The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1870 Temple

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Because the world of gods is originally a world of gods, Zhao Fu intends to reform according to similar religious forces.

As usual, read the Bible of the Gods three times in the morning, noon and evening, and dress neatly. Some brightly colored clothes and too revealing clothes should not be worn. For formal occasions, solemn black and white clothes must be used.

Not only clothing, but also various buildings should be mainly solemn, and buildings that are too strange and brightly colored should not be built.

This directly makes the entire force become solemn and solemn from the outside, and the characters of the people in it will also be subtly influenced, becoming solemn and solemn, without laughter, and full of a sense of holiness.

In addition to changing the clothes and architecture, Zhao Fu also stipulated that no noise, loud talking, too much laughter, and too much crying are allowed on the street.

Not only from the appearance, but also from the behavior to regulate them, this is the solemn and solemn feeling of the deeper power.

In the end, some books and some paintings should be destroyed if they do not conform to the rule. They should be solemn, solemn, tragic, pious, and dedicated.

This directly changes the people from their thoughts, allowing them to change from appearance, behavior, and thinking to a solemn and solemn person, and more importantly, a devout believer who can give everything to the pantheon.

However, Zhao Fu also knew that living in such an environment would make life very dull and boring, without any fun, and would be very depressing.

Although Zhao Fu's goal is achieved, they will provide a lot of power of faith, they are still loyal supporters of the Pantheon, and they will not rebel against Zhao Fu's rule. Zhao Fu will also become the supreme existence in their hearts.

When they saw Zhao Fu, they would become madly pious, support Zhao Fu madly, support Zhao Fu madly, no matter what Zhao Fu asked them to do, they would not refuse.

But Zhao Fu is not that kind of king, and he doesn't want to be that kind of king, so Zhao Fu didn't do anything. After all, these are his own people, so Zhao Fu also made some changes in this regard.

Seven days a week, the first six days must follow the rules, whoever violates the rules must be punished and cannot be tolerated, but on the last day, for a festival, they can be allowed to wear bright clothes, or they can make jokes and no longer restrain them. Make their lives less stressful.

In this way, although the solemn and solemn effect is somewhat weakened, Zhao Fu still thinks it is worthwhile, and he will definitely not be the kind of person who squeezes the people to death.

The new regulations were issued, and they were soon implemented. The power of belief has indeed increased a lot, and many people have begun to recognize the dominance of the Pantheon and that Zhao Fu is the supreme existence.

The plan was very successful. The army practiced according to Zhao Fu's method, and it already had the cold and chilling air of a Daqin soldier. The people also provided more power of faith and supported Zhao Fu.

Then just keep it like this. In the end, the appearance of the Pantheon will be finalized. You don't have to do anything, and he will be like that.

A few days later, Zhao Fu called a few goddesses.

Several goddesses have been a little surprised recently. Their forces and soldiers have changed under Zhao Fu's rule, with a feeling of coldness and calmness, and the power of belief has also been greatly improved.

They were even more curious about what kind of person Zhao Fu was and where he came from. Not only was his power terrifying, but he also had a strong ability to rule. He must also be a powerful lord, otherwise he would definitely not have this ability.

Zhao Fu called them here, and the purpose was to expand the Pantheon. Now that the Pantheon has been condensed and the soldiers have a certain fighting power, it is time to launch a war against other gods.

The Pantheon is still so weak that a larger force can destroy it, so it must become stronger in a short period of time,

Zhao Fu will not stay here alone, because he still has to find a lot of things with time attributes, which is also one of Zhao Fu's most important tasks.

As for the awakening of the God Race Emperor Star, Zhao Fu now has a clue.

It was discovered that each time he merged the power of inheritance of a god, not only the power of the godhead in his mind became stronger, but also caused his body to undergo a degeneration of gods, which means that Zhao Fu's body was more inclined to gods, and every place was full of divine power.

And there is a sense of the gods emperor star above the sky. The more the power of the inheritance of the gods is absorbed, the stronger the induction of the gods emperor star. If it reaches a certain level, the god clan emperor star can be awakened.

Put those things aside for now, and now it's the pantheon that counts.

Zhao Fu looked at several goddesses and said, "How much do you know about the forces surrounding the Pantheon? Now what do you think will be the result of starting a war against them?"

The iron goddess thought about it and said, "There are about thirteen gods nearby. Among them, there are old gods and new gods. We are not as strong as us, and so are their forces."

"As for the farther places, I heard that there is a strong power of the gods, and the specific information is not clear. We usually stay in the temple to absorb beliefs, so we don't know much because they are not far away."

"If you start a war against the nearby gods, other more distant gods will also notice, and with the current strength of the Pantheon, you can't face more than a dozen gods, and you need to carefully annex them one by one."

The Jade Goddess also nodded and said, "Now the appearance of the Pantheon has made them vigilant. If they are not careful, they may attack the Pantheon at any time."

The Silverstone Goddess also agreed, "We should discuss now that if we annex other forces one by one, we should try to minimize the impact of the matter and not cause too much trouble.

Much attention. "

The Golden Stone Goddess and the Bronze Goddess also very much agree with this idea.

Zhao Fu frowned, how long would it take to annex them one by one? I don't have so much time to stay here, and these are all small forces. Even if the annexation is completed in the end, they are not very powerful.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhao Fu said, "Now you write a letter to them, either join the Pantheon and become one of the gods of the Pantheon, or it will be a dead end."

A few goddesses were startled and looked at Su Bai with wide eyes. This was directly declaring war on thirteen gods, and it was so overbearing that he directly chose death or surrender. Is this really possible?

The jade goddess persuaded. "God Lord! Although none of the thirteen of them are not strong, if they are united, we can't beat them at all. We should be careful about this matter."

Zhao Fu opened his mouth and said, "Don't worry, I will solve all these matters, you just need to do as I ordered."

Many goddesses also nodded when they heard the words. Since Zhao Fu is so confident, there must be a way, and they don't need to worry. And they don't even know how terrifying Zhao Fu's strength is.


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