The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1889 Gods (four more subscriptions)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

This book report is the news of all parties, mainly how they view the Pantheon, whether they want to start a war against the Pantheon, and if they want to do something, the Pantheon naturally has to prepare in advance.

There was no surprise in the result. The hostility of all parties to the Pantheon was already very strong, even stronger than the last time, because this time the Pantheon was stronger.

However, they have not directly attacked the Pantheon for the time being, and they seem to be waiting for an opportunity.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu immediately issued an order to digest these populations as soon as possible, and also strengthen the training of those newly recruited soldiers to prepare for war.

Putting this memorial down, Zhao Fu picked up a few more and looked at it.

Di Ling was on the side, looking at her mother hanging in mid-air, and her six sisters. She kept twisting her body with an uncomfortable expression, making those sounds, her heart was uncomfortable, and her eyes were filled with tears.

"Mother! Six sisters! Now our forces have been integrated into the Pantheon, and the people and soldiers have been taken over by the Pantheon. Now there is no chance to resist, you should surrender to the Lord!"

Among the hung goddesses, three of them wanted to surrender to Zhao Fu, and looked at Zhao Fu who was sitting above them with hunger, but because the other sisters and mother did not speak, they were not easy to speak.

At this time, the God of Earth also hesitated in her heart. Now that she has fallen into the hands of Zhao Fu, and the power belongs to the Pantheon, she has no resistance. If she does not surrender, then she is very likely to be kept by Zhao Fu. Such torture.

Thinking of this, the God of the Earth felt extremely ashamed. His hands were tied together by iron chains and hung in the air. He was not dressed yet, and he was injected with unknown power by that bastard, and he had such a big reaction.

At this time, Di Ling continued to persuade, "Mother! If you surrender to the Lord now, then you really don't need to be so uncomfortable. The Lord will favor you."

The God of the Earth thought for a while, and finally couldn't bear it anymore. He gritted his teeth and nodded, and hummed.

Di Ling immediately ran to Zhao Fu's side happily and put her arms around Zhao Fu's arm, "God Lord! Now the mother is willing to surrender to you, now you can let them go."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu raised his head and glanced at the beautiful woman in the air.

The beautiful woman also looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of beautiful eyes, with a hint of fiery in her eyes, but she felt ashamed and turned her head away.

With a wave of Zhao Fu's hand, the iron chains that bound their hands were loosened, and their bodies fell from the air, falling to the ground weakly.

At the same time, Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and an invisible force poured out, sealing the six desires and demonic energy in the bodies of the beautiful women.

The beautiful women also returned to normal, but the blush on their faces did not subside.

Zhao Fu turned his head and showed a smile, "Put your mother and sister on, and after you regain your strength, come to the Pantheon to find me."

Di Ling was a little surprised and said with a blushing face, "Didn't you want me, my mother and sisters to serve you together? Now we are all ready, thinking of being favored by the Lord."

Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, "Wait for some time! There is still business now."

Di Ling was a little disappointed, thinking of something and said shyly, "Lord Lord, let me tell you that I'm still a virgin, I didn't touch the wolf poison, and the wolf poison is actually an intersex person, both a man and a woman. ."

Zhao Fu already knew this, because Zhao Fu had controlled his body before, which was one of the reasons why Zhao Fu was relieved of Lang Po's body.

Zhao Fu chuckled, "I know!"

Afterwards, Zhao Fu stood up and left the room, Di Ling came to her mother and sister with a smile on her face, and took out the clothes for them.

The beautiful woman watched Zhao Fu leave, and asked a little disappointed, "Didn't that bastard say that we should serve him together? Why are you leaving now?"

Di Ling said with a smile, "The Lord said that there are still things to do, so he left first, but in the future, he will favor me, my mother, and six sisters."

The beautiful woman's face softened a little, and she took the clothes that Diling handed over.

The other women also quickly put on their clothes, and now their faces are still hot, and the sense of shame just now has not subsided, and I feel that this guy Zhao Fu is simply too bad and obscene.

After a while, the beautiful woman and several women regained their strength, and Di Ling took them to the Pantheon.

The beautiful woman and a few women came to the Pantheon and looked at the black marble floor, the exquisite white walls, the statues of gods in the middle, and a white gold spear stuck on the middle platform. They looked a little surprised. .

Among them, there are already several statues of them, which are placed in the outer position.

Many statues gather together to form a might of gods, and it also gives people an invisible pressure, just like facing the real gods, with a solemn and sacred momentum.

The god of the earth, the beautiful woman's pair of beautiful eyes fell on the ten thousand guns on the platform, and his heart was shocked, because he had already felt the breath of many gods' inheritance in it.

"This Pantheon is not only called the Pantheon, but it really has the inheritance of the Pantheon! Moreover, the power of this inheritance is so strong, no wonder he said that he is the Lord of the Gods, leading countless gods, and now there is this inheritance of the Pantheon, He is qualified to be the Lord of God and lead countless gods."

Thinking of this, the beautiful woman was shocked and couldn't help but feel a little excited. She also had a feeling that the Pantheon might really lead the gods in the future.

Then she joined the Pantheon early now, and her status will be higher and higher in the future, which is countless times better than before. Now the God of the Earth has no regrets, and also reveals

a smile.

At this time, Zhao Fu was standing on the platform, and Di Ling brought the goddess of the earth and the daughters to the front and saluted, "God! We are here."

Now Zhao Fu has just absorbed the divine power of many gods before, and also let those gods inject divine power into the Wanshen Gun to strengthen the power of the Wanshen Gun.

Zhao Fu looked at them and said, "Now you inject your own divine power into the spear, with the power of inheritance injected into the power of inheritance, and the power of inheritance without the power of inheritance into the divine power."

The goddess of the earth also stood to the side obediently, stretched out a hand, and a huge god gushed out, forming a different force pouring into the ten thousand gods gun.

That magic spear constantly absorbs this divine power, emitting all kinds of divine light, and its aura is getting bigger and bigger.

In the end, the Pantheon Gun absorbed countless divine powers, and it was improved at one time, and the attributes of the overall Pantheon were also enhanced at one time.

Zhao Fu had absorbed their divine power just now when he trained them, so he didn't need to absorb them at this time. Seeing their pale faces, Zhao Fu smiled and asked them to go down to regain their strength.

The God of the Earth felt Zhao Fu's concern, showed a smile, and took his daughter down to recover his strength first, intending to wait for the time to chat with Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu turned around to check the properties of the Pan God Spear.


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