The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1869 God's Bible

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"No matter who you were a believer before, no matter where you came from, now you must know that I am your master, and you must submit to me. I didn't want to do this at first, but you dare to disobey my orders, then don't Blame me."

Zhao Fu sounded an angry voice, but everyone still did not dare to make a sound, and their hearts were full of fear.


Zhao Fu looked at the army in front of him and said in a cold voice, "Now you all know who you want to surrender and who you want to serve?"

"I will submit to the Lord God! I will swear allegiance to the Lord God!"

The soldiers present, as well as the generals behind Zhao Fu, all knelt on the ground and shouted in unison.

The sound was very loud and shook the Quartet, there was a kind of surrender to the supreme power, with a domineering arrogance to conquer the Quartet, and a cold killing spirit.

Their expressions were filled with awe, as if they were in awe of their gods.

Because the world of gods is originally only gods, and there are no other forces in the country and sect, these people generally obey the gods, are loyal to the gods, and are also loyal to the gods, so Zhao Fu just said that so many people objected.

This makes Zhao Fu's majesty as a power lord lost. If those people don't kill, how will Zhao Fu rule the Pantheon in the future? Once this opening is opened, anyone can stand up against Zhao Fu at that time, then Zhao Fu should How to do?

They should use bloody means to make them change their minds and understand who they want to listen to.

Otherwise, when the Pantheon is powerful in the future, it will be a huge hidden danger, because these soldiers will not obey their orders, but will only be loyal to those gods. If there is a rebellion of the gods, they will join in and attack Zhao Fu.

This kind of thing is impossible for Zhao Fu to let them happen, which is why Zhao Fu personally controls the military power.

Now seeing this scene of everyone surrendering, Zhao Fu's anger has also disappeared a lot, and the coldness on his face has eased.

At one point, he said, "Get up! Since you surrender to me, I will not treat you badly. Now each person will be awarded 10 military merits."

Everyone's faces couldn't help but smile. They didn't do anything to get 10 military merits, and 10 military merits can only be obtained after a lot of hard work on the battlefield.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Many soldiers shouted in unison with happy faces, and they also recognized Zhao Fu in their hearts.

That's how people are, let them fear first, and then give them a little favor, and they'll be more loyal to you.

Zhao Fu didn't say anything. The next soldier's drills can be handed over to those generals.

Next, they will slowly transform and become soldiers like Daqin soldiers, fighting for Zhao Fu in all directions. Absolutely obey Zhao Fu's orders and will not disobey.

As for those who brought them up and did not surrender, Zhao Fu had no interest in taking care of them, because the purpose had already been achieved.

He casually killed some people who were more stubborn in their resistance. When the others saw Zhao Fu's terrifyingness, they were so frightened that they had already kneeled on the ground and surrendered, not daring to say anything.

Back at the Pantheon, Zhao Fu also carried out the first major reform. First, he increased the preferential treatment and status of soldiers, so that the common people would be more motivated to join the army, and Zhao Fu also wanted a large number of troops.

In addition, Zhao Fu also needs to strengthen the ideological control of the people. These people, like the soldiers, will only obey the gods, serve the gods, and will support and support the gods.

For the common people, Zhao Fu's method was much gentler, he didn't kill anyone, and his methods were not bloody and cruel.

Because as an outsider of Zhao Fu, although he became the master of the Pantheon, their lord, but they could not surrender to you at once. If you kill all those who do not surrender, there will be not many people.

The first thing Zhao Fu did was the most important thing, which was to revise the Bible.

Every deity has a Bible, and every commoner believes in a deity and is familiar with the corresponding bible.

The main function of the Bible is to deepen their beliefs and make those people believe in gods more, so that they can provide more power of belief. As long as there is more power of belief, the gods will be stronger.

And the spread of faith.

When gods conquer an area, the people don’t know what gods they are, and they don’t know what to do. At this time, the Bible will tell those people what to do, how to believe in new gods, and let them know what gods they submit to.

Zhao Fu didn't burn all the Bibles here. If it was a normal king, he would definitely burn these books that were not conducive to his rule, and would also list these books so that no one could read them.

Strengthen the control of the people, let them submit to the king, not theocracy, and prevent any rebels from appearing.

Zhao Fu also thought about doing this, but he quickly gave up, because now the reward is not a country, but the Pantheon, a force composed of many gods.

The gods need belief, which is the foundation of their existence. If you don’t give them belief, how can the gods surrender to you, and the Bible is the most important thing about belief, and it cannot be burned.

Zhao Fu also thinks that those gods are powerful, so they also need the power of faith, so the Bible cannot be destroyed.

But the Bible is something that shakes the rule. With the Bible, people will only believe in supporting the gods, not supporting Zhao Fu, and they will not obey Zhao Fu. The two sides are in conflict with each other.

But Zhao Fu has a very good solution, so it is to revise the Bible,

After unification, it became the Bible of the Gods.

The core of the above content is that the Pantheon is subject to the Pantheon. The Pantheon is the existence that controls the gods, and the Pantheon is also composed of many gods. No matter what gods they believe in, they are the gods of the Pantheon.

The content that follows is to write down the sacred realms of the gods unchanged.

In this way, the thoughts are unified and division is prevented. No matter what gods believe in, they are all people who believe in the Pantheon, and the Pantheon rules all existence.

As long as the status of the Pantheon is the highest level, then Zhao Fu's status is also the highest level, those people will support him and support him, and he is also an existence above the gods.

Some are similar to the God of Creation, who is in charge of many gods. Although the people believe in other gods, they are more loyal to the God of Creation.

This strengthens the control of the mind, and also provides the power of belief to many gods, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Otherwise, if you destroy the holy level, you will encounter all kinds of resistance, first from the gods, and then from various people and soldiers. It is very difficult to implement, unless bloody suppression methods are required.

Zhao Fu is also a little reluctant to do it, unless it is a last resort, that can only be the case.

In addition to these, Zhao Fu also made a lot of reforms.


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