The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1875 Four Gods

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The two halves of the sturdy man fell to the ground. At this moment, Zhao Fu's body disappeared and appeared in front of a wretched fat man.

The wretched fat man sank in his heart and felt a sense of fear. He hurriedly stepped back, not daring to fight Zhao Fu alone.

And waving the sledgehammer in his hand, with a ferocious force and a strong wind, hit Zhao Fu, as if it could smash a small mountain, and the momentum was a bit amazing.


Zhao Fu waved his hand, and a sword light slashed out, and the sledgehammer flew out, and then another sword was swung out, and a sharp sword light flashed by, cutting off the wretched fat man's head, and blood spurted out. out.

The wretched fat man's headless body fell to the ground, and another god died.

The gods present are now a little scared. Now that both gods are dead, the next one may be them.


A huge momentum erupted, and the soldiers killed the gods, full of hatred, and countless breaths poured out of their bodies.

After those breaths continued to pour out, they condensed together and formed a scorpion-like creature with a powerful aura.

boom boom boom...

The soldiers of other gods also burst into a terrifying momentum, forming different giants, including lions, tigers, mice, fish, dogs, and snakes, each with an amazing pressure.

The seven behemoths exuded a powerful momentum in the sky, causing the situation to change suddenly, and the picture was extremely shocking.

roar roar...

The seven huge creatures let out a huge roar that resounded in all directions, and charged towards Zhao Fu with a terrifying force.

Zhao Fu stood still and did not move, a force poured out of the eye socket of his left eye, and the golden pupil became colored, and then began to spin.

clang clang...

Chains of colorful iron chains, with powerful forces, shot out from the ground quickly, tying up the terrifying creatures, and those terrifying creatures struggled and roared.


A figure with a strong aura appeared behind Zhao Fu. It was that fierce big man. Holding a big sword in both hands, he slashed towards Zhao Fu with a terrifying force.

Zhao Fu turned his head slightly, but his body still didn't move.

clang clang...

A chain of iron chains with great power flew out from the ground this time, and the fierce big man with a fast speed shot it.

The big man was shocked. He wanted to come and attack Zhao Fu, but it didn't work. Instead, he put himself in danger.

The big man waved the big sword in his hand vigorously, and a powerful sword light slashed out, cutting off the many chains that had been shot in the past.


The sound of iron chains sounded at once, and the chains with terrifying power shot at the big man from all directions.

The big man waved the sword in his hand in a panic, cutting off many iron chains, but there were still many iron chains, with a swift and violent force, shooting through the big man's body.

Puff puff……

Next, more iron chains, with astonishing power, penetrated the big man's body, penetrated the big man's body everywhere, blood splashed, and the big man died directly, and the death was very miserable.

Zhao Fu turned his gaze to the bounded giant in the sky, stretched out a hand, and grabbed it hard.

Those iron chains immediately sent out a force to tighten, and the behemoths were blown up and turned into countless breaths to spread.

The soldiers on the ground were affected, their bodies were shaken, they spat out a mouthful of blood, and their faces turned pale.

Zhao Fu turned his eyes to the soldiers, his pupils opened, and a terrifying power emanated from Zhao Fu's body, and the chains shot at the soldiers with terrifying power.

ah ah ah...

There was a scream, and the soldiers were pierced by arrows, blood splashed everywhere, and I don't know how many casualties.

The remaining few gods had expressions of fear on their faces. The people in front of them were really terrifying. One person could not only resist their seven gods, but also an army of seven million.

Looking at his brutal slaughter, it is certain that he is a brutal person.

Now the four gods don't want to continue fighting with Zhao Fu, and they understand that it is not Zhao Fu's time at all, so they loudly ordered to retreat.

When Zhao Fu heard that the god wanted to retreat, he instantly disappeared in place and appeared behind a young man. A sword slashed out with a terrifying sword light. The young man hadn't reacted yet, and his body was cut in half from the beginning to the end. and entrails spilled.

After killing this young man, Zhao Fu stared at the glamorous woman with terrifying eyes.

That cool-looking, graceful woman, with all the hair on her body exploding, felt a sense of extreme fear, as if she was being stared at by a terrifying creature.

In an instant, Zhao Fu disappeared on the spot, with a terrifying aura, appeared behind the woman, raised the sword in his hand, and slashed at her with powerful sword power.

At this critical moment of life and death, the Lengyan woman hurriedly said, "Don't kill me! I am willing to surrender to you."

Zhao Fu immediately stopped his sword and chased after the other two gods. The two gods were so frightened that they ran away desperately, but when they found that they could not escape, they hurriedly shouted

Said, "We surrender too, please don't kill us."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu showed a satisfied smile as he flew into the sky, exuding a terrifying force that enveloped all directions, and the surrounding space suddenly sank.

"Those who obey me will prosper! Those who oppose me will perish!"

Zhao Fu's icy voice resounded in the sky, and countless soldiers were also frightened by the massacre just now.

The three gods knelt on the ground in fear. Originally, seven of them came out, but now all four of them have died in his hands. If they don't want to die, they can only submit to Zhao Fu.

At this time, the gods of the Pantheon also rushed here with the soldiers. Seeing the scene in front of them, they were a little shocked. They didn't need to take action at all, and Zhao Fu solved it all by himself.

Zhao Fu first destroyed the five divine forces, and the Pantheon could conquer it in the past. Another force was surrounded by the Pantheon, and there was no way but to surrender.

The next step is to take over the power of the seven gods here, then all the thirteen gods are under control, and the entire area has been unified.

Zhao Fu did not participate in the events after that, and returned to the Pantheon to wait for the result.

After half a day, many gods returned to the Pantheon and began to report the harvest this time.

The main thing is population. The thirteen forces have a total of 1,200 cities, and each city is about 200,000, so the population is about 240 million.


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