The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1871 Killing

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

According to Zhao Fu's instructions, many goddesses quickly wrote letters and ordered them to be sent to thirteen gods.

"Extremely arrogant, his pantheon is only composed of five forces, and the forces are not terrible. He dares to speak to me like this, he just doesn't take me seriously."

A strong man in black sat above the hall, and said angrily.

A general in armor next to him also said in a cold voice, "Since the Pantheon is so arrogant, you must let them taste the price of arrogance, and the consequences of despising my god, and never forgive them."

A handsome young man dressed in white said angrily, "I am also in favor of attacking the Pantheon. If you treat my god like this, then you should die and let them bear the wrath of my god."

"We all agree to attack the Pantheon, and the Pantheon pays the price for arrogant behavior, so that they can see the power of my God."

The people present also saluted and said in unison, the scene was chilling, and there was still some blood.

In recent years, there has been no war around, and the generals of all parties have also fallen silent. They also want to use the war to rejuvenate themselves and be more reused by the gods.

The man in black also has this plan. Now the power is too calm, and he has so much faith in himself. He is already a little dissatisfied and needs more faith. It can only swallow the power of other gods.

Now all the generals agreed, the man in black stood up from the chair with a domineering smile, just about to speak.


There was a loud noise, the roof shattered, and a person appeared directly in the middle of the hall, wearing a cloak, holding a sword, and exuding a powerful aura.

Adding these thirteen gods together, Zhao Fu is not afraid of anything. At most, he will use the national-suppressing tool. Those forces have a lot more troops than the Pantheon, but they can also use the power of the national-suppressing tool to resist.

The basic soldiers of the Divine Spirit World are also first-order soldiers. If they use their own cultivation base in the great realm, it will be a little troublesome to deal with tens of millions of first-order soldiers.

Moreover, when they gather together, Zhao Fu has a way to deal with them, but if they act separately, Zhao Fu has no choice, because he only needs one, and he can only solve the problem in one place.

Therefore, Zhao Fu's plan is to kill a few gods first and weaken the power of thirteen forces. Gods are the core of a force. Once they die, the entire force will be in chaos, and if there is no new god to succeed, the entire force will collapse. .

The people around looked at Zhao Fu who burst out of the top with a look of surprise, and felt Zhao Fu's momentum, and their hearts sank suddenly.

Zhao Fu raised his sword at this moment, pointed at the man in black, and said, "Now do you choose to surrender or die?"

The black-clothed man was furious, took out a saber, and burst out with a strong divine aura, and charged towards Zhao Fu with a terrifying force.


A black blood flame ignited from Zhao Fu's body, and a terrifying power of the saint erupted. In order to solve this god as soon as possible, Zhao Fu did not hesitate, and the power of the holy blood erupted directly.


The black-clothed man was holding a saber and charged with a ferocious aura. Zhao Fu swung out a sword, and a terrifying sword force slashed out, directly smashing the black-clothed man out, hitting the wall, and directly knocking the wall.

That handsome young man, holding a weapon, charged with anger, Zhao Fu dared to hurt the god he believed in, and he wanted to chop Zhao Fu into several pieces.


Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and grabbed the handsome young man's head directly, then lifted it up, grabbed it hard, and the handsome young man's head exploded, his brains and blood splattered.

This frightened the person who originally wanted to rush forward, but stopped abruptly and looked at Zhao Fu with a look of fear.

Zhao Fu withdrew his hand and looked at the man in black who got up from the ground.


The man in black burst out with a strong aura, his body emitting a strong black light, his eyes stared at Zhao Fu, and charged towards Zhao Fu with a strong murderous aura.

Zhao Fu looked a little disdainful. He stretched out his blood-stained hand and grabbed it forward. A huge force sucked the black-clothed youth in front of Zhao Fu, and that hand grabbed the black-clothed man's head at once.

The people around were startled, and they no longer hesitated. With a powerful momentum, they rushed towards Zhao Fu. If the gods died, everything would be over.


Zhao Fu waved the sword in his hand, and a huge sword force sent the people rushing from all directions flying out, and fell heavily to the ground.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed the head of the black-clothed man. The corners of his mouth rose, and with a cold smile, he lifted the black-clothed man up. The black-clothed man faced Zhao Fu's gaze and felt a sense of fear in his heart. Use power, but no power at all.


A large number of electric arcs poured out of Zhao Fu's hands, violently pouring out of the black-clothed man's body. The electric arcs were condensed by the power of killing gods.

ah ah ah...

The man's body twitched violently, his face was distorted, and he let out a shrill scream, piercing his nerves, and the electric light kept flashing, illuminating the surroundings.

Last for a while!

Zhao Fu let go of his hand, and the black-clothed man slumped on the ground, his eyes turned white, his nose was flowing, and his body was steaming.

"Now do you choose to surrender, or to die?"

Zhao Fu's eyes

With cruelty, looking at the man who was paralyzed in front of him, he didn't kill him just now, just let him taste it, and it felt extremely painful.

If it is an ordinary goddess, because of the six desires and demonic energy, it is easier to tame, so Zhao Fu uses the God-killing Lightning, but also keeps his hands, but for male gods, Zhao Fu does not keep his hands, and directly uses the most painful means.

Now this male god has suffered once, and it has become like this, and the spirit and body are greatly damaged.

Hearing Zhao Fu's words, the male god was like a corpse without a soul, without any reaction.

Zhao Fu frowned, and an electric arc appeared in his palm. The male god hurriedly responded, knelt on the ground, and said in fear, "Don't continue, I am willing to surrender to you."

Seeing his frightened and weak appearance, it was even more powerful and mighty just now, just like a dog, Zhao Fu showed a smile, waved his hand and shot into his body with a restraint.

"Now you stay here honestly for me, and then the people of the Pantheon come back here, and you do what they say."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The man nodded quickly with a look of fear, without any hesitation.

When the people around saw the gods like this, they also knelt on the ground with a look of fear, not daring to say a word, and they were shocked, "Why is there such a terrifying person in the Pantheon?"

With a smile, Zhao Fu turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.


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