The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1882 Demon (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

There is also a team of soldiers guarding the temple outside the temple, which also increases the difficulty of the matter. The gods and guards have to solve it together.

Because if you want to do something to the guards, the gods who absorb the power of faith will also be aware of it. Once the gods perceive and react, Zhao Fu will also be discovered, and the plan will fail.

After thinking for a while, he came to a hidden corner, his eyes turned into blood-colored roses at one time, exuding an evil charm, and an evil charm emerged from his body, making Zhao Fu's whole person very terrifying.

Half squatting down, Zhao Fu put one hand on the ground, a powerful demonic power poured into the ground, a black magic circle emanated from under Zhao Fu, emitting a faint black light, with a strong evil spirit breath.

Zhao Fu closed his eyes, and an invisible force spread out. Everything within a radius of tens of thousands of meters was within Zhao Fu's perception. No matter who it was or what creature, even a mosquito, did not escape Zhao Fu perception.

Now Zhao Fu is using the power of Xie Mo Yuan Hua. Through this perception, Zhao Fu also understands all the information of the temple. For example, the location of the gods and the distribution of guards.

This god is still very careful. In addition to the guards who are guarding the front, there are also soldiers guarding some hidden places.

However, at this time, Zhao Fu has seen through all of them, so these are useless.

Zhao Fu pressed his hand on the ground, and with a single press, a huge power of demons poured out of the ground, and slowly went from the underground to the temple, which would cover the ground of the temple in a short time.

At this time, Zhao Fu, who closed his eyes, showed a faint smile. Now that they didn't notice something was wrong, there would be no chance.


Countless pale rhizomes did not stretch out as slowly as before, but protruded from the ground at a very fast speed, without giving the soldiers and gods any reaction time, and densely wrapped them all, like cocoons formed by rhizomes. .

A huge demonic power poured into their bodies, and ordinary guards naturally had no resistance.

That god broke out with a powerful aura, and the godhead in the body kept vibrating, emitting a strong light, trying to resist the influx of demon power.

Zhao Fu snorted coldly, and pressed the ground hard once, a huge demonic power poured into the ground, more pale rhizomes shot out from the ground, wrapped around the god's body, and a larger demonic power poured into the gods Body.

The deity's body shook violently, unable to resist the influx of demonic power. As the demonic power continued to pour in, the deity also lost control over the body.

Zhao Fu opened his eyes, showed a smile, stood up from the ground, and walked towards the temple.

After entering the temple, looking at the god wrapped in countless pale rhizomes, with a wave of his hand, countless pale rhizomes retracted to the ground. The river god who was sitting cross-legged on the carpet was revealed.

The River God also regained some control over his body, opened his eyes, and looked at Zhao Fu with an ugly expression.

Zhao Fu smiled and raised her chin, "I am the God Lord of the Pantheon, now you can choose to surrender to me voluntarily? Or are you forced to surrender to me?"

The River God said angrily, "Then there is no other choice?"

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "You are all in my hands, what other choice do you want?"

The river god fell into thought, and then also made a decision, "Okay! I can surrender to you, and bring your hand."

Zhao Fu couldn't help laughing. A stream of six desires and demonic energy poured into the river God's body, and a dry heat spread throughout the body.

"Do you still want to take my hand away?" Zhao Fu had a charming smile on his face, and reached out to stroke and touch the face of the River God.

The River God couldn't help showing a look of enjoyment, and was embarrassed to speak, because she really enjoyed this feeling now, and she didn't know what power Zhao Fu was using.

"give me!"

The river god blushed and his eyes were covered with a layer of water mist, and said uncontrollably and seductively.

Zhao Fu chuckled and sealed the Six Desires Demonic Qi in her body.

The River God also returned to normal. Thinking of the request just now, the River God felt a sense of shame and looked at Zhao Fu angrily, unable to say anything.

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Do you understand that you will join the Pantheon tomorrow?"

The River God snorted lightly and did not answer Zhao Fu's words.

Zhao Fu's smile faded, and he was about to stretch out his hand.

The river god immediately said with some fear, "I see, I will join the Pantheon tomorrow."

A smile appeared on Zhao Fu's face at one time, his body disappeared in place at one time, and he came to the next power of the gods.

This force is a flower god, but it is a little surprising that this flower god is not a woman, but a fat man who is not good-looking.

Because his body is a kind of wolf poisonous flower, a kind of lily, the color is black, but it is very bloated, looks a bit ugly, the smell is not good, and it has a kind of poison.

After Zhao Fu came to his power, he found that he was sleeping on the same bed with two handsome men.

There are not many guards around, it seems that this force is attached to a powerful force, and it seems that it is not worried that anyone will attack him. This force is also a force that does not give the Pantheon face.

Zhao Fu didn't hesitate. First, he sensed that there was no danger around him. He stretched out a hand and pressed it on the ground, and a huge demonic power poured out.

Pale rhizomes shot out from the ground and shot towards the three people on the bed at a high speed.

The ugly fat man was not weak, and immediately discovered the danger. Looking at the countless pale rhizomes that were shot, the ugly fat man kicked the handsome man next to him and slammed into the countless pale rhizomes.

Zhao Fu's eyes were filled with coldness, and an enchantment emanated to wrap the room, and an even larger demonic power poured into the ground.

I saw those handsome men whose rhizomes collided with the package, and more rhizomes suddenly stretched out, and the ugly fat man burst out with momentum. But the stalk drowned it like a tide.

Soon the ugly fat man was bound by pale rhizomes and lost his resistance. Zhao Fu's consciousness also entered Fatty's body.

The ugly fat man looked at Zhao Fu with fear, and shouted, "Who are you? Don't kill me!"

Zhao Fu snorted coldly and did not accept his idea, because he was very rude to Pantheon today.

The power of countless black demons directly devoured the ugly fat man's soul. Zhao Fu occupied his body and gained some memories of the fat man. After a few glances, he didn't care too much.

Leaving the order to let the ugly fat man join the pantheon, Zhao Fu disappeared in place at one time and continued to control other gods.


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