The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1874 Seven Gods

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Among the thirteen gods, the seven distant forces have gathered together and plan to attack the Pantheon together.

A man in gray clothes with a hint of ferocity said, "Let's hurry up! If it's too late and the benefits are snatched away by a few nearby forces, then we'll be busy all the time."

An old man next to him said with a smile, "Don't worry so much, the Pantheon is also composed of five gods, with a little ability, let them fight for a while, and we will take advantage of it in the past."

There was a wretched-looking fat man, who also smiled and said, "That's right, we should walk slower, let them bite the dog, and finally come to pick up the bargain, and I heard that the Pantheon is composed of five goddesses, I heard that They are all so beautiful, it would be nice if they were caught and served us."

A sturdy big man said, "That's for sure, I haven't enjoyed a goddess serving me as a servant, and now I can enjoy what it feels like to enjoy."

The only goddess among the seven gods, frowned, somewhat disliking the appearance of this group of people.

If it wasn't for them to gather together faster and attack the Pantheon with less losses, she would not want to attack the Pantheon with them. There are a few of them with a bad reputation. Not only are they perverted, they also want to play with all kinds of women.


A few guards rushed over to report in a panic, "It's not good, Lord Gods, something big has happened."

Hearing this, many gods were stunned, and one of them asked, "What happened?"

A guard saluted, "According to the information we got, the five gods near the Pantheon have all been destroyed, and some forces have even joined the Pantheon."

Many gods were suddenly shocked, didn't many gods attack the Pantheon? The Pantheon is in a weak position, and they belong to the strong. How can five gods be destroyed at once?

"What the hell is going on here? You guys can make it clear." The old man looked ugly and hurriedly said to the guard.

The guard immediately replied, "There is a very terrifying powerhouse. One person wiped out the power of those gods, and some gods were also killed by that person."

Hearing this, many gods have solemn expressions, who is the person in their hearts now, and how can they have such terrifying strength.

A god was just about to say something.


A huge sword light, with a terrifying momentum, flew from afar, and many gods felt the huge danger and hurriedly used their strength to resist.

Just after resisting the attack, a figure descended with a powerful aura. He was dressed in a black cloak and held a sharp sword.

Many gods felt the aura of the man, and their faces became a little ugly.

The identity of the person in front of you, you don't need to think too much to understand who it is, it must be the one who wiped out the power of many gods.

Zhao Fu looked at the seven gods with icy eyes, and with a formidable aura, he rushed in front of a god, and slashed out with a terrifying force.

The deity was startled, and hurriedly used a weapon to block in front of him, but was still slashed and flew out by Zhao Fu's sword.

The other gods also used their powerful forces to attack Zhao Fu, and one after another, cold beams with terrifying power slammed into Zhao Fu.

A powerful black protective cover emerged from around Zhao Fu's body, and one after another attacked on the protective cover, making a loud noise, and a strong wind spread. The shield is now full of cracks.


That somewhat wretched fat man shouted loudly, held a sledgehammer, with a fierce momentum, rushed in front of Zhao Fu, waved the sledgehammer in his hand, and hit Zhao Fu with a destructive force. .


The sledgehammer slammed into the cracked defense cover, shattering the defense cover, and shooting out innumerable directions.

The wretched fat man had a happy expression on his face. With one blow, he broke the defense shield of the person in front of him. The strength of the person in front of him was just that, and they didn't need to be too afraid of the person in front of them.

After smashing the energy shield, the wretched fat man wanted to swing a sledgehammer and hit Zhao Fu.

The corner of Zhao Fu's mouth rose, revealing a sneer, one foot kicked out with a terrifying force, directly hitting the fat man's abdomen, kicking the fat man flying out, hitting the ground heavily, smashing a large pit.

Several gods seized the opportunity, jumped, jumped into the air, and attacked Zhao Fu with terrifying power, with a fierce momentum.

Zhao Fu snorted coldly, "Immortal mode...on!"


A huge aura erupted from Zhao Fu's body, a seven-colored arrogance ignited from Zhao Fu's body, and a seven-colored rune circle emerged, and a strong coercion enveloped all directions.

Facing the many rushing gods, Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, and the rune circle around his body began to spin, and a terrifying force radiated out.

Zhao Fu's outstretched hand pushed forward.

bang bang bang...

The colorful rune circle carried an amazing force and spread out to the surroundings, knocking the several gods that rushed out, and the rune circle also dissipated.


The soldiers led by many gods defeated many gods and attacked Zhao Fu one after another. The dense arrows shot out, and they flew towards Zhao Fu with amazing strength.

Facing the countless arrows shot, Zhao Fu stretched out a hand to face the arrows, and a colorful array appeared in the palm of his hand.


An invisible and huge force spread out, directly imprisoning countless arrows in the air, and the dense arrows were instantly imprisoned in the air. This scene was also extremely shocking.

Zhao Fu's hand pushed forward.


Countless arrows imprisoned in mid-air, turned the arrows, and shot at the countless soldiers with a burst of force.

Puff puff……

The arrows poured down like a heavy rain, shooting through the bodies of each soldier, blood splashed, and screams kept screaming.


A sturdy man burst out with a powerful aura, and rushed in front of Zhao Fu. A huge force poured into the big sword in his hand. The big sword emitted a strong sword light, and the man held the big sword and slashed towards Zhao Fu fiercely.

With a cold face, Zhao Fu raised the sword in his hand, and a force was injected into it. The sword turned into seven colors, exuding astonishing power.


Zhao Fu vigorously waved the sword in his hand, and a colorful arc of light slashed out with extremely sharp power. The big knife that the sturdy man slashed over was cut off, and his body was also slashed by the arc of light, and blood spattered.

The gods present were startled, and now watching Zhao Fu kill a god with his own eyes, his body also felt a chill, and all the hairs on his body stood on end.


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