The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1866 God Killing Soldier (Subscribe)

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In addition, the power of the gods they possess has also developed resistance to other gods, and the effect of those gods on the power of the gods will be weakened, which will be a great advantage, weakening the enemy's power to a certain extent. strength.

The role of the power of the gods is not only that, it has the most terrifying ability, which is to devour other gods, which becomes very terrifying.

If it can devour divine power, if you fight against him, divine power will be swallowed up by him, and you will definitely lose in the end. Unless you have a strong strength to crush the opponent, you will most likely face this kind of enemy that will devour power. lose.

And this kind of devouring power is not devouring a kind of god, but can devour all gods, and can restrain the army of all gods.

Now the power of the power of the gods itself, plus the immunity of the power of the gods to all kinds of gods, plus the power of the gods to devour all kinds of gods, the three together can make a god into a terrible opponent.

However, because there are only five gods in the pantheon, and five gods are not as strong, these three powers are still relatively weak, but if the number of gods in the pantheon increases, these three powers will also become stronger.

At that time, they will not only have the terrifying power of the gods, but also be immune to all divine powers. No matter what you attack, the effect will be very weak. The most terrifying power of devouring can instantly suck a person dry.

Such an army can definitely conquer all directions, sweep everything, and become the most terrifying army in the world of gods.

Zhao Fu felt their strength, with a smile on his face, and his heart was full of surprises.

It's a pity that the Pantheon has just been built, the soldiers of the gods are only 4 million, and the power of the gods is still weak. With the current strength, a slightly larger force can destroy the pantheon.

The current Pantheon will take some time to grow before it can become a powerful force.

Zhao Fu also ordered a thousand Pantheon soldiers to use another terrifying ability. To check the attributes of the soldiers, just call a few to come. Zhao Fu called a thousand soldiers, and naturally they had a purpose. The purpose was to use that terrifying ability.

As a soldier of the Pantheon, not only has a lot of restraint and resistance to ordinary god soldiers, but also has the ability to deal with gods.

This is also an ability that the Pan God Gun comes with.

The Pantheon Spear has been used as the inheritance of the Pantheon. It is also an existence above the gods. Naturally, it must have the ability to deal with various gods, so as to shock the gods and make them submit to the Pantheon Spear and dare not have it. any resistance.

And this kind of ability must be extremely terrifying, otherwise it will not be able to deter all gods. That kind of ability is the ability to kill gods, which specializes in killing all kinds of gods.

God of the sun, god of demons, god of stars, god of vegetation, god of rivers, god of flowers, god of evil spirits, god of beasts, god of evil spirits, god of ghosts...

"The god of disobedience, kill without mercy!"

The ability of the Ten Thousand Gods Spear also inherits the power of killing gods contained in Zhao Fu's godhead.

Now, as the army of the Pantheon, naturally, it must have this kind of power to crusade all kinds of betrayal and evil gods for the Pantheon.

Zhao Fu gave an order, and thousands of soldiers took the lead, and a silver-white aura erupted. This aura condensed together, and white-gold particles appeared around them, which merged together to form a white-gold long spear.

It is more than ten meters long, with a strong god-killing power, which makes the body feel cold, and it looks like the ten thousand gods spear.

Zhao Fu showed a smile and said to the jade goddess next to him, "Go up and try this god-killing spear."

The jade goddess nodded earnestly and did not despise it, because the condensed god-killing spear had already exuded a strong god-killing power, which made her feel a little dangerous.

Coming to the front of the soldiers, the jade goddess stretched out a hand, and a god spirit poured out, forming a jade shield.

Under Zhao Fu's order, the soldiers controlled the god-killing spear and aimed at the jade goddess.


The silver-white god-killing spear, which was more than ten meters long, flew out with a terrifying force, dragged out a silver-white streamer, and emitted a huge momentum, with a fatal danger. .

The face of the Jade Goddess changed slightly. Before facing the shooting god, all the hairs on her body stood up, and her body was slightly cold.


The long spear carried the terrifying power of killing gods and shot it on the jade shield. A terrifying force slammed into the jade shield, and the jade shield cracked several cracks.

And that long spear radiated bright white-gold light, with powerful force, it continued to hit the jade shield, sending out powerful waves.

clack clack...

A crisp sound came out, and the cracks on the jade shield became more and more, the jade goddess narrowed her eyes, and a stronger force was injected into the jade shield, and the jade shield stopped shattering.

The platinum-colored spear also lost its power at this time, turning into countless light spots and dissipating.

The Jade Goddess looked a little serious. Although it seemed that she could easily block the god-killing spear, it was still a god-killing spear condensed by thousands of people, so it was easy to block it.

But this does not mean that the God-killing spear is weak, she has already felt the horror before this God-killing, it is specially prepared for God-killing, and has great restraint on the power of the gods.

If hundreds of thousands of soldiers gather the God-killing Spear, if the gods are not careful, they may be instantly killed by the God-killing Spear.

This is the true power of the God-killing spear,

The Jade Goddess looked at Zhao Fu with a serious face. She was considered her own soldier, but she was so terrifyingly lethal to herself. The kind of soldier that that person cultivated was simply a god-killing soldier. That person was really too dangerous. .

Zhao Fu noticed the gaze of the jade goddess and turned to look at her.

The jade goddess immediately showed a smile, not as serious as before, and she became more and more jealous of Zhao Fu in her heart.

However, she also understands in her heart that as long as she obeys Zhao Fu well and doesn't think about resisting, then she will have nothing to do, and she is still one of the most powerful people in the pantheon, so don't worry, these soldiers will do it on their own. .

With a smile on his face, Zhao Fu asked, "How powerful is this God-killing spear?"

The jade goddess smiled and replied, "Very strong! It is very destructive to the gods. If there are more soldiers gathered, I can't stop it."

With a satisfied smile on Zhao Fu's face, he asked a thousand soldiers to retreat first, and then summoned five women and an army of four million gods.

Now that Zhao Fu, as the master of the Pantheon, naturally wants to meet with his soldiers, and at the same time holds all the military power in his own hands.

Although there are only four million soldiers now, when there are more and more divine soldiers in the future, they will become veterans and strengthen Zhao Fu's control over the army.


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