The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1895 Holy Son

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

After watching the two sides fight fiercely, Zhao Fu did not continue to participate, but disappeared in place and went to the next target.

This time Zhao Fu chose three goals, the Mountain God was actually the first one, and there were two more goals.

These goals can’t be too many, although too many can create a lot of contradictions, but the suspicion of the Pantheon is too great, and anyone with a discerning eye will see that it is the Pantheon, which may cause the anger of all the forces and launch a fierce attack on the Pantheon.

The second goal is one of the most powerful forces here, with a population of 600 million and a force of 50 to 60 million. Its strength is similar to that of the current Pantheon.

The force is called the Sun God Force, and there are three gods in it. Although the number is small, the three gods are very terrifying. Generally, three ordinary gods can't beat one.

There are no forces of comparable strength nearby, and the most powerful one has only 400 million forces, more than 30 million troops, and six gods.

Zhao Fu soon came to this Sun God force. The two forces were a bit big. If Zhao Fu controlled some forces of the Sun God force to attack that faction, that faction might not be able to attack with all their strength.

And the soldiers who control that faction attack the Sun God faction, which is not very good, because it is impossible for a weak force to suddenly attack a powerful force.

In this way, many people understand that someone is designing a conspiracy.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fu has just used this method. If he uses it for the second time, it is easy to associate this time with the last time.

However, because Zhao Fu collected all kinds of information, he also thought of another method.

The Sun God Force has a very talented Sun Son, who is also very handsome, and is the most popular man in the Sun God Force.

But he was arrogant, and everyone except the three gods regarded him as a lowly thing, which made him disgusted by many people.

Zhao Fu's target is him.

At this moment, the Son of the Sun was in a luxurious room, looking at a very beautiful woman next to him.

This woman has long golden hair, fair skin, a pair of golden pupils, a tall stature, and is wearing a white dress.

She is the saint of the sun, and her aptitude is also very high, but she is a little worse than the son of the sun, and she is also the number one beauty in the power of the sun god.

The two of them have been married by three gods, because the three gods want to use them to give birth to a son of the sun.

This Son of the Sun was born with a very high aptitude, and with a huge divine aura, he will lead the Sun forces to glory.

The Son of the Sun looked at the Saint of the Sun with a hint of arrogance, "Although your conditions are not as good as mine, I still like you very much. Now that the gods have given you to me, you should accept me earlier."

The Holy Maiden of the Sun frowned, she obviously didn't like the way of the Son of the Sun, and said calmly, "I understand this myself, I will accept God's arrangement to marry you and give birth to the Son of God, but not now, I am at this time. It doesn't belong to you, please don't interfere in any of my affairs."

Saint Son of the Sun chuckled and said with a domineering voice, "You have been my thing from the beginning, and I don't like you to have contact with any man, you must remain holy and immaculate, and stay away from other men in the future."

The Holy Maiden of the Sun burst out with anger, staring at the Holy Son of the Sun with a pair of eyes.

Saint Son of the Sun didn't care at all, and said with a smile, "Remember this, I'll go first!"


A man wearing a black cloak appeared in the room. Saint Son of the Sun was shocked and felt the horror of the visitor, "Who are you? How dare you come here."

The Holy Maiden of the Sun looked at the man who appeared silently in the room, her expression changed, and she also understood Zhao Fu's strength.

Zhao Fu looked at the Sun Son, but did not answer his words. His eyes turned into blood-colored roses, and a huge demonic power burst out, like a tide rushing towards the Sun Son.

Although the Holy Son of the Sun is very powerful to others, for Zhao Fu, he is very weak.

The Son of the Sun wanted to resist with the power of the sun, but was directly overwhelmed by the huge demonic energy. The demonic energy poured into his body like a tide and controlled his body very quickly.

When the Sun Saint saw the Sun Son, she was controlled, her heart sank suddenly, and she wanted to leave here immediately.

But a pair of terrifying eyes turned to her, and the Sun Saint's body immediately stiffened in place, and she felt a sense of fear in her heart. The person in front of her felt several times more terrifying than the gods.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, and a huge evil spirit rushed towards the Sun Saint.

Saint Sun didn't want to end up like the Son of Sun, and hurriedly knelt on the ground, "The little girl is willing to surrender to the adults!"

Originally, Saint Sun had some thoughts of wanting to leave, because she didn't like Saint Sun, but the three gods made her have to be the wife of Saint Sun, and now she was willing to surrender to Zhao Fu for her own safety.

From her point of view, there must be nothing good about Zhao Fu coming here, otherwise he would not be so secretive.

Zhao Fu heard the words, his face did not change, the evil spirit still poured into the sun saintess.

The Holy Maiden of the Sun was startled, and just wanted to resist, but the demonic energy just poured into her body, and she was no different. The Holy Maiden of the Sun breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that Zhao Fu accepted her surrender.

Zhao Fu looked at the Saint of the Sun with a pair of eyes, and said in a flat tone, "Let's go!"

The Sun Maiden nodded and fought from the ground.

Zhao Fu radiated a force that enveloped the two of them, disappeared directly in place, and flew towards the forces next to them.

The Holy Maiden of the Sun flew behind Zhao Fu and asked carefully, "Sir! May I ask what your identity is?"

Zhao Fu was flying in front, and now Saintess of the Sun has surrendered to him, and has nothing to hide, and replied, "The Lord of the Pantheon!"

The Holy Maiden of the Sun looked at Zhao Fu with some surprise in her heart. She did not expect that the person in front of her was the Divine Master of the most famous Pantheon recently. No wonder she was so powerful.

Then why is he taking the two of them to the forces next to the Sun God? The Holy Maiden of the Sun vaguely guessed something, and her face became a little nervous.

Afterwards, the three of Zhao Fu came to a city.

Zhao Fu and the Sun Saintess were hiding in the void, and the Sun Saint Son rushed directly into the city to open the killing ring, took out the long sword in his hand, and kept slashing out sword beams, killing those people, screaming in agony. continuously.

The Holy Maiden of the Sun stood beside Zhao Fu, looking at the Son of the Sun who was completely controlled, and understood that if she did not surrender before, it would be the same fate.

And Zhao Fu brought them here, and also opened the killing ring, the purpose is to trigger a war between the two forces, the Sunshine has already guessed this.


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