The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1890 God King

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Now that the Pan God Spear absorbs the divine power of 38 gods, its power is already terrible. Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and pulled out the Pan God Spear, waved it a few times, and brought out a terrifying fluctuation, and then inserted the Pan God Spear back in satisfaction. .

Zhao Fu doesn't have any plans right now, because he has just merged so many forces and needs to digest it, so Zhao Fu can't do anything.

Back in the Pantheon, Zhao Fu was dealing with various things.

The jade goddess walked in from the outside with a hint of dissatisfaction. "What did you just do with those goddesses in the room? I watched them all come out blushing and powerless."

Zhao Fu chuckled, "I didn't do anything, just tame a few of them."

The jade goddess showed a smile and sat on Zhao Fu's body, with her arms around Zhao Fu's waist, with a hint of shyness, "You said that you should spoil me first, but don't do anything to other goddesses first."

Zhao Fu smiled and hugged the Jade Goddess, gave a light hum, and then asked, "Has the matter I asked you to investigate progressed?"

Now that the power has grown stronger and has the ability to inquire about news, Zhao Fu asked the jade goddess to inquire about the God of Time, or things that contain time attributes.

The jade goddess replied, "There is nothing to gain, and there are few gods related to time in the world of gods, and their power is also very terrifying, with the ability to change the time of a region."

Zhao Fu frowned, "Everything is different from what I thought. Although there are time gods in the world of gods, there are only a small number of them. According to the description of the jade goddess, being able to control the time of an area is indeed very scary."

"No matter what the unfavorable situation is, you can use the time backwards to restore yourself to a favorable position. If you can't escape, you can also use time to return to a certain place, which is extremely difficult to deal with."

"So in the world of gods, the god of time is a very powerful god, which is understandable."

Zhao Fu said with some disappointment, "Then you continue to collect information about this."

The jade goddess asked with some doubts, "Why are you looking for these things, are they useful to you?"

Zhao Fu hummed, "You will know later."

The Jade Goddess smiled lightly and said, "This time, I actually didn't gain anything. I heard the news that the activities of the King of Gods in the Divine Realm will be launched at one time."

The realm of the gods is the central area of ​​the world of the gods. Zhao Fu already knows this, but as for the king of the gods, he doesn't understand it. He asked, "What's going on in detail, tell me about it."

The jade goddess smiled and began to explain to Zhao Fu.

The King of the Gods of the Gods Realm is jointly organized by the major forces of the Gods Realm. It is held every nine years. It is the largest event in the Gods Realm and attracts the attention of the entire Gods Realm.

Every time the gods from all sides will be present, there are all kinds of gods, and there should be the god of time that Zhao Fu is looking for. If Zhao Fu goes there, he will definitely find the god of time.

This could not help but surprise Zhao Fu, and listened to the jade goddess.

Many young new gods will compete fiercely in the event, and the one who wins in the end will be given the title of Lord of the Gods. Lord of the gods.

Of course, this title of Lord of the Gods will only be given for nine years. After nine years, the activities of the King of the Gods will be held at one time, and a new Lord of the Gods will appear at that time.

Everyone can only participate in this event once. Once this opportunity is lost, it is impossible to become the master of the gods in this life, so the gods of all parties also attach great importance to this event.

In this event, people who have achieved different rankings will also be rewarded, and there are also the top 100 people. After all, it is the largest event in the entire world of gods, and the rewards are naturally indispensable, and they are all very precious.

What surprised Zhao Fu was the first-ranked reward, that is, the reward of the king of the gods, among which was the fire of the gods.

The fire of the gods is a kind of flame that condenses countless fires. It has the power to burn the gods, and it is also the most terrifying flame in the world. If you can integrate it into your body, you can directly grasp this terrible power.

The reason for Zhao Fu's surprise is not that Zhao Fu wants to integrate the fire of the gods, but that the fire of the gods can be used to create a great cauldron, so that Lingji has the ability to refine the consciousness of the world.

The main material of the Great Desolate Cauldron, the source of divine iron, Zhao Fu has already obtained in the foreign land. The stone is the core material, and the alchemy world can exchange it on the stone tablet. Now Daqin is constantly acquiring points, and the purpose is to exchange the stone.

And the last piece of material for the Great Cauldron is to need a very terrifying flame, preferably one of the most terrifying flames in the world. This fire of the gods fully meets the requirements.

As long as you get the fire of the gods, plus the original source iron, and finally exchange the stone, you can give it to Lingji to fight the great cauldron.

When Ling Ji has the Great Cauldron, she can devour the consciousness of various worlds and become an existence similar to the world of Apocalypse.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu couldn't help being a little excited, and asked, "When will the King of Gods event start?"

The jade goddess said in a sullen voice, "Why are you in such a hurry? The event will not start for more than half a year, and it won't help you to rush over now."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu's face was startled, and he thought, "It's more than half a year? Is there still such a long time? There is really no need to worry about this matter. Now we should develop the Pantheon first and wait.

Then go to the realm of the gods. "

Then he smiled and said, "I see, this news is very useful to me."

The jade goddess was also a little happy, with a smile on her face, "That's good! Now what are you going to do next to the Pantheon?"

Zhao Fuyi wanted to answer, "First digest the devoured forces, and then eliminate the relatively large forces around, so that the Pantheon is not in any danger. When the time comes, the Pantheon will be handed over to the five of you, and I will also leave here and go to the realm of the gods."

The Jade Goddess said unhappily, "Aren't you going to take me with you? I want to go to the Divine Realm with you. I haven't seen it there again, and I just happened to go there to take a look. As for the power, just leave it to the four of them."

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "That won't work! I don't know what I'll meet along the way, and why don't you be honest here as the Palace Master?"

The jade goddess said with worried eyes, "I don't worry about you, a bad guy. What if you hook up with other goddesses and come back and abolish us? I feel safer by your side."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "You can rest assured, your status will not be shaken, but you must quickly increase the power of the gods during this period of time, don't let me down."


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