The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1884 God of the Earth (Subscribe)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

The River God replied coldly, "I know all this, but I have made a decision, and then you can follow my orders. Don't try to persuade me, I will not change this decision."

When everyone saw this, they could only obey their orders and stopped persuading the River God.

The River God also issued a series of orders, and everyone also received the orders, then turned and left the temple.

The woman watched the crowd leave and leaned over to the River God with a smile, "Is that man from the Pantheon last night? What kind of person is that person who can even conquer our beautiful Lord River God?"

The River God is also angry when he thinks about it now, "He is the God Lord of the Pantheon, he acts very domineering, but his power is very terrifying. At that time, I was controlled by him without any resistance, and then the bastard used that kind of obscene means to deal with it. I."

The woman was a little surprised. She didn't expect that the God Lord of the Pantheon would come to their power.

Now all parties are full of curiosity and fear about this sudden appearance of the God Lord. What kind of person is he? He built the Pantheon with only one person's strength, and at an extremely fast speed, he successively attacked many gods and forces, making the Pantheon. Become one of the most powerful forces here.

From this point of view, the man is very scary and mysterious. No one knows who he is, only that he suddenly appeared here.

The woman was also very curious about Zhao Fu, and said with a smile, "Lord River God, tell me in detail what happened last night."

The River God blushed slightly, gave a light hum, and told what happened last night.

After listening to what happened, the woman said with a smile, "This Pantheon God Lord is quite charming, and now I am a little bit in love with him."

The River God glanced at her with a hint of anger, "What is there to like about such a man, I hate such a man to death."

The woman smiled and said, "I don't think so! Lord River God, you seem to like him a little bit."

The River God snorted softly and said with certainty, "I didn't!"

But when she finished speaking, her face turned red again.

The woman showed a smile, and did not continue to ask, saying, "Now I think joining the Pantheon is indeed the best choice. With the terribleness of the Pantheon's lord, the Pantheon will become the most powerful force here sooner or later."

Hearing this, the River God showed a smile, "I also have a hunch about this, otherwise I wouldn't surrender to him so easily."

The woman continued with a smile and said, "Lord River God! When you go to the River God Temple, take me with you. I also want to see him, and we will serve him together."

The river god glared at the woman with a blushing face.


The ugly fat man got off the bed, put on his clothes, opened the door, and came outside. He said in an ice-cold voice, "Pass my order and summon the generals and city lords of all parties."

The guard took the order and left quickly, conveying the order of the ugly fat man.

Afterwards, the ugly fat man sat in the temple and waited for the arrival of people from all sides.

After waiting for everyone to arrive, the ugly fat man said, "Now I declare that the power is surrendered to the Pantheon, and everyone will belong to the Pantheon in the future."

Everyone was stunned, and they didn't react, because they didn't expect the ugly fat man to say such a thing. Yesterday, he didn't directly throw away the gifts sent by the Pantheon, but also told the people from the Pantheon to go back.

"Why did you change to surrender to the Pantheon today?"

Most people don't have any opinions, and they don't dare to have any opinions. The power is an ugly fat man. Whatever decision he makes, they must abide by it.

And the ugly fat man is also very cruel. If you don't obey his orders, you will probably be chopped into meat sauce by him, and then fed those wolf poisonous flowers. Usually, no one dares to object to his words.

"I disagree!"

A woman with a hot body, wearing a red dress and a beautiful face, brought someone in and said rudely.

Many generals did not dare to say anything when they saw the people coming, but honestly stepped aside.

Because the person who came to him was the wife of the ugly fat man, and also the daughter of a goddess of a big power next to him. That power is the power that the ugly fat man is now attached to.

Ugly Fatty is now controlled by Zhao Fu, frowning, because of the memory of Ugly Fatty, Zhao Fu also understands the identity of the person in front of him.

The woman looked at the ugly fat man with disgust with her beautiful eyes, and said with a hint of arrogance, "If I really don't come, you ugly pig really thinks you are the master of the power, you don't know that this power is long ago. Belonging to the God of the Earth? As the daughter of the God of the Earth, I am the master of this power."

"And since you gave the order to surrender to the Pantheon, you are betraying the god of the earth. Now roll down and kowtow to me, and I can spare you a pig's life."

The group of people behind her also looked at the ugly fat man with a cold face, showing no courtesy.

The others also stayed by the side honestly, daring not to say anything.

Zhao Fu, who controlled the ugly fat man, couldn't help but feel a little anger in his heart when he said this to the woman, "What if I say no?"

The woman snorted coldly, "This is your own death. When I married you, it was for your godhead. Now I'm going to take the godhead in advance in the stands."

The woman stretched out her hand, a flower mark appeared in her palm, and a force rushed towards the ugly fat man. This is the power that can control the ugly fat man's soul. Without such a mark, the woman would also

I dare not speak like that before.

The power rushed towards the ugly fat man, but the ugly fat man did nothing at all, which made the woman look stunned for a moment, and hurriedly tried a few more times, a few strands of power poured out, but it was of no use to the ugly fat man at all.

The woman showed a stunned expression.

Because the ugly fat man's soul has long since disappeared, and now Zhao Fu is in control of his body.

The ugly fat man showed a grim smile.

The woman was startled, and hurriedly said to the person behind her, "Quickly protect and escape from here."

A group of people behind her also understood that something was wrong, and immediately protected the woman as she was about to leave.

The ugly fat man stretched out a hand directly, and a huge force poured out, grabbed the heads of those people, and shook his hand.

bang bang bang...

A person's head burst open, blood and brain plasma splashed all over the place, and a smell of fresh blood spread.

The others were too scared to say anything.

The woman was stained with a lot of blood, with a look of fear, "You can't kill me, my mother is the god of the earth."

The ugly fat man sneered and said, "I won't kill you. When your power is wiped out, I want your mother and your sisters to kneel in front of me and serve me, and then I will teach you a good lesson."

The woman's face became ugly, but she thought of something, "You are not that ugly pig. Since that ugly pig would never dare to say such a thing, who are you? You have already controlled that ugly pig."


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