The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1894 God's War (Subscription)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu's target is not them, but one of their army. Zhao Fu said before that the grievances and grievances of various forces are relatively large, and they are bigger than the Pantheon. If they provoke their relationship, then they will war occurs.

That way they won't attack the Pantheon, and the Pantheon can finally get a bargain and kill two birds with one stone.

The biggest opponent of this force is the force on the left, called the Bear God Force, with a population of 400 million, more than 30 million troops, and eight gods. The strength of these eight gods is relatively average.

Zhao Fu's plan was to control an army of the mountain god forces to attack the bear god forces. The two of them had a lot of grudges and their strengths were similar. Once such a thing happened, it was very likely that a war would break out.

After a while, Zhao Fu came to the border of the two forces.

At this time, the soldiers of the mountain gods were guarding the top of the defensive city wall, surrounded by sticks inlaid with lighting orbs, which were inserted into the defensive wall, emitting light to illuminate the four directions.

The forces of a faction will not be gathered in one place, but scattered everywhere. Otherwise, Zhao Fu will not be able to deal with the 30 million troops gathered together, let alone control them.

Zhao Fu is now hidden in the air, and his eyes are carefully examining the bottom. Apart from the soldiers guarding the upper city wall, there is also a military camp below the city wall, and there are also many soldiers.

A total of about 500,000, which is not a lot for Zhao Fu, and it is within the controllable range.

Zhao Fu came to the ground, a dark corner that no one noticed, squatted on the ground, and pressed one hand on the ground.


A roar sounded, and the power of a huge demon poured out from Zhao Fu's body. A black and exquisite magic circle radiated from the top of the ground, emitting a faint black light, and an evil and charming aura.

Zhao Fu's eyes turned into a pair of pupils like blood-colored roses. When he pressed his hand on the ground, he pressed it hard, and a huge demonic power poured into the ground.

The soldiers on the city wall were guarding, and the soldiers in the barracks were fast asleep, or eating supper, completely unaware that something was wrong, wisps of black aura gushed out from the ground and quietly poured into their bodies.

In just an instant, the soldiers on the city wall and the soldiers in the barracks froze suddenly, their eyes turned black, and then returned to normal.

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Fu's mouth, and he walked out of the dark corner. The other Mountain God soldiers gathered together with an icy expression and followed behind Zhao Fu.

Gathering countless soldiers, Zhao Fu directly attacked the nearby Bear God forces.

The soldiers of the Bear God's forces were originally guarding the city wall. When they discovered the large-scale attack, they were also stunned and puzzled. They didn't understand why the Mountain God soldiers would attack without warning.

However, seeing this scene now, they did not hesitate, and immediately raised the alarm.

Countless bear god soldiers gathered, and the battle between the two sides started.


The arrows flew towards the city wall with a strong force, bringing out a huge arrow.

The bear god soldier on the city wall just wanted to defend the shield against the arrow that was shot in the past.


An evil force poured into their bodies, making their bodies stiff, arrows pierced through their bodies, blood splashed everywhere, and the soldiers fell to the ground and died.

Countless mountain god soldiers with a ferocious aura attacked the city wall very easily, because the bear god soldiers on the city wall were all stiff in place, like a piece of wood.

Because Zhao Fu used the power of the demon to control the bear god soldier on the city wall.

Those mountain god soldiers attacked the city wall, waving their weapons, directly slashing and killing those soldiers who stood motionless, then rushed behind the city wall and rushed into the small towns to slaughter.

When the bear god forces heard the news, they were furious. They moved the surrounding army to destroy the soldiers who had entered, but the anger in their hearts could not be quelled.

"This mountain god force suddenly launched an attack on our force, killing so many people and soldiers. We want them to pay the price. I suggest mobilizing all the troops to attack the mountain god force."

"I feel a little strange, why suddenly 500,000 troops suddenly attacked and broke our defense so easily."

"No matter what the reason, the fact is that the soldiers of the bear god attacked us, and the soldiers of the bear god must pay the price. They have already attacked our forces and killed our soldiers and people. If we don't do anything, will there be any face? I am not convinced, will those soldiers and commoners understand that?”

"Don't be in such a hurry. I think war can be fought. Recently, the mobilization of the forces of the mountain gods has been unusual, and the attitude is a bit crazy. We might as well start first."

"Yeah! I can take action now and let the mountain gods be honest. I have been waiting for this day. The last time and this time, I can take revenge again."


Because the two sides have grievances and grievances, this incident is a fuse, and no matter what is strange, most of the bear god forces are in favor of attacking the mountain god forces. In the end, the bear god force gathered forces and launched an attack on the mountain god soldiers. .

The mountain god forces were also stunned. They didn't know why the soldiers ran to attack the bear god forces without their orders, and they broke through it easily and started massacres against the bear god forces.


The expressions of these mountain gods became ugly, because they felt the breath of conspiracy, and someone must have designed it.

But it was indeed their soldiers who attacked the past, how could they explain it? This can't be explained at all. Even if there is a reason to explain it, will the power of the bear god be forgotten? It could have been the enemy.

This war has to be fought.

Some people from the mountain god forces are of the more belligerent type. They are very happy to hear that their soldiers have entered the bear god force, because they killed the enemy, and now facing the attack of the bear god force, they also strongly demand to fight.

In the end, the power of the mountain god can only fight. The power of the bear god is attacking. They can't stand there and fight the power of the bear god. They actually want to attack the power of the bear god. Care.


The soldiers of the bear god charged forward, with a huge momentum, like a tide, they attacked the power of the mountain god, and the momentum was extremely fierce and frightening.

The army of mountain gods on the city wall also had a murderous look on their faces. In the face of this old enemy, they also killed them and avenged their relatives and friends who had died.

The battle started very quickly, blood was splashing continuously, screams were constantly being heard, people on both sides were constantly fighting, and the scene was in chaos.

Zhao Fu, who was hiding in the void, saw the scene in front of him and showed a smile.


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