The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1861 Inheritance of the Gods

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

When Zhao Fu pulled the spear out, he felt the powerful power of the stone spear. This is its power that has been sealed for a long time. It directly caused the world to change, and the situation was surging. It was definitely a very terrifying thing.

If this thing is used as the inheritance of the Pantheon, the effect should be very amazing.

Zhao Fu showed a smile, and the visions around him slowly subsided, and the power of the entire forbidden area seemed to be slowly disappearing.

At this time, Zhao Fu also discovered what power was making him fly in a constant cycle.

There is a power that disrupts perception here, that is, you have been flying westward all the time, but that power makes you go back to the place in a circle.

And those monsters living here are not affected.

"Congratulations, Lord God!"

The old man was a little shocked when he saw that Zhao Fu had pulled out this extremely terrifying gun.

Zhao Fu responded with a smile, then took a piece of inheritance equipment and threw it to the old man, saying, "I said it would benefit you, this is what I promised you."

The old man was a little surprised to catch the equipment, but after a thought, he said with an embarrassed expression, "Can this little goddess not need the equipment in exchange for a place where an adult can protect us?"

Apart from being able to hypnotize them with their voices, their group of monsters are actually very weak, and if they lose the protection of the forbidden area, they may die soon.

Hearing that, this is just a trivial matter, Zhao Fu nodded in agreement.

The old man was surprised and hurriedly thanked Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu asked him to lead those clansmen to the territory of the Jade Goddess, and reminded the clansmen who controlled it well, if they harmed ordinary people, they would be severely punished.

The old man nodded and agreed, promising that he would not harm innocent people, and left quickly, planning to take his clansmen to quickly pack up and head to the new shelter.

Holding a long spear, Zhao Fu also flew outside the forbidden area and came to the front of the two goddesses.

The Jade Goddess and the Iron Stone Goddess watched Zhao Fu fly out with a stone spear, and also understood that the forbidden area was resolved, and Zhao Fu successfully got what he wanted.

With a smile, the jade goddess looked at the stone gun and said, "This thing is so powerful, is it the one that formed this forbidden area?"

Zhao Fu replied with a smile, "Yeah! I plan to use it as an inheritance, and it should have a very powerful effect."

The iron goddess frowned slightly and said seriously, "The power of the stone spear is too evil, is it suitable for inheritance?"

Zhao Fu thought about it and said, "The attributes of this stone spear will not be like this. It also needs to be nurtured by the inheritance of the gods and become a spear of the gods. It not only has evil powers, but also gathers other powers. "

The Iron Goddess nodded understandingly.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu returned to the temple of the Jade Goddess with the two goddesses.

Now Zhao Fu has begun to order people to build the Pantheon, which is a hall that can accommodate the statues of the gods.

There is the future Pantheon, where countless gods are located, and the core of the entire force.

The statues placed there are not ordinary statues, but the statues with the strongest connection with the gods. They are generally the first statues after the gods become gods, and they have the strongest divine power.

Zhao Fu will also use their divine power to continuously nurture the spear of the gods as the inheritance of the Pantheon. At that time, the power of the spear of the gods will exceed the imagination of ordinary people.

However, there is no need to think too much for the time being. Now Zhao Fu has only subdued two gods, and he is still a long way from the gods.

The next step is to integrate inheritance. Zhao Fu came to a platform that was just built and inserted the stone gun into the groove prepared in the middle. Then he took a few steps back, stretched out a hand, and pointed at the long spear.


A roar sounded, and a huge momentum was released, and a huge inheritance force poured out from Zhao Fu's palm. It was a force of green and black colors. After this force poured out, it was continuously injected into the ground. in the stone gun.

The stone spear is really not simple, it absorbs the power of inheritance wantonly, and there is no reaction at all.

After a while, Zhao Fu stopped, and the inheritance did not take shape. It is not that the stone spear is not strong enough, but the stone spear is too powerful, and the inheritance of two gods is not enough. At least three gods are needed for inheritance. A stone spear becomes a spear of inheritance.

Zhao Fu asked the jade goddess next to him, "What other gods are there nearby? The best gods are related to ore."

Before the jade goddess spoke, the iron goddess replied, "There is also the god of gold and stone, the god of silver stone, and the god of bronze. Among them, the most powerful and powerful is the god of gold and stone. It is also the biggest force here."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu nodded and said, "Tell me where the location is, I'll go now."

After the Iron Stone Goddess told Zhao Fu, Zhao Fu turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.


Over a golden shrine, a huge aura descended, and a huge pressure enveloped the entire city. Countless people felt a sense of fear and looked up at the sky. A man wearing a cloak appeared in the sky. .

A big man in golden clothes with a sturdy figure walked out of the temple with a burst of anger and looked at Zhao Fu in the sky, "Who are you? How dare you break into me?

Territory, still so unscrupulous. "

With a hint of contempt, Zhao Fu stood in the sky and looked down at the big man, and said, "Now there are two ways for you, either die! Or surrender!"

Anger surged in the big man's heart, and a powerful divine aura erupted. Holding a golden sword, he rushed towards Zhao Fu.

Other divine soldiers also gathered from all directions to surround the place.

The big man quickly rushed in front of Zhao Fu, a huge divine power poured into his hand, the big saber exuded a strong golden saber aura, and the big man slashed towards Zhao Fu with all his strength.

Zhao Fu directly took out the Emperor Killing Sword, injected a force into it, and blocked it in front of him.


A sound of steel clamoring sounded, Zhao Fu's sword blocked the big sword from the big man, and a strong wind spread.

The power of this god of gold and stone is indeed stronger than that of the jade goddess and the iron goddess, but it is not a match for Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at the God of Gold and Stone with a pair of eyes, the corners of his mouth rose, a stronger momentum erupted from his body, and the sword was pushed towards the God of Gold and Stone.

The God of Gold and Stone looked a little unbelievable that Zhao Fu was so powerful. With a loud roar, a stronger aura erupted, holding a golden sword and pressing hard on Zhao Fu.


Zhao Fu clenched the sword in his hand and slashed hard, and a burst of anger sounded, and the god of gold and stone was slashed out by Zhao Fu with a sword, and his face became a little ugly.


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