The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1883 Honor

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

That night, Zhao Fu controlled the number of gods to twelve. Seeing that the sky was already breaking, he stopped moving.

During this time, the plan was relatively smooth, and no one noticed anything.

The power of these gods is the weakest in the vicinity, and they are the closest to the Pantheon. After controlling them, they can be directly integrated into the Pantheon, greatly increasing the strength of the Pantheon.

As for the other gods, they were either too far away or too powerful. Zhao Fu couldn't control them, so he could only give up.

After returning to the Pantheon, Zhao Fu waited.

The various forces are also the same as usual, there is no change, and their eyes turn to the power of the sheep-headed god.

Seeing that the sky had already lighted up, the Sheep-Headed God summoned important people from all walks of life and came to the temple.

Everyone came here, and they were a little confused, not knowing what happened.

The Sheep-Headed God sat above with a pious look on his face, and said, "I have already felt the great call of the Lord of the Pantheon. I think he should be the Lord I believe in, but also your Lord."

Hearing this, everyone looked surprised. Yesterday, the sheep-headed god was still very afraid of the appearance of the Pantheon, worried that the Pantheon would attack them. Why did the appearance change overnight? Also a look of devotion to the Pantheon.

The Sheep Head God continued, "The purpose of calling you here this time is to tell you that now I intend to submit to the Pantheon and become one of the gods of the Pantheon, forever loyal to my great God, under his brilliance. , we will be better off.”

When everyone heard this, there was no surprise, because the Sheep-Headed God said at the beginning that he would believe in the God Lord of the Pantheon, and they naturally thought that the Sheep-Headed God would submit to the Pantheon.

It's just that the sheep-headed god looks like he is flattering the god of the pantheon. He is an extremely noble god. Anyone should respect him and believe in him. How could this be? Is this still the god they believe in?

At this time, the sheep-headed god was extremely nervous, because he had already sensed that Zhao Fu's consciousness had entered his body, if he did not issue an order to surrender to the Pantheon.

Then his body will immediately lose control, and Zhao Fu will take control, and then he will die miserably.

At the same time, the sheep-headed god thought that he had already surrendered to Zhao Fu, so he naturally had to behave well. In the face of such a terrifying figure as Zhao Fu, even if he was a god, he would definitely be flattering.

At this time, a young man couldn't help but reminded, "Respected Lord God, you must understand that surrendering to others also means that you have to obey others, and your status and power will be reduced."

The sheep-headed god heard this and scolded coldly, "It is a supreme honor to submit to the great Pantheon God. His appearance is to rule the gods. Do you think I should not submit to him? I should not obey orders. To him? Does any power status still matter?"

The young man who spoke heard this sentence and was so frightened that he hurriedly knelt on the ground, "Respected Lord God, I have no opinion, and I am also willing to swear allegiance to the great Pantheon Lord."

The people around also understand that the Sheep-Headed God is determined to submit to the Pantheon regardless of any obstacles.

The sheep-headed god is the master of power. Since he chooses to surrender, they have no ability to stop him. They can only kneel down and say in unison, "We are willing to swear allegiance to the great god of the pantheon!"

Hearing this, the sheep-headed god showed a satisfied smile, issued various orders, collected various materials, told many people not to panic, and asked the soldiers to strengthen their management vigilance and prepare to surrender to the Pantheon.

Everyone obeyed the order of the sheep-headed god and turned around and left.

"You did a good job!" Zhao Fu's voice recalled in the head of the sheep head.

The sheep-headed god said with some surprise, "That is necessary. It is my honor to be loyal to the Lord of God."

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, and his mind withdrew from the body of the sheep-headed god. Only at this time did the sheep-headed god breathe a sigh of relief.


The River God of the River God Temple saw that the sky was already bright, and he also summoned the city lords and some generals from all sides.

A slender, lively-looking woman came first, and she also had a very good relationship with the River God.

Seeing that the blush on the River God's face had not subsided, he smiled and put his arms around the River God, "Did Lord River God want that handsome man to serve you last night? He looks so pretty today, very attractive. ."

The river god rolled his eyes at the woman, "I'm not that kind of woman!"

The woman leaned into the river god's face with a playful smile, "Then tell me what's the matter with the blush on your face? And you also smell like a man. Nothing happened last night, so I don't believe it. "

River God couldn't help but think of the scene of Zhao Fu teasing her, and said shyly and angrily, "I didn't have anything to do with that bastard. Well, don't make trouble, someone will come soon."

The woman's expression was stunned. What happened to the river god and a certain man last night? Seeing the blushing look on the river god's face, things were not ordinary, and who was that person? To make a god do so.

Afterwards, people from all sides came to the temple.

The woman also loosened her arm around the River God and stepped aside. They have a good relationship in private, but as a god, they must also be dignified and not too close.

Seeing many people coming, the River God also announced, "Now I have decided to surrender to the Pantheon and become the god of the Pantheon, and all the power will be handed over to the Pantheon to rule."

The people present were in an uproar, and none of them thought that the river god would say such a thing.

The Pantheon said before that it invited the gods of all parties to join the Pantheon. Everyone thought that the god would be constrained to join such a force in order to surrender his identity and power. Few of the gods would be so stupid.

But now they have heard such words from the gods they believe in, and they have no idea at all.

It seemed that the River God had no intention in this regard at all yesterday, so how could he make such a major decision overnight.

In this regard, everyone looked puzzled.

The woman next to her was also puzzled at first. She didn’t understand why the River God gave such an order, but when she thought of what the River God said just now, she suddenly understood something. The bastard in the mouth of the River God should be someone from the temple. The river god surrendered to the Pantheon.

A middle-aged man with a beard asked, "Why does Lord River God want to join the Pantheon? Isn't our current power good? If we join the Pantheon, there will be no River God power in the future."

An old man next to him also persuaded, "Lord River God! There is not much benefit to doing this. Please think more about it, don't make a decision in a hurry, there is no chance to go back on this matter."


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