The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1867 Army Soul

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Next, Zhao Fu also summoned the generals of all parties, appointed some capable generals, let them start training soldiers, let the war start as soon as possible, open up territory for the Pantheon, and plunder more resources and population.

These army Zhao Fu also intends to train to be like a Daqin soldier, showing no kindness or even any affection towards the enemy, absolutely obeying orders and advocating slaughter wars.

Where Zhao Fujian pointed, they must be fearless, go forward bravely, and be invincible.

No matter men, women, old people, children, anyone who wants to kill will not stay, not even domestic animals. Even in the face of high-ranking kings and gods, they have to raise their butcher knives.

This first requires Zhao Fu to start training them. In Daqin, Zhao Fu has Baiqi, and he will train the soldiers to be what Zhao Fu wants. Also, Daqin soldiers can have such a military spirit, and they have experienced countless wars, big and small. bred out.

In the beginning, Daqin Village was only a small village, and the Daqin Empire became the current Daqin Empire all the way.

Now these god soldiers lack war, lack of killing, and the generals will not train the soldiers to be what Zhao Fu wants, so Zhao Fu needs to train them first.

In a large open space, the soldiers of the gods gathered here, forming a square formation in an orderly manner, and Zhao Fu stood on the platform, with many selected generals standing behind him.

First of all, what Zhao Fu did first was to let them get used to the blood, and now there was a wild beast in front of many soldiers, including wild boar, cow, deer, horse and so on.

"Now use the weapons in your hands to cut the animals in front of you into meat sauce at the fastest speed." Zhao Fu stood on the platform, looking at the soldiers in front of him, and said in a cold voice.

Many soldiers looked at the animals in front of them without any hesitation, because if these animals did not dare to kill, they would not be soldiers, but Zhao Fu asked them to chop the creatures in front of them into meat sauce, which they have never done before. .

roar roar...

There was a scream, and the soldiers raised their knives, swords, axes, spears, and spears to attack the beasts in front of them.

Some of them slashed at the beasts with a knife, and those beasts were cut with wounds one after another, blood splashing continuously, and some stabbed the beasts with weapons, the blood splashed out, and the beasts kept screaming.

Those screams are full of pain, despair, and tingling nerves. Killing a beast is not the same as slaughtering a group of beasts. The screams resounded in all directions, and the strong smell of blood was pungent, making the body feel a little cold.

They usually kill wild beasts at most, but not like this.

All those beasts also died, the ground was quickly stained red with blood, the corpses were shattered into a pile, and the flesh and internal organs were indistinguishable, and the bloody images stung the soldiers' eyes.

Some soldiers couldn't stand the bloody scene and showed nausea-like expressions, and some even vomited.

Zhao Fu stood in front of him and watched.

Many generals stood behind Zhao Fu, and some understood what Zhao Fu meant, that is, to make the blood stimulated and make the soldiers numb, they would not hesitate to kill all the killings, and they would obey all orders.

Using this method to train soldiers is to train soldiers as killing machines. It seems that the other party is not a good role.

Although they think so now, but now that Zhao Fu is the master of the Pantheon, they naturally dare not say anything. Now these soldiers belong to Zhao Fu's soldiers, and he can do whatever he wants.

At this time, Zhao Fu opened his mouth, and the voice was not so loud that everyone could hear, "The person next to him dragged the vomit out and whipped the Tenth Army."

Everyone present was a little surprised. They didn't expect Zhao Fu to suddenly issue such an order, but they still obeyed the order and dragged those who vomited out.

Those who vomited looked regretful and scared. If they had known this, they would have resisted it. Now they asked Zhao Fu to give them a chance, but Zhao Fu ignored it.

Those soldiers beat those soldiers hard with whips and whips, directly smashing the flesh and blood of those soldiers, and blood flowed out.

Some soldiers couldn't bear it and let out a scream.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu asked all the soldiers to go back and stand in the square.

After this time, many soldiers were also a little nervous, and they also had a little fear of Zhao Fu, because they already knew what kind of person Zhao Fu was.

Zhao Fu stood there and said nothing. Those soldiers also continued to stand in the pool of blood, deeply affected by the smell of blood.

Some couldn't help but vomit out at once.

Zhao Fu said in an ice-cold voice, "Drag those let out and hit them with twenty whips."

The soldiers next to them also quickly dragged those people out, whipping them with whips, and those people screamed in agony.

The atmosphere at the scene was not only tense, but also a little more depressed, not daring to make any sound.

Those generals standing behind Zhao Fu were also a little nervous in their hearts, and they were also a little afraid of Zhao Fu.

The time lasted for several hours, and Zhao Fu gave an order in one opening, and brought up hundreds of thousands of people.

These people are male and female, old and young. Now their bodies are bound by ropes, and they are connected in a row. They are all people who cannot surrender to the Pantheon. killed.

Now they are in front of many soldiers, with a look of fear and fear, and have a bad premonition in their hearts, some crying and begging for mercy, some angry cursing, some

Those who were neither humble nor arrogant stood where they were, arrogant.

"Now you all go forward one by one and stab the weapons in your hands into their bodies." Zhao Fu's voice came out at once.

Many soldiers face to face, looking at the people with their hands tied, they have no resistance at all, they just stepped forward to slaughter them, among them there are old people, sixty or seventy years old with white hair, and five or six years old full of childish innocence. child.

When attacking people, some soldiers are really unable to attack, and they can't bear it in their hearts.

Most of the gods they follow are not evil gods, and they have never done this, and most gods are unwilling to do it, because the massacre affects people's hearts and causes the loss of faith.

Zhao Fu frowned and said coldly, "This is an order!"

Hearing this, some soldiers obeyed the order, holding a sword with a cold face, walking to those people, and piercing their body with a sword.

Blood splattered, those people looked at the soldiers who killed them with hatred or resentment, and some people cursed.

When the other soldiers saw someone coming forward, they followed suit and stabbed those people with their weapons.

However, some people still couldn't do it, they killed the old people, children, and women, standing still and didn't move.


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