in the center.

This stone gun looks very long and simple in appearance. The color is also that kind of gray-white. There are some runes on the surface of the gun body, and the tail of the gun is a small diamond.

Feeling the extraordinaryness of this stone spear, Zhao Fu smiled and was about to step forward and pull it out.

The old man kindly reminded, "Sir God! That stone gun is very dangerous. Everything here is caused by that stone gun."

Zhao Fu answered clearly, but he still entered the big pit, came to the stone gun, stretched out a hand, and grabbed the body of the gun.

An extremely evil force madly poured out of the gun and injected the past into Zhao Fu's body. I want to mutate Zhao Fu.


A roar sounded, Zhao Fu burst out all the holy blood power, and a black blood flame ignited from the body, forming a strong storm.

Zhao Fu's holy blood power blocked the invading evil power. Zhao Fu also injected holy blood power into the gun body to suppress the evil power, and then grabbed the stone gun and pulled it hard.


A loud bang sounded, and a pale white light with terrifying power rushed into the sky, and a terrifying wave spread, the sky and the earth changed, the wind and clouds were surging, and the sun and the moon were dull.

Standing outside the forbidden area, waiting for the jade goddess and the iron goddess, his face changed, his eyes looked at the forbidden area, and he didn't know what he found.


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